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Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. "T
hat the Molossians[...]spoke Illyrian or another barbaric tongue was nowhere suggested, although Aeschylus and Pindar wrote of Molossian lands. That they in fact spoke Greek was implied by Herodotus' inclusion of Molossi among the Greek colonists of Asia Minor, but became demonstrable only when D. Evangelides published two long inscriptions of the Molossian State, set up p. 369 B.C at Dodona, in Greek and with Greek names, Greek patronymies and Greek tribal names such as Celaethi, Omphales, Tripolitae, Triphylae, etc. As the Molossian cluster of tribes in the time of Hecataeus included the Orestae, Pelagones, Lyncestae, Tymphaei and Elimeotae, as we have argued above, we may be confident that they too were Greek-speaking."

The Cambridge Ancient History - Cambridge University Press

Cambridge University Press

2.Errington, Malcolm R. A History of Macedonia. University of California Press, , ISBN 0520063198.:

"The Molossians were the strongest and, decisive for Macedonia, most easterly of the three most important Epeirot tribes, which, like Macedonia but unlike the Thesprotians and the Chaonians, still retained their monarchy. They were Greeks, spoke a similar dialect to that of Macedonia, suffered just as much from the depredations of the Illyrians and were in principle the natural partners of the Macedonian king who wished to tackle the Illyrian problem at its roots."

A History of Macedonia
University of California Press

Universität Illinois aus den USA :"

Jones, Archer (2001). The art of war in the Western world. Urbana: University of Illinois Press. p. 32. ISBN 0-252-06966-8. "The particulars of these with Pyrrhus of the Greek kingdom of Epirus"

Archer Jones / The Art of War in the Western World

The University of Illinois Press

Alles durcheinander, alles Kreuz und Quer, irgendwelche Homepages von Universitäten, keine Seitenangaben im Literaturverzeichnis, nichts!

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(Chaones), eins von den drei Hauptvölkern von Epirus, illyrischen Stammes, hatte früher das ganze Land inne, bewohnte aber später nur den Küstenstrich vom Thyamisfluß (jetzt Kalamas) bis zu dem Akrokeraunischen Vorgebirge.
Die Chaoner sind die Vorfahren der heutigen Albanesen.

Quelle : Seite 3.939, Chanykow - Chapeau | Lexikon '88


führender illyrischer Stamm in Epirus, in dessen Gebiet die Orakelstätte Dodona lag; enge Beziehungen zu Thessalien und früher Anschluss an Griechenland; Glanzzeit unter König Pyrrhos am Beginn des 3. Jahrhunderts v. Chr.

Quelle : Molosser | wissen.de

[SIZE=+2]Die hauptsächlich illyrische Bevölkerunng hielt bis ins 4. Jh. v.Chr. an ihrer Stammeseinteilung fest; die wichtigsten Stämme waren die Thesproten, die Molosser und die Chaonen. Der Molosser-König Alexander I. (Schwager des Philipp II.) vereinte die Epirus-Stämme.

[/SIZE][SIZE=+2]Illustriertes Lexikon des Altertums: Seite 146[/SIZE]

[SIZE=+2]Epeiros war von illyrischen Stämmen bewohnt, in denen die Griechen Barbaren erblickten. Es wurde deswegen nicht zum eigentlichen Griechenland gerechnet. Erst im 4. Jahrhundert v.u.Z. kam es allmählich zur Herausbildung einer städtischen Kultur, zur Hellenisierung der Stämme und der Begründung eines einheitlichen Staatswesens unter dem Stammes-Königtum der Molosser

