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Georgievski: Τελειώνει ο χρόνος για την ΠΓΔΜ

der vatikan erkennt sie als griechen an die den slawen die schrift brachten. das steht zb in wiki.

Aber wie früher, so auch heute ist die Sachlage klar, was "griechisch" und "original makedonisch" ist.

Was heute Griechenland ist, muss nicht griechisch sein ;) Irgendwann kommt ihr aus eurer "Homophobie" also der Traumvorstellung man/ihr wäret Homogen, auch mal raus ;)

Ioannidis: I am original Macedonian from Gevgelija
Thursday, 24 May 2012

Yannis Ioannidis of Nea Democratia belongs to that "other" group of ethnic Macedonians living in Greece.

On Greek national TV Ioannidis stated he was born in Gevgelija, adding he was an original Macedonian. Moments later he contradicted himself explaining that "here" was the original Macedonia! Greek media remained silent to his statement, even when he claimed Greece had not managed to free Gevgelija! This sort of irredentist statements by Greek politicians are common and welcomed by both media and public.

Ioannidis' family indeed is from the small southern Macedonian city of Gevgelija, he was born and grew up there. Their last name was "Dajcev", needless to say he speaks and understands Macedonian perfectly. Both of his parents never learned to speak Greek. Upon their move to Solun, the family changed their last name to Datsis to make it sound more Greek. However, during his basketball days he got the nickname 'Ioannidis' which stuck to this day.

He is considered a basketball legend in Greece, coached Aris in the 80's and early 90's, Olympiakos, AEK and the Greek national team.
Once he retired from basketball Ioannidis entered politics as an MP from Solun (2004). Since then he's been an MP for Nea Democratia. During his recent TV interview as preparation for the upcoming elecitons, Ioannidis warned Greeks not to vote for Syriza because the left leaning party had no problems with Macedonia's name. For Ioannidis this was unacceptable.

We have said this before and we'll say it once more: It's this type of "Greeks" who are the problem for the normalizations of relations between Macedonia and Greece.

MINA Breaking News

Selbst eure Politiker kommen durcheinander :lol27:
Aber wie früher, so auch heute ist die Sachlage klar, was "griechisch" und "original makedonisch" ist.

Was heute Griechenland ist, muss nicht griechisch sein ;) Irgendwann kommt ihr aus eurer "Homophobie" also der Traumvorstellung man/ihr wäret Homogen, auch mal raus ;)

Ioannidis: I am original Macedonian from Gevgelija
Thursday, 24 May 2012

Yannis Ioannidis of Nea Democratia belongs to that "other" group of ethnic Macedonians living in Greece.

On Greek national TV Ioannidis stated he was born in Gevgelija, adding he was an original Macedonian. Moments later he contradicted himself explaining that "here" was the original Macedonia! Greek media remained silent to his statement, even when he claimed Greece had not managed to free Gevgelija! This sort of irredentist statements by Greek politicians are common and welcomed by both media and public.

Ioannidis' family indeed is from the small southern Macedonian city of Gevgelija, he was born and grew up there. Their last name was "Dajcev", needless to say he speaks and understands Macedonian perfectly. Both of his parents never learned to speak Greek. Upon their move to Solun, the family changed their last name to Datsis to make it sound more Greek. However, during his basketball days he got the nickname 'Ioannidis' which stuck to this day.

He is considered a basketball legend in Greece, coached Aris in the 80's and early 90's, Olympiakos, AEK and the Greek national team.
Once he retired from basketball Ioannidis entered politics as an MP from Solun (2004). Since then he's been an MP for Nea Democratia. During his recent TV interview as preparation for the upcoming elecitons, Ioannidis warned Greeks not to vote for Syriza because the left leaning party had no problems with Macedonia's name. For Ioannidis this was unacceptable.

We have said this before and we'll say it once more: It's this type of "Greeks" who are the problem for the normalizations of relations between Macedonia and Greece.

MINA Breaking News

Selbst eure Politiker kommen durcheinander :lol27:

Der Typ sieht ja auch wie ein Grieche aus :^^: sein Nachname war früher Dajcev..müsste nur mal seine Verwandten in Gevgelija besuchen dann wäre ihm alles klar aber was Gehirnwäsche und Euros ausmachen :facepalm: