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Juden in Bosnien-Herzegowina (יהדות בוסניה והרצגובינה)

Wäre unmöglich, weil

a) wäre das beste was passieren kann
b) du kannst den nichts an den Kopf werfen ("klar das du zuerst auf deine Leute achtest blablabla..."
c) die Leute wählen nur Ihre Leute (Müselman = SDA, CCCC = SNSD, Ultrahrvat = HDZ-BIH)


Na, bin zuversichtlich. In paar Generationen sieht die Scheiße hier schon anders aus.
juden werden doch täglich von mudzo banden in sarajevo der alqaida stadt terrorisiert

Dir ist etwas nicht klar. Sarajevo ist nicht Theran (auch wenn es in Sarajevo mehr Moscheen geben soll :lol:).

Diese "Mudzos" leben nicht in der Stadt (klar gibt es welche) aber die Mehrheit lebt alleine unter sich irgendwo am Rand Sarajovo's...

Die Juden unten fallen gar nicht auf...
Dir ist etwas nicht klar. Sarajevo ist nicht Theran (auch wenn es in Sarajevo mehr Moscheen geben soll :lol:).

Diese "Mudzos" leben nicht in der Stadt (klar gibt es welche) aber die Mehrheit lebt alleine unter sich irgendwo am Rand Sarajovo's...

Die Juden unten fallen gar nicht auf...


Holocaust memorial

The Sarajevo cemetery, located outside the town at Kovacici on Mount Trebevic, is one
of the most famous Sephardi burial grounds in the world. It was founded in 1630 by
Rabbi Samuel Baruch who rented the land from the Muslim Waqf. It is the oldest intact
burial ground of any religious group in Sarajevo and is renowned for its age and beauty.
Rabbi Baruch’s gravestone is still preserved.
The cemetery is on a steep hill, which rises even more just beyond it. Clusters of what
were family houses flank the site, but many of these houses were ruined between 1992
and 1996 during the siege of Sarajevo. During the Austro-Hungarian era, a railroad was
constructed through the middle of the cemetery, and today only the upper half remains.
This is still large, however, covering three and a half hectares with about 3,800 graves.
The cemetery is surrounded by a massive stone wall surmounted in places by a metal
fence. There are five gates made of hammered iron from the village of Kreshevo. The
wall and gates were erected between 1926 and 1930 when a large pre-burial house and
chapel was also built near the main (north) entrance, where entry is through a triplearched
gateway that leads into the modern section.
A stepped path from the main gate also leads up the hill towards a Holocaust monument.
To the left of the path is a section of gravestones removed to this site from the destroyed
Ashkenazi cemetery, closed in 1959. The remains of 900 people were exhumed and
transferred to this cemetery, and placed under a common monument. There are also
monuments to Jews who were killed in the First World War and to the victims of the
Holocaust. One monument commemorates a group of Jews and Serbs who were brought
to the cemetery and killed together by Nazis in 1941. Among the early twentieth century
graves there is also believed to be a geniza (a depository for religious writings).
The oldest stones in the cemetery are in the sections mostly set away from the walls.
Their rounded shape, large size and horizontal arrangement – with the stone often set into
the hillside – are unique in Europe. The stones were quarried in a stone-pit near the
cemetery and carried to the site. Most are almost identical in size and form, giving the
hillside a patterned look. Only the gravestones of prominent rabbis and scholars were
larger or more lavish. The older stones are only inscribed in Hebrew. Later stones are
inscribed both in Hebrew and Ladino (Judeo-Spanish), with epigraphs written in poetic
form. Most of the monuments erected after 1878 are modeled on the funerary
monuments of other religions.
The cemetery was vandalized a number of times before and after 1966, when all the
city’s religious cemeteries were closed, and the central cemetery was opened with
sections for every religion. During the siege of Sarajevo in the 1990s, the Jewish
cemetery was in the front line of fighting and was used as an important artillery position
by Bosnian Serbs. The damage to the cemetery and nearby buildings was mostly caused
by returned fire from the city below. The large, elaborate ceremonial hall which had only
recently been fully restored was shelled and burned in 1994. The Bosnian Serbs
extensively mined the cemetery before their withdrawal. After the end of hostilities, an
international effort was undertaken to restore the cemetery. The first phase consisted of
the de-mining of the cemetery site. This was completed in 1998. The second phase is the
restoration of the synagogue/pre-burial house, funded in large part by contributions from
the United States Government, matched by grants from the city and region of Sarajevo.


Old Sephardic cemetery Sarajevo
Holocaust memorial wall with names of victims inscribed


“Luburica Villa,” Ustashe Prison and Execution Place
Skenderija 18 Str., 71000 Sarajevo
There is a marble commemorative plaque on the wall of the building at 18 Skenderija Str.
in downtown Sarajevo, where during the Second World War the Ustashe Prison and
Execution Place, known as “Luburica Villa,” were situated. The building, originally
named Villa Wilkert, was seized by Ustashe (Croatian Nazis) between 1941 and 1945
and used as a prison and place of execution. The building earned its name and reputation
between autumn 1944 and spring 1945 when Vjekoslav “Max” Luburic, one of the most
infamous war criminals and a commander of the “Jasenovac” Concentration Camp, was
posted there and hundreds of Serbs, Jews and Communists were tortured and killed in the
building’s basement. Luburic killed many of the victims personally. Immediately
following the liberation of Sarajevo, the new authorities exhumed dozens of corpses from
the garden of the Villa, and these facts were documented in the document: ZKBiHOdluka
8119 from June 9th, 1945.
The building was torn down and a kindergarten was built on the site. Until 1992, annual
commemorations and the placement of wreaths marked the events associated with the
People’s Liberation War fought during World War II (1941-45). Following the end of
the Bosnian war in 1995, only a few commemorative ceremonies have been organized
Banja Luka
Approximately 50 Jews live in Banja Luka.

Cemetery and Holocaust Memorial
The Jewish cemetery was established in 1883. In 1977 graves were excavated and
human remains exhumed, and together with the gravestones of still-extant families, were
transferred and reburied in the municipal cemetery. The remains of those without living
relatives were reburied in a common grave with a single monument listing all the names.
There are 25-50 tombstones in this new Jewish section of the well-maintained municipal
cemetery. The inscriptions on the gravestones are in Hebrew, German and Serbian.
There is also a Holocaust memorial at the cemetery.
28, Isaka Samokovlije Str., “Islamovac”

The cemetery, owned by the municipality, is located at the center of Bihač, a city 200 km
from Sarajevo. It was established in 1875 and the last known burial was in 1940. The
large cemetery occupies an area of 16 hectares and is surrounded by a broken masonry
wall and a broken fence.
The solid brick wall, visible on the archival picture from 1940, exists now only in
fragments since being destroyed by Ustashis in 1942. There is a gate that locks. The
boundaries have been reduced slightly due to the encroachment of a housing
development. Fewer than 100 gravestones are visible, and many of them have been
disturbed from their original positions. The cemetery has been neglected over the years
and it is heavily overgrown and in recent years it has been used as a waste dump.
According to researcher Ivan Ceresnjes “only the wild vegetation and danger of snakes
are now protecting the cemetery from final destruction by uncontrolled builders.”

Cara Urosa Str.

The Jewish cemetery was founded between 1860 and 1878. It is about 0.05 hectares in
size and it contains about 75 tombstones, most of which are from the 20th century. The
inscriptions are in German and Serbo-Croatian. There is a partial fence surrounding the
area but nothing to prevent access. The last known Jewish burial was in 1940.
The cemetery is less than half of it size prior to the Second World War. Since there were
no Jews in Bijeljina after the early 1950s, no one maintained the cemetery and parts of it
were used for incompatible development. Gravestones have been vandalized and many
stones have probably been stolen from the completely open site. Very few inscriptions
survive, and almost all are damaged.

Bosanski Brod
Sanac Cemetery
Today nothing remains of the cemetery in this town located 100 kilometers from
Sarajevo. Established in 1880, the cemetery was destroyed by the Ustashe, and is now
used as a garbage dump. The Ustashe killed almost all Jews of Brod, and also destroyed
the prayer house. Only a few Jewish survivors returned after the Second World War.
They used the Jewish cemetery over the river Sava, in the Croatian city of Slavonski
Brod. At the new municipal cemetery in Brod one section is reserved for Jews, but since
there are none in the city, it remains empty.

Bosanski Šamac
Pisavina Cemetery
The cemetery was established in 1906 and was in use until 1941 when Ustashe killed
most of the Jews from Brod, destroyed the prayer house and damaged the cemetery.
After the Second World War no Jews returned to Šamac, and in 1948, during the
construction of the main railroad-line between Šamac and Sarajevo the cemetery was
destroyed and a crossing was built over it. Still, the foundations of tombstones are still
recognizable under the layer of garbage. The site is now used as a dump.