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So wie ich Aufnahmen deute, sind die S-300PMU einsatzbereit. Wurden die auch gegen feindliche Ziele getestet( gegen simulierte Ziele natürlich)?
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Ich finde es geil,wenn die Rakete aus der Führung schießt und dabei die Kappe/Verschluss in tausend Teile zerfetzt.
Sie haben keine Berechtigung Anhänge anzusehen. Anhänge sind ausgeblendet.
So wie ich Aufnahmen deute, sind die S-300PMU einsatzbereit. Wurden die auch gegen feindliche Ziele getestet( gegen simulierte Ziele natürlich)?
Bitte um baldige Antwort
Προμήθεια 265.000 βομβίδων 40mm από τα Ελληνικά Αμυντικά Συστήματα
Το υπουργείο Εθνικής Άμυνας υπέγραψε σήμερα σύμβαση για την προμήθεια 265.000 βομβίδων 40mm από τα Ελληνικά Αμυντικά Συστήματα (ΕΑΣ), δίνοντας τέλος στην πολυετή εκκρεμότητα έλλειψης πυρομαχικών για τα πολυβομβιδοβόλα GMG του Ελληνικού Στρατού (ΕΣ). Η σύμβαση προβλέπει συγκεκριμένα την παράδοση σε βάθος τριετίας 161.000 βομβίδων μάχης HV χωρίς πυροσωλήνα αυτοκαταστροφής (HEDP-T/HV), 69.000 βομβίδων μάχης με πυροσωλήνα Αυτο-Καταστροφής (HEDP-T/HV-SD) με πυροσωλήνα αυτοκαταστροφής και 35.000 βομβίδων ασκήσεων τύπου ΤΡ-Τ/HV, εκτιμώμενης συνολικής δαπάνης €18,5 εκατ. Οι 230.000 βομβίδες μάχης είναι Υψηλής Εκρηκτικότητας Διπλής Χρήσης (HEDP-T) με ικανότητα θραυσματοποίησης, για χρήση κατά προσωπικού αλλά και δυνατότητες διάτρησης 80mm σε μαλακό χάλυβα, για χρήση κατά ελαφρών οχυρώσεων και τεθωρακισμένων οχημάτων.
Πρόκειται για πυρομαχικό εγχώριας σχεδίασης και ανάπτυξης, πιστοποιημένο κατά ΝΑΤΟ, που μέχρι σήμερα έχει επιτύχει σημαντικές πωλήσεις στο εξωτερικό (Γερμανία, Ολλανδία, Γαλλία κ.ά) αλλά δεν είχε υιοθετηθεί από τον ΕΣ. Ο τελευταίος διαθέτει συνολικά 633 πολυβομβιδοβόλα GMG με διόπτρες νυκτερινής παρατήρησης και σκόπευσης NS-685C κατασκευής της Θέων Αισθητήρες, εκ των οποίων τα 165 επί θωρακισμένων οχημάτων Μ1115GR κατασκευής ΕΛΒΟ.
Es sind wahrscheinlich die hier 40 mm
Hellenic Defense Systems
von uns kaufen und wir immer noch von ausländischen firmen einkaufen gehen!Πρόκειται για πυρομαχικό εγχώριας σχεδίασης και ανάπτυξης, πιστοποιημένο κατά ΝΑΤΟ, που μέχρι σήμερα έχει επιτύχει σημαντικές πωλήσεις στο εξωτερικό (Γερμανία, Ολλανδία, Γαλλία κ.ά) αλλά δεν είχε υιοθετηθεί από τον ΕΣ.
Endich ist der Griechenland aufgewacht und kauft bei der heimischen industrie. Es kann nicht sein das Länder wie Deutschland, Frankreich und Holland von uns kaufen und wir immer noch von ausländischen firmen einkaufen gehen!
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Wir haben ne eigene Waffenindustrie?![]()
Wir haben ne eigene Waffenindustrie?![]()
Gibt es auch Bilder bzw. was genau bietet die griechische Rüstungindustrie an?
.Soukos Robots Defence SA has developed a series of configurations for electromagnetic weapons. These weapons can be used by the Air force, the Navy or ground troops. Moreover they can be configured in such a way so as to be installed in several types of vehicles in order to be used for soft kill applications when required. The effective range depends on the type of the device used, with a maximum range of up to 2000m. The directionality can range from 15o to 120o, depending on the transmission element.
The system does not any cause collateral damages not even" in the vehicle that carrying the system because of the high directionality of the transmission element and a special system which prevents inductions to occur locally. The system can effectively engage stationary or moving targets regardless of the targets speed as long as they are in range.By increasing the output of the system, even EMP hardened equipment will be affected. Extensive tests have been carried out to determine both the effectiveness and the directionality of the system. The standard testing procedure followed was to place different types of electronic devices in different distances from the system and activate the system. The results of these tests, confirm the effectiveness of the system. Due to nature of the electromagnetic pulse used, the system is incapable of causing any direct damage to humans or animals
The continuously increasing global threats, such as terrorism in conjunction with the minimizing of budgets give as a result that force the leaderships of police forces, navy, aviation and army to focus at technologies, that they will help them to execute more effectively and reliably their missions.GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS
- Swing height up to 500m
- Time of stay in maximum height 24h
- Platform weight 35kg
- Diameter (indicatively) 1m
- Detectors for chemical and other gases
- 4 ultra-zoom digital cameras
- Beam microphones / booster Fars system
- GPS locator
- GPRS/GSM modems
- Radio links on jammers
- Surveillance from high altitude
- Scan & detect targets of high interest remotely
- Recording data (picture-sound) with a simple way, silently and with absolute secrecy
- Take-off and landing requires small surface
- Remaining hovering a lot of time operational in the desirable for the mission height
The design and the manufacture of this air platform are performed depending on its final purpose implementation. Thus, there is the possibility of choice in various dimensions and mat.
- Highly populated urban terrain
- Regions rich in fauna and flora
- Affected regions from natural phenomena (floods, earthquakes, volcanos)
- National border lines etc.
It is a long-range surveillance system for land, sea and air, with the ability of sweeping, recording and transmitting of encoded video and alarms in real time, day and night, under all weather conditions. The system consists of fixed land units (shelters), small mobile units of short-time development and small UAV platforms.
The command and control of the surveillance system is done from the control and surveillance unit (command &control post) which is equipped with panoramic surveillance monitors, computers for the processing of signals and picture, special processors and sound analyzers, sensors for toxic, chemical and biological substances of the exterior and the interior environment with indications inside the unit and with programmable alarm levels, etc.
The electronic stun gun releases an electromagnetic charge in the shape of a double beam (two rays), which can affect a person within a distance of 3 to 15 meters, regardless of the place that will hit him (at any place of his body) and of his clothing (it even penetrates a bullet-proof thorax).
Simultaneously, the attacked person rejects, unintentionally, any dangerous objects that he carries in his hands (weapons, knifes, etc.) and being paralyzed for some time and unable to force violence and escape, he can be arrested by the stun gun's user. Moreover the user has the capability of a permanent - sweeping shot, as well as of repeated - continuing shots, without having to load the gun again after each shot.
Despite the high technology of the gun, its use is very simple, as it is used as a simple handgun, without the need to load it with munitions, bullets or other consumables. It is simply loaded with rechargeable batteries of 12 Volt. Additionally, its operational alertness is not influenced by any weather conditions, because the gun can be used in temperatures from -15o C to 60o C, as well as in rain, snow and high humidity conditions.
The anti - RPG system is suitable for protecting static or mobile objects and especially buildings, e.g. Embassies, government buildings etc against attacks made using Rocket Propelled Grenades. The protection of a particular target from RPGs is accomplished by covering it with the anti - RPG material.
RPGs mainly consist of a piezoelectric tip used to detonate a shaped charge, they are relatively cheap and large quantities are available in the black market worldwide. They are widely used by international paramilitary organizations and terrorist groups. The anti -RPG system consists of a material that can provide effective protection to several different types of targets.
The system does not require any type of consumables during its operation.
Ready to install kits can be made for any type of vehicle, ship, or building. These kits contain all the required parts to install and remove the system easily and effortlessly.
This system is designed and constructed the pioneer Greek Research and Development center for specialized systems SOUKOS ROBOTS S.A. and is based on robotic principles, designed and manufactured in such way that the operator has the ability to aim and fire directly remotely.
The system is a lightweight remotely operated weapon base platform. The platform can be very easily adapted so a wide range of different armament can be fitted on it (eg. 12.7mm automatic machine gun Manroy or Browning, 0.50’’, 7.62, LGA 40). This gives the advantage of multiple uses in a range that covers all military and police applications.
Other applications are possible.
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