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Gute Weine aus Bulgarien, (EJR) Mazedonien, Serbien und Montenegro


Βασιλεύς &
Es geht in diesem Thread um gute und/oder bekannte Weine aus "Südslawien" - ohne Slowenien und Kroatien, da diese m.M.n. eine eigene Betrachtung verdienen. Ebenfalls geht es um typische lokale Reben, falls sich jemand auskennt, oder um typische Vinifikationsmethoden.

Habe persönlich schon exzellente Weine aus Montenegro und Bulgarien kosten dürfen. Unter den Serbischen die ich schon probiert habe war ehrlich gesagt nichts was mich vom Hocker gerissen hat. Ich fange gleich mal an mit einem "Vranac Pro Corde". Habe ihn schon oft getrunken, und für exzellent befunden. Er wird auch stets in Johnson's Weinführer erwähnt und gelobt.

Vranac (Montenegrin: pronounced [ʋrǎːnats]) Вранац / Vranac is autochthonous Montenegrin variety of grapes and brand of wine. It is protected as an intellectual property and Montenegrin geographical indication of origin since 1977.[1][2][3] It has also adopted in neighboring countries like Republic of Macedonia and Serbia, but under different name.

Vranac is considered the most important variety of grape in Montenegro and one of the most important in the Republic of Macedonia.[4] As it is a local specialty and due to its localized geography, it produces a dry red wine of a unique taste and character that is synonymous with the Balkans. Vranac berries are large and deeply colored, with its dark berries growing on moderately vigorous and very productive vines. The fruit is harvested by hand. Depending on the area, this harvest can begin from mid-September and continue into October.

The word Vranac means strong black and powerful horse (black stallion), and wine made from this variety of grape is associated with strength, potency, and success. Vran also means raven coloured or black; red wine is also known as black wine in many South Slavic languages. However in, Macedonia it is branded as Vranec, meaning raven.

Young Vranec wines have a bright purple hue and a nose full of red berries and fruit jams. Its firm tannin structure provides crispness and richness, with medium to high levels of extraction and acidity. After a year or two of aging, the purple develops into an intense dark ruby and the nose develops a more complex aroma that can include hints of cinnamon, chocolate, liquorice, flowers, black fruits, herbs and even woods such as oak. The taste is subtle, round, and full. It loses its sharpness and develops a longer and smoother finish.

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Vranac - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



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[h=1]Tamjanika[/h] From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Tamjanika or Temjanika is a type of grape, a variety of Muscat Blanc à Petits Grains, grown in Serbia and Macedonia. It is named after tamjan (frankincense), due to intense scent from ripe grapes, which can be sensed several metres away. Berries are small, very dark purple, almost perfect balls. It ripens in mid October.
Tamjanika is used to produce white wines of intense fruit aroma and taste. It has characteristic Muscat notes of cinnamon, basil, pineaple and strawberry. Red Tamjanika is a rarity, but of exceptional quality.

Nein, der kommt aus dem Kosovo. Aus Rahovec/Orahovac um genauer zu sein.

Aber Amselfelder ist ja nicht wirklich das was man gemeinhin einen Qualitätswein nennt. Eher wie Kalterersee aus Südtirol, ein mehr oder weniger billiges Alltagsgetränk zur Jause. Teils Weine aus Montenegro hingegen haben echt das Potential für mehr, was man eben am Lob seitens gewisser Weinkritiker- und Führer merkt.