[/SIZE][SIZE=+2]KLEINES Lexikon des Hellenismus.: Seite 189[/SIZE]
dyrrachion oder pyrrhus.. diese ganzen antiken namen mit dem Doppel "rr" lassen sich aber eigentlich nur im albanischen wiederfinden heutzutage.
Epirus, though mostly held by people of Grecian speech and lineage, had an intermixture of those called barbarians; Illyrians, and perhaps others. Herodotus however, among earliest, and Plutarch, among late ancient historians, clearly reckon the Molossians a Grecian people. Some expressions of Thucydides and Strabo may perhaps be construed either way. But, as it has been formerly observed, Herodotus, Thucydides, and Strabo concur in showing that all Greece was of mixed population; and how the distinction of Greek and barbarian, unknown to Homer, arose, and what at last it was, always remained uncertain. Strabo however, clearly acknowledging the Macedonian for a Greek nation, assures us that the general language of the Epirots was the Macedonian dialect of the Greek; that where another language, probably the Illyric, was in use, the people commonly spoke both, and that, in habits and manners, most of the Epirots hardly differed from the Macedonians.
The governments of the Epirot states were, some Republican with annual chief magistrates, as at Athens, Thebes, and Rome; others monarchal. That of Molossis, from earliest tradition, was monarchal; and whether the people may have been more or less allowed the always questionable dignity of pure Grecian blood, yet the claim of the royal family to the oldest and noblest Grecian origin, resting on tradition, but asserted by Straho and Plutarch, with Aristotle’s assent implied, is not found anywhere controverted. They reckoned themselves direct descendants ofNeoptolemus Pyrrhus, son of Achilles; who, it was said, ‘” after the Trojan war, migrating from Thessaly, be¬came king of Molossis, Whatever credit may be due to this lofty pretension, that the Molossian sceptre remained in one Greek family, from times beyond certain history till after Aristotle’s age, appears satisfactorily testified.
By advantage of situation and constitution, exempt from great troubles, Molossis, had it had historians, probably afforded little for general interest. Nevertheless we learn from the father of Grecian history that, some generations before his time, it was esteemed respectable among Grecian states. The tale wherein this appears, like many of that writer, somewhat of a romantic cast, nevertheless may have been true in all its parts; and for the information it affords of an important change of manners and policy among the Greeks, and of the florishing condition of several republics about the age of the Athenian legislator Solon, some destroyed before the historian wrote, others little heard of since, while Molossis apparently remained unshaken, it maybe reckoned of considerable historical value.
Clisthenes, tyrant of Sicyon, under whose rule that little state was eminent among those of Peloponnesus,’ desiring, the historian says, to marry his daughter to a man of the greatest consideration and highest worth of all Greece, opened his house for any who, from personal dignity and the eminence of their countries, might have pretensions; that so he might have oppor¬tunity to estimate their merits. Thirteen guests, rivals for his favor, are thus described. There came from the Greek colonies in Italy, then florishing extraordinarily, Smindyrides of Sybaris and Damas of Siris. The former was remarked for going beyond all of his time in the luxury for which Sybaris was renowned. Damas was son of that Samyris who was distinguished by the epithet of the Wise. Am-phimnestus came from Epidamnus, on the coast of the Ionian gulf. Males was of jjEtolia, brother of Titormus, esteemed the strongest man in Greece, but who had withdrawn from the society of men to reside in the farthest part of yEtolia.3 Lcocedes was son of Phi don, tyrant of Argos; that Phidon, says the historian, who established uniformity of weights and measures throughout Peloponnesus, and, together with his power, (so far, it may seem, bene¬ficially exerted,) was remarked for an arrogance un¬equalled among the Greeks; for, depriving the Eleans of the presidency of the Olympian festival, he assumed it himself. Two came from Arcadia, Amiantus of Trapezus, and Laphanes of Pafos. The father of the latter, Euphorion, was celebrated for his extensive. hospitality, and had the extraordinary fame of having entertained the gods Castor and Pollux. Lysanias came from Eretria in Eubcea, then greatly florishing; Onomastus from Elea: Megacles and Hippoclides were of Athens; the latter esteemed the richest Athenian of his time, and the handsomest: Diac-tondes was of Cranon and Scopada? in Thessaly; Alcon was of Molossis. This simple description of Alcon, combined with what has preceded, enough marks that the Molossians were esteemed a Grecian people, and Molossis then considerable among the Grecian states. One of the Athenians, Megacles, was the successful suitor.
“The history of Greece”, by lord Redesdale By William Mitford

und nun mach dich vom acker aulon
αρτεmi;1442733 schrieb:
dyrrachion oder pyrrhus.. diese ganzen antiken namen mit dem Doppel "rr" lassen sich aber eigentlich nur im albanischen wiederfinden heutzutage.

Soviel zu Dir :

Die slawischen Mazedonier (maz. Македонци, transl. Makedonci) sind eine südslawische Ethnie. Sie bilden heute neben der größten Minderheit der Albaner das Staatsvolk Mazedoniens[1]. Die slawischen Mazedonier sind nicht mit den antiken Makedonen zu verwechseln. Teilweise beanspruchen sie eine Verwandtschaft mit ihnen, die aber wissenschaftlich nicht belegbar ist.

αρτεmi;1442733 schrieb:
dyrrachion oder pyrrhus.. diese ganzen antiken namen mit dem Doppel "rr" lassen sich aber eigentlich nur im albanischen wiederfinden heutzutage.

oh man....

Pyrrhus, eigentlich Pyrrhos (* ca. 319/18 v. Chr.; † 272 v. Chr. in Argos), griechisch Πύρρος („feuerfarben“, „rot“)

Durrës (albanisch auch Durrësi, griechisch Δυρράχιον Dyrrhachion, lateinisch Dyrrachium, italienisch Durazzo)

ist griechisch artemi jetzt hör auf zu stänkern ;)