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Katholische Kathedrale "MutterTheresa" in Pristina

Albanesi2 schrieb:
Von finanziellen Hilfe von Auslandsalbaner die Geld spenden nach Kosovo

Also diese hier:

Albanian Organized Crime Groups.

For those emigrants to EU countries or Switzerland, the temptation to engage in criminal activities is very high as most of them are young Albanian males, in their twenties and thirties, who are unskilled workers and who have difficulties finding a job. For Italian organized crime, these Albanians were ideal couriers in the drug trafficking business running through Albania as they were able to circumvent the area border patrols after the outbreak of the war in Yugoslavia. Many of them came into contact with Albanian organized crime through Albanian émigré communities located throughout Western Europe. This gave an impetus to the dispersion and internationalization of Albanian criminal groups.

The typical structure of the Albanian Mafia is hierarchical. Concerning "loyalty", "honor" and clan traditions, (blood relations and marriage being very important) most of the Albanian networks seem to be "old-fashioned" and comparable to the Italian Mafia networks of thirty or forty years ago. Infiltration into these groups is thus very difficult. Heroin networks are usually made up of groups of fewer than 100 members, constituting an extended family residing all along the Balkan route from Eastern Turkey to Western Europe. The Northern Albanian Mafia which runs the drug wholesale business is also known by the name of "The Fifteen Families."

Regarding cooperation with other transnational criminal groups, the Albanian Mafia seems to have established good working relationships with the Italian Mafia. On the 27th of July 1999 police in Durrës (Albania), with Italian assistance arrested one of the godfathers of the "Sacra Corona Unita", Puglia’s Italian Mafia. This Albanian link seems to confirm that the Sacra Corona Unita have "officially" accepted Albanian organized crime as a "partner" in Puglia/Italy and delegated several criminal activities. This might be due to the fact that the Sacra Corona Unita is a rather recent phenomenon, not being as stable nor as strong as other Mafias in Italy. Their leaders might have decided to join forces rather than run the risk of a conflict with Albanian groups known to be extremely violent. Thus in certain areas of Italy, the market for cannabis, prostitution and smuggling of illegal immigrants is run mainly by Albanians. Links to Calabria’s Mafia, the "Ndrangheta", exist in Northern Italy. Several key figures of the Albanian Mafia seem to reside frequently in the Calabrian towns of Africo, Plati and Bovalino (Italy), fiefs of the Ndrangheta. Southern Albanian groups also seem to have good relationships with Sicily’s "Cosa Nostra", which seems to be moving steadily into finance and money laundering, leaving other typical illegal activities to other groups. Close relationships also exist with other criminal groups active along the Balkan route, where Turkish wholesalers, Bulgarian and Romanian traffickers are frequent business partners. There are also indications that a South American cartel has become active in Albania through Albanian middlemen, in order to place more cocaine on the European market

The heavy involvement of Albanian criminal groups in drugs trafficking, mainly heroin is proven. Currently, more than 80% of the heroin on the European market has been smuggled through the Balkans, having mainly been produced in Afghanistan and traveled through Iran and Turkey or Central Asia. In the Balkan region, two routes seem to have replaced the former traditional route, disrupted by the Yugoslavian conflict: one Northern route running mainly through Bulgaria, then Romania and Hungary and one Southern route running from Bulgaria through F.Y.R.O.M., the Kosovo region and Albania. An average of more than a ton of heroin and more than 10 tons of hashish are seized along those Balkan routes each year. According to DEA estimations, between 4 and 6 tons of heroin leave Turkey each month bound for Western Europe, traveling along the Balkan routes.

Albanian trafficking networks are becoming more and more powerful, partly replacing Turkish networks. This is especially the case in several German speaking countries, Sweden and Norway. According to some estimations, Albanian networks control about 70% of the heroin market today in Switzerland, Germany, Austria and the Scandinavian countries. According to analyses of the Swedish and Norwegian police, 80% of the heroin smuggled into the countries can be linked to Albanian networks. In 1998, Swiss police even estimated that 90% of the narco-business in the country was dominated by Albanians. Throughout Europe, around 40% of the heroin trade seems to be controlled by Albanians. Recent refugees from the Kosovo region are involved in street sales. Tensions between the established ethnic Albanians and newcomers seem to exist, heroin prices having dropped due to their arrival and due to growing competition in the market.

Albanian networks are not only linked to heroin. In the Macedonian border region, production laboratories for amphetamine and methamphetamine drugs seem to have been set up. Currently, these pills are destined for the local market. Cannabis is grown in Albania and cultivation seems to have become more and more popular, especially in the South. Annual Albanian marijuana revenue is estimated at $40 million. In 1999, cannabis plantations existed in the regions of Kalarat (about 80 kilometers from Vlorë/Albania) and close to Girokastër in the regions of Sarandë, Delvina and Permetti. Albanian cannabis is mainly sold on the Greek market. In order to transport the drugs to Greece, Albanian crime groups work together with Greek criminals.

Albanian criminals are also involved in the traffic of illegal immigrants to Western European countries. It is part of international trafficking networks, which not only transport Albanians, but also Kurds, Chinese and people from the Indian subcontinent. The Albanian groups are mainly responsible for the crossing of the Adriatic Sea from the Albanian coast to Italy. Departures mainly take place from Vlorë, some of them from Durrës or even from Ulcinj in the South of Montenegro. By the end of 1999, the crossing costs about $1,000 USD for an adult and $500 USD for a child. It is interesting to notice that some illegal immigrants had to pay for their journey only once in their home country (e.g. $6,000 in Pakistan), but that the nationality of the trafficking groups changed as they moved along. This implies that Albanian groups are only a part of international distribution networks. In 1999, approximately 10,000 people were smuggled into EU countries via Albania every month. The Italian border patrol intercepted 13,118 illegal immigrants close to the Puglian coast from January until July 1999. It estimated arrivals only in this coastal region at 56,000 in 1999. For the Albanian crime groups, illegal immigration - even though it can not be compared to the narco-business - is an important source of income, bringing in an estimated fifty million USD in 1999.

@parti bringt halt wieder Top Quellen. Ralf Mutschke ist absolut Top!

Und der billige Bandit Ante Gotovina, schmuggelt ja ebenso Drogen wie bewiesen und machte Kohle damit.
lupo-de-mare schrieb:
@parti bringt halt wieder Top Quellen. Ralf Mutschke ist absolut Top!

Und der billige Bandit Ante Gotovina, schmuggelt ja ebenso Drogen wie bewiesen und machte Kohle damit.

Schon scheisse fuer die Albaner, wenn man beweisen kann, dass ihre kranken Traeume durch Drogen, Menschenhandel, Prostitution weltweit finanziert werden...

Ich nehme an, dass Gjerg bei Kosova-Aktuell den Beweis aufbringen wird, dass das INTERPOL von Serben geleitet wird...
Partibrejker schrieb:
Schon scheisse fuer die Albaner, wenn man beweisen kann, dass ihre kranken Traeume durch Drogen, Menschenhandel, Prostitution weltweit finanziert werden...

Ich nehme an, dass Gjerg bei Kosova-Aktuell den Beweis aufbringen wird, dass das INTERPOL von Serben geleitet wird...

Entschuldige, aber....

Aus welchen Land werden z.B die meisten verschleppten Frauen besonders aus Moldawien , Rumänien , Bulgarien in den Kosovo , von welchen Land müssen diese armen gekippneten Frauen denn überquerren um nach Kosovo zu gelangen??
Albanesi2 schrieb:
Entschuldige, aber....

Aus welchen Land werden z.B die meisten verschleppten Frauen besonders aus Moldawien , Rumänien , Bulgarien in den Kosovo , von welchen Land müssen diese armen gekippneten Frauen denn überquerren um nach Kosovo zu gelangen??

Ich entschuldige....wuerden sie nicht verschleppt, dann muessten sie auch nicht durch Makedonien, Griechenland oder Serbien nach Kosovo gelangen...

Die Schuld liegt bei den Schleppern...und die sind zur Mehrheit Albaner oder solche, welche von der albanischen Mafia finanziert werden...

Im uebrigen...

UNMIK police arrested on human trafficking charges

| 15:00 August 29 | B92

PRISTINA -- Monday – Two United Nations police officers in Kosovo have been arrested in the north of the province on suspicion of involvement in human trafficking, UN mission spokesman George Kakuk said yesterday, as quoted by Croatian news agency HINA.

Four foreign nationals were also arrested.

Kukak declined to name the police or give details about the foreigners, saying that further information would be released once the investigation is completed.
Partibrejker schrieb:
Albanesi2 schrieb:
Von finanziellen Hilfe von Auslandsalbaner die Geld spenden nach Kosovo

Also diese hier:

Albanian Organized Crime Groups.

For those emigrants to EU countries or Switzerland, the temptation to engage in criminal activities is very high as most of them are young Albanian males, in their twenties and thirties, who are unskilled workers and who have difficulties finding a job. For Italian organized crime, these Albanians were ideal couriers in the drug trafficking business running through Albania as they were able to circumvent the area border patrols after the outbreak of the war in Yugoslavia. Many of them came into contact with Albanian organized crime through Albanian émigré communities located throughout Western Europe. This gave an impetus to the dispersion and internationalization of Albanian criminal groups.

The typical structure of the Albanian Mafia is hierarchical. Concerning "loyalty", "honor" and clan traditions, (blood relations and marriage being very important) most of the Albanian networks seem to be "old-fashioned" and comparable to the Italian Mafia networks of thirty or forty years ago. Infiltration into these groups is thus very difficult. Heroin networks are usually made up of groups of fewer than 100 members, constituting an extended family residing all along the Balkan route from Eastern Turkey to Western Europe. The Northern Albanian Mafia which runs the drug wholesale business is also known by the name of "The Fifteen Families."

Regarding cooperation with other transnational criminal groups, the Albanian Mafia seems to have established good working relationships with the Italian Mafia. On the 27th of July 1999 police in Durrës (Albania), with Italian assistance arrested one of the godfathers of the "Sacra Corona Unita", Puglia’s Italian Mafia. This Albanian link seems to confirm that the Sacra Corona Unita have "officially" accepted Albanian organized crime as a "partner" in Puglia/Italy and delegated several criminal activities. This might be due to the fact that the Sacra Corona Unita is a rather recent phenomenon, not being as stable nor as strong as other Mafias in Italy. Their leaders might have decided to join forces rather than run the risk of a conflict with Albanian groups known to be extremely violent. Thus in certain areas of Italy, the market for cannabis, prostitution and smuggling of illegal immigrants is run mainly by Albanians. Links to Calabria’s Mafia, the "Ndrangheta", exist in Northern Italy. Several key figures of the Albanian Mafia seem to reside frequently in the Calabrian towns of Africo, Plati and Bovalino (Italy), fiefs of the Ndrangheta. Southern Albanian groups also seem to have good relationships with Sicily’s "Cosa Nostra", which seems to be moving steadily into finance and money laundering, leaving other typical illegal activities to other groups. Close relationships also exist with other criminal groups active along the Balkan route, where Turkish wholesalers, Bulgarian and Romanian traffickers are frequent business partners. There are also indications that a South American cartel has become active in Albania through Albanian middlemen, in order to place more cocaine on the European market

The heavy involvement of Albanian criminal groups in drugs trafficking, mainly heroin is proven. Currently, more than 80% of the heroin on the European market has been smuggled through the Balkans, having mainly been produced in Afghanistan and traveled through Iran and Turkey or Central Asia. In the Balkan region, two routes seem to have replaced the former traditional route, disrupted by the Yugoslavian conflict: one Northern route running mainly through Bulgaria, then Romania and Hungary and one Southern route running from Bulgaria through F.Y.R.O.M., the Kosovo region and Albania. An average of more than a ton of heroin and more than 10 tons of hashish are seized along those Balkan routes each year. According to DEA estimations, between 4 and 6 tons of heroin leave Turkey each month bound for Western Europe, traveling along the Balkan routes.

Albanian trafficking networks are becoming more and more powerful, partly replacing Turkish networks. This is especially the case in several German speaking countries, Sweden and Norway. According to some estimations, Albanian networks control about 70% of the heroin market today in Switzerland, Germany, Austria and the Scandinavian countries. According to analyses of the Swedish and Norwegian police, 80% of the heroin smuggled into the countries can be linked to Albanian networks. In 1998, Swiss police even estimated that 90% of the narco-business in the country was dominated by Albanians. Throughout Europe, around 40% of the heroin trade seems to be controlled by Albanians. Recent refugees from the Kosovo region are involved in street sales. Tensions between the established ethnic Albanians and newcomers seem to exist, heroin prices having dropped due to their arrival and due to growing competition in the market.

Albanian networks are not only linked to heroin. In the Macedonian border region, production laboratories for amphetamine and methamphetamine drugs seem to have been set up. Currently, these pills are destined for the local market. Cannabis is grown in Albania and cultivation seems to have become more and more popular, especially in the South. Annual Albanian marijuana revenue is estimated at $40 million. In 1999, cannabis plantations existed in the regions of Kalarat (about 80 kilometers from Vlorë/Albania) and close to Girokastër in the regions of Sarandë, Delvina and Permetti. Albanian cannabis is mainly sold on the Greek market. In order to transport the drugs to Greece, Albanian crime groups work together with Greek criminals.

Albanian criminals are also involved in the traffic of illegal immigrants to Western European countries. It is part of international trafficking networks, which not only transport Albanians, but also Kurds, Chinese and people from the Indian subcontinent. The Albanian groups are mainly responsible for the crossing of the Adriatic Sea from the Albanian coast to Italy. Departures mainly take place from Vlorë, some of them from Durrës or even from Ulcinj in the South of Montenegro. By the end of 1999, the crossing costs about $1,000 USD for an adult and $500 USD for a child. It is interesting to notice that some illegal immigrants had to pay for their journey only once in their home country (e.g. $6,000 in Pakistan), but that the nationality of the trafficking groups changed as they moved along. This implies that Albanian groups are only a part of international distribution networks. In 1999, approximately 10,000 people were smuggled into EU countries via Albania every month. The Italian border patrol intercepted 13,118 illegal immigrants close to the Puglian coast from January until July 1999. It estimated arrivals only in this coastal region at 56,000 in 1999. For the Albanian crime groups, illegal immigration - even though it can not be compared to the narco-business - is an important source of income, bringing in an estimated fifty million USD in 1999.


zufälligerweise werden die albaner dafür verurteilt, dass sie verbrecher verhaften,
auf der anderen seite, wird nie darüber berichtet, das mal in serbien so ein verbrecherring aufgelösst worden ist?
ich denke eher, dass es schadenfreude auf seiten der serben ist, wenn albaner als konkurenten verhaftet werden und die serben und andere nationalitäten das "Geschäft" selber führen können.
und noch was für ganz blöde menschen wie man hier deutlich lesen konnte,
die kriminalität ist nicht in einer volksgruppe fest verankert, wie ihr die albaner beschuldigt, albanien ist nur ein transitland, wie kosova, serbien und andere balkanstaaten, um arme Frauen/Mädchen/Kinder auszubeuten.
diese "menschen" die solche verbrechen begehen,
haben kein gott, keine Moral....eben Abschaum!
nur die meisten serben und anti-albaner sehen das nicht so,
sie versuchen dadurch einen politischen bzw/und wirtschaftlichen gewinn dadurch zu erwirtschaften! :wink:
Partibrejker schrieb:
Entschuldige, aber....

Aus welchen Land werden z.B die meisten verschleppten Frauen besonders aus Moldawien , Rumänien , Bulgarien in den Kosovo , von welchen Land müssen diese armen gekippneten Frauen denn überquerren um nach Kosovo zu gelangen??

Ich entschuldige....wuerden sie nicht verschleppt, dann muessten sie auch nicht durch Makedonien, Griechenland oder Serbien nach Kosovo gelangen...

Die Schuld liegt bei den Schleppern...und die sind zur Mehrheit Albaner oder solche, welche von der albanischen Mafia finanziert werden...

Im uebrigen...

UNMIK police arrested on human trafficking charges

| 15:00 August 29 | B92

PRISTINA -- Monday – Two United Nations police officers in Kosovo have been arrested in the north of the province on suspicion of involvement in human trafficking, UN mission spokesman George Kakuk said yesterday, as quoted by Croatian news agency HINA.

Four foreign nationals were also arrested.

Kukak declined to name the police or give details about the foreigners, saying that further information would be released once the investigation is completed.

Aber die Wurzeln liegt in Serbien und weiteröstlicher nicht in denn albanisch-bewohnten Gebieten...von dort kommen die meisten Frauen...und in Bosnien-Herzegowina , besser gesagt in der Republiksa Srpska , gibt es weit mehr Prostituierten , allgmein in denn serbischen Raum....


Rumänische Menschenhändler bieten Ukrainerinnen, Moldawierinnen, Rumäninnen, Bulgarinnen und Russinnen zum Kauf an. Sie werden nackt zur Schau gestellt und für etwa 1.000 Mark von serbischen Zuhältern erworben, die sie erst einmal vergewaltigen und misshandeln, bevor sie sie nach Albanien weiterschicken. So erging es auch der 17-jährigen moldawischen Studentin Nicoleta, die von einem serbischen Zuhälter geschlagen und vergewaltigt und dann in Belgrad weiterversteigert wurde. Auf diesem Weg geriet sie in die Hände eines weiteren Serben und verbrachte zwei Monate in einem Bordell im montenegrischen Podgorica. Anschließend wurde sie für 2 500 Dollar an einen Albaner verkauft, der sie noch brutaler behandelte. Der schwedische Justizminister traf in Sarajewo auf eine junge Frau, die so ganze achtzehn Mal den Besitzer gewechselt hatte.

Ähnlich düster sieht es im Kosovo aus. Als die 50.000 KFOR-Soldaten, die Mitarbeiter der UN-Mission im Kosovo (Unmik) und diverser Hilfsorganisationen dort ankamen, schossen die Bordelle "wie die Pilze aus dem Boden", so der örtliche Chef der Internationalen Organisation für Migration (IOM), Pasquale Lupoli. Hier werden überwiegend Frauen aus Moldawien, der Ukraine, Rumänien und Bulgarien zu Preisen zwischen 1.000 und 2 500 Dollar an kosovarische Zuhälter versteigert. "Diese Frauen waren nichts als Sklavinnen", befand der Carabinieri-Hauptmann Vincenzo Coppola, nachdem er 23 von ihnen in Pristina und Prizren befreit hatte.(1) Im letzten Jahr wurden aus den 350 bosnischen Bordellen lediglich 460 Frauen befreit - dem stehen schätzungsweise 10.000 Frauen gegenüber, die in aller Heimlichkeit in diesen Häusern "aufgenommen" wurden.

Julia Harston, die UN-Vertreterin in Sarajevo, bezeichnet Bosnien zugleich als "Ziel, Durchgangsstation und Ausgangspunkt des Handels mit jungen Frauen". Der Frauenhandel sei "auffallend gut organisiert, ohne dass dabei nach Nationalität, ethnischer oder religiöser Zugehörigkeit unterschieden würde", bemerkt Vincent Coeurderoy, Chef der International Police Task Force (IPTF).


Verstehst du , die Unabhängigkeit des Kosovos würde diesen Netz zerstören ..denn du liest ja seid der UNMIK in Kosovo ansässig ist..

Man braucht die Frauen , damit dieses okkupatorische Abschaum von UNMIK und KFOr sich nicht an unsere Frauen aufhalten , die ja die Kunden der Prostiuierten sind.

Genauso bei der SFOr in denn serbischen Gebieten Bosniens.
drenicaku schrieb:
zufälligerweise werden die albaner dafür verurteilt, dass sie verbrecher verhaften,
auf der anderen seite, wird nie darüber berichtet, das mal in serbien so ein verbrecherring aufgelösst worden ist?
ich denke eher, dass es schadenfreude auf seiten der serben ist, wenn albaner als konkurenten verhaftet werden und die serben und andere nationalitäten das "Geschäft" selber führen können.
und noch was für ganz blöde menschen wie man hier deutlich lesen konnte,
die kriminalität ist nicht in einer volksgruppe fest verankert, wie ihr die albaner beschuldigt, albanien ist nur ein transitland, wie kosova, serbien und andere balkanstaaten, um arme Frauen/Mädchen/Kinder auszubeuten.
diese "menschen" die solche verbrechen begehen,
haben kein gott, keine Moral....eben Abschaum!
nur die meisten serben und anti-albaner sehen das nicht so,
sie versuchen dadurch einen politischen bzw/und wirtschaftlichen gewinn dadurch zu erwirtschaften! :wink:

Tjlum Ghoja :tu:

