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Freiheitskämpfer oder Terroristen?

Well, if even political science lecturers at Zagreb Filozofski fakultet fail to get that thought into their head, how should 17-year-old Balkan diaspora boys?
Schiptar schrieb:
Well, if even political science lecturers at Zagreb Filozofski fakultet fail to get that thought into their head, how should 17-year-old Balkan diaspora boys?

true... true... ;-)
Nee, das war echt so, da war ein an sich recht fitter junger Politikdozent, der aber partout darauf beharrte, daß die Tschetschenen keine Terroristen sondern Freiheitskämpfer seien.
Und ich hab versucht ihm klarzumachen, daß Begriffe wie "Terrorist", "Freiheitskämpfer", usw. immer wertend sind und deshalb in der Wissenschaft nichts verloren haben.
Aber der blickte das nicht und machte nur so weiter: "Eh, die Russen massakrieren deren Kinder, die Russen sind die Terroristen..."
Aber mir ging's ja nur um die Terminologie, nicht um die spezifischen "Fakten" im Tschetscheneinkonflikt... :roll:
It's a tough question, emotions play a great role. I'll be hhonest. I saw kosovars as terrorists, but more or less because they were messing with my serbian slavic brothers. On the other hand I'm not bothert by iraqui fighters, since I'm against US policy.
There, you see. 8)

Whether one sees a certain politically-motivated fighter as a terrorist or a freedom fighter depends on what what thinks of his political aims and of his enemies, not on his behaviour.

That's why I think the term 'terrorist' should be de-politicised so that it only refers to a set of tactics, not to what one thinks of the legitimacy of his struggle.
As a first step everybody should admit that he is not able to judge who is terrorist. And then schluss mit War against Terrorism.
Hell yeah, that whole notion of a "War on Terrorism" is the biggest joke of all anyway...

I mean, everyone knows about how the US has been sponsoring its own 'terrorists' (i.e. people illegally blowing up stuff and killing people for political gains) for decades. Bin Laden & co in Afghanistan, the Contras in Nicaragua, etc. :roll:

PS: Cujemo se! Gotta read some more of those Satanic Verses of Rushdie's now.. :wink: