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Griechische Bauprojekte

  • Ersteller Ersteller El Greco
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Ancient Wonder of the World the Colossus of Rhodes could be REBUILT (complete with a museum inside and a light beacon that can be seen 34 miles away)

  • One of tallest ancient world statues, Colossus of Rhodes built in 280BC
  • The 98ft wonder of the world was destroyed by earthquake in 226BC
  • Scientists from Greece, Spain, Italy and UK have proposed reconstruction
  • Project expected to bring millions of euros through tourism to economy

Read more: Wonder of the world Colossus of Rhodes could be REBUILT (complete with a museum inside and a light beacon that can be seen 34 miles away) | Daily Mail Online
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Interessant, wenn auch sehr unwahrscheinlich, leider...
also würde ich ein bauprojekt in griechenland setzen, dann gäbe es nur eine sache ja... den koloss von türkos wieder aufstellen.