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Geschichte Serbien-Montenegro's identisch - Ein Volk eine Ethnie | Jüngere Geschichte


Nach Jahrhunderte langer Osmanischer Besetzung führten mehrere serbisch Dynastien den Befreiungskampf an. Während die Karadjordjevic Dynasatie unter Karadjordje (Eltern stammen aus Montenegro) und Obrenovic Dynastie unter Milos Obrenovic im 19 Jh. im Heutigen Serbien Gebiete nach und nach befreiten herrschte in Montenegro die Petrovic Njegos Dynastie formal schon seit Anfang des 18 Jh. So entstanden nach der Weltweiten Anerkennung 2 serbische Königreiche auf dem Balkan, Königreich Serbien und Königreich Montenegro.

Nach dem die Petrovic Njegos Dynastie 1916 nach der Besatzung Österreich-Ungarns abdanken musste schloß sich Montenegro nach dem 1 WK 1918 dem Königreich Serbien an. Unter Tito wurde später das heutige Montenegro Serbien entrissen und eine eigene kommunistische Republik gegründet. 60 Jahre falscher Geschichtsunterricht und Kopfwäsche führten dazu das sich Heute ein Teil der Montenegriner nicht mehr als Serben fühlen.

Petrovic Njegos Dynastie

The House of Petrović-Njegoš (Cyrillic: Петровић-Његош) has been the Royal House of Montenegro since 1696. Montenegro had enjoyed de facto independence from the Ottoman Empire from 1711 but only received formal international recognition as an independent principality in 1878.

Montenegro was ruled from inception by Vladikas, Prince-Bishops, who had a dual temporal and spiritual role. In 1852 this role was amended to be a purely temporal office. In 1910 the ruling prince Nikola I announced his elevation to King. In 1916 King Nikola I was ousted by the invasion and occupation of his country by Austria-Hungary that was followed by invasion and occupation by Serbia and his formal deposition in 1918 as Montenegro was annexed by the emergent Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes.

A period of eighty years of control from Belgrade followed during which Nikola I died in exile in France in 1921 followed shorty afterwards by the surprise abdication of his son and heir, Danilo III, the same year. The latter's nephew, Michael Petrović-Njegoš, inherited the titles of his predecessors whilst in exile in France and survived arrest and internment by order of Adolf Hitler for refusing to head up a puppet Montenegrin state aligned to the Axis Powers. He was succeeded by his son Nicholas Petrović-Njegoš in 1986. Nicholas returned to Montenegro to support the Montenegrin independence movement that went on to achieve full sovereignty for the Republic of Montenegro in 2006 referendum.

The present Head of the Royal House uses the regnal name Nicholas II of Montenegro.

Heads of the House of Petrović-Njegoš (1696–Present)

Vladikas (Prince-Bishops) of Montenegro (1696–1852)

* Prince-Bishop Danilo I Šćepčev Petrović-Njegoš (1696–1735)
* Prince-Bishop Sava II Petrović-Njegoš (1735–1781)
* Prince-Bishop Vasilije III Petrović-Njegoš (joint ruler with Sava II (1750–1766)
* Prince-Bishop Petar I Petrović-Njegoš (Saint Peter of Cetinje, Sveti Petar Cetinjski) (1782–1830)
* Prince-Bishop Petar II Petrović-Njegoš (1830–1851)
* Prince-Bishop Danilo II Petrović-Njegoš (1851–1852) Restyled himself as Knjaz or Prince 1852.

[edit] Princes of Montenegro (1852-1910)

* Prince Danilo II Petrović-Njegoš (1852–1860)
* Prince Nikola I Petrović-Njegoš (1860–1910) Restyled himself as Kralj or King 1910.

[edit] King of Montenegro (1910-1918)

* King Nikola I Petrović-Njegoš (1910–1918)

[edit] Titular Rulers of Montenegro (1918–Present)

* King Nikola I Petrovic-Njegos (1918–1921)
* King Danilo III Petrović-Njegoš (1921)
* Crown Prince Michael I Petrović-Njegoš (1921–1986)
* Crown Prince Nikola II Petrović-Njegoš (1986–Present, current Pretender to the Throne)
o Hereditary Prince Boris Petrović-Njegoš (born 1980), the Grand Duke of Grahovo and Zeta, is his heir
Große Serben unserer Geschichte


[FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=+3]SERB PATRIOTS

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=+1]Danilo Petrovic Njegos (1697-1735)[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica]Born in 1670. Metropolitan and ruler of Montenegro. The founder of the Petrovic Njegos dynasty. In the text written on the manuscript gospel, his gift to Serb Patriarchate of Pec, in 1732, Danilo proudly expressed himself as[/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica]DANIL NJEGOS, THE BISHOP OF CETINJE, THE LEADER OF THE SERB LAND


[FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=+1]Sava Petrovic Njegos (1735-1781)[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica]Born in c. 1700. Metropolitan and ruler of Montenegro. When the Serb Patriarchate of Pec was, under pressure of Greek clergy, banned by Turks in 1766, in the name of Serb bishops Sava wrote to Metropolitan of Moscow, informed him that SERB NATION IS UNDER HARD SLAVERY and therefore asked Russian Holy Synod to help the restoration of Serb Patriarchate. He also asked Russian Empress to PROTECT SERBS FROM THE GREEK AND TURKISH INTRUDING and said WE ARE READY TO PAY RUSSIA IN BLOOD[/FONT].

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=+1]Vasilije Petrovic Njegos (1750-1766)[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica]Born in 1709. Metropolitan and ruler of Montenegro. Ruled with Sava. He was convinced that Montenegro, with Russian help, has to play crucial role in the restoration of the Serb Empire. In his book "History of Montenegro", he listed Serb bishops and put himself above the others. In the "Ode to Nemanja", the founder of medieval Serb dynasty, Vasilije evokes Serb past with the words HOLY SERB KINGS ARISE, and adds SERB BISHOPS DO NOT SLEEP, BUT ENTIRE NIGHT PRAY TO GOD SERB EMPIRE TO RESTORE.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=+1]Petar I Petrovic Njegos (1782-1830)[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica]Born in 1747. Metropolitan and ruler of Montenegro. During the Russian-Turkish war in 1807, Petar I Petrovic sent Russian General of Danube army a letter with the proposal to Russian Emperor about restoration of Serb Empire. According to the proposal, RUSSIAN EMPEROR WOULD BE RECOGNIZED AS THE EMPEROR OF THE SERBS AND THE METROPOLITAN OF MONTENEGRO WOULD BE HIS ASSISTANT. THE LEADING ROLE IN THE RESTORATION OF SERB EMPIRE BELONGS TO MONTENEGRO.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=+1]Petar II Petrovic Njegos (1830-1851)[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica]Born in 1813. Metropolitan and ruler of Montenegro. The father of modern Serb national identity. The author of the most patriotic Serb epic "The Mountain Wreath". In the year of 1848, the Government of Serbia sent him the proposal of unification of Serbs, Croats and Bulgarians. Petar II Petrovic agreed but said THE SERBDOM HAS TO UNITE FIRST. I WILL, THEN, TO MY PATRIARCHATE OF PEC AND SERBIAN PRINCE TO PRIZREN. SPIRITUAL AUTHORITY TO ME AND SECULAR TO HIM, OVER THE NATION FREE AND UNITED.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=+1]Danilo Petrovic Njegos (1851-1860)[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica]Born in 1826. He divided spiritual and secular authorities and became the Prince. His letters to Princes of Serbia, Aleksandar Karadjordjevic and Mihailo Obrenovic, and his deed, were always inspired with the idea of Serb unification - IN FRONT OF THE TENT I'LL SERVE THE KING IF SERBDOM WOULD BE EVER UNITED AND UNITY OF SERBS REACHED or LET PRINCE MIHAILO JUST START, I'LL JOIN HIM WITH MY MONTENEGRINS TO LIBERATE THE SERB NATION, WITH ME EVEN AS AN ORDINARY SOLDIER.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica][SIZE=+1]Nikola Petrovic Njegos (1860-1918)[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica]Born in 1841, died in 1921. In 1910, he was proclaimed as a King of Montenegro. His entire political work was inspired only with one idea, the restoration of Serb Empire. He saw himself as a new Emperor Dusan, as a rightful descendent of medieval Serb Throne. The Great war (1876-78) was his revenge for the Kosovo battle in 1389. His message to Montenegrins in Herzegovina, in 1876, was UNDER MURAD I SERB EMPIRE WAS DESTROYED UNDER MURAD V IT HAS TO RISE AGAIN. THIS IS MY WISH AND WISH OF ALL OF US AS WELL AS THE WISH OF ALMIGHTY GOD.[/FONT]
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
nehmt doch gleich auch mahatma ghandi und wenn ihr wollt den japanischen kaiser aus tokio ^^
nehmt doch gleich auch mahatma ghandi und wenn ihr wollt den japanischen kaiser aus tokio ^^

"Bruder" ^^, quatsch nicht so viel rum nimm dir ein Beispiel an Emir Kosturica und folge ihm. Nisi ti Bosniak ti si nas Rascanin/Sandzaklija etnicki srbin muslimanske vere. :cool: Pusti ti sta tvoj Zuko govori sta ti imas Bosnom koji Bosniak krivak.

Mene i tebe deli samo vera etnicki smo mi isti. Ti si poreklom iz zemlje Nemanjica kao i jaiz prvog glavnog grada Srbije NP/Stari Ras.:hotsun:
"Bruder" ^^, quatsch nicht so viel rum nimm dir ein Beispiel an Emir Kosturica und folge ihm. Nisi ti Bosniak ti si nas Rascanin/Sandzaklija etnicki srbin muslimanske vere. :cool: Pusti ti sta tvoj Zuko govori sta ti imas Bosnom koji Bosniak krivak.

Mene i tebe deli samo vera etnicki smo mi isti. Ti si poreklom iz zemlje Nemanjica kao i jaiz prvog glavnog grada Srbije NP/Stari Ras.:hotsun:

hahaha :D

popusis mi muslimanski kurac :D
Das war ernst gemeint sollte nicht als Provo dienen. Du bist zerfressen von dein muslimischen Fanatismus. Vielleicht leuchtet dir was ein wenn du älter bist. Ein Glück kenn ich andere Sandzaklije.

Kosturica, Nino und Brena geben Hoffnung. :cool: