[TD="colspan: 2"]Monday, 18 February 2013[/TD]
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All of yesterday's oaths and loyalties given by SDSM's senior leadership are not based on some sort of belief that "SDSM is fighting for freedom and democracy", rather are based on fear of threats and revenge which always follow should any of them dare to take a different path from the party line.
Absolutely incredible.
In 2013, the SDSM functions just as it did in 1946. The only difference is that back in 1946, the communists were able to take your job, your egsistence and your life. Luckily, today, the only thing they can do is to spread lies and threats against you and the country.
The decision by Stevco Jakimovski not to bow to SDSM's leader Branko Crvenkovski and in the last minute to nominate himself for the mayor of Karpos with another party very much demasked the supposed "unity" in the party. His decision will undoubtedly open up a pandora's box where the rest of the party must face the handfull losers Crvenkovski, Georgiev, Zaev, Makraduli and Sekerinska.
Should Jakimovski win the mayoral race in Karpos, it will surely put him on the map as the new candidate to lead the opposition. SDSM's attempts to silence high ranking members within its party (Buchkovski, Buzlevski, Cvetkovski etc) by expelling them from the party will not strengthen the unity within the SDSM, rather it will strengthen the resistance against Crvenkovski.
This is not a serious hit for the party, this a logical conclusion of party's irrational policies in the past several years. Although Jakimovski was practically the SDSM's biggest hope on local level, once he deviated from the party line and rhetoric, he became a traitor, criminal over night.
Gjorgji Spasov, a one time high ranking and well respected politicians who has been marginalized by the SDSM stated that boycotting local elections is equivalent to disintegration of the party, not just of the SDSM, but of the smaller political parties who aligned themselves with Crvenkovski.
Crvenkovski manipulated the Strumica mayor Zoran Zaev that Gruevski will bow down to their demands. Zaev will end his tenure as mayor of Strumica, thanks to his boss.
Lastly, Crvenkovski behaved like an amateur, and underestimated Gruevski in absurd fashion. According to sources within the SDSM, Crvenkovski believed he will be able to obtain a political agreement with Gruevski and extend the deadline, in other words ignore Macedonian laws for political bargaining as is usually the norm. In fact, Gruevski agreed to extend the deadline for few days, even the EU visitors were made aware of this. However, the day R. Howitt and the rest of the EU entourage left, the SDSM leader changed his mind, and at a press conference stated he wanted parliamentary elections, not just local!
The firm 'no' from the ruling Government and their statement that laws must be respected, sealed the faith of the party.
The SDSM will have to go through a complete restructuring if they are to fix the chaos they have created within their party, and the embarrassment to the country. As for Branko, he doesn't have to go, he has been gone for a long time. There goes Greece's number one recruit...
[h=2]Само десет часа по објавувањето на неговата кандидатура, Стевчо Јакимовски експресно, без постапка и спротивно од статутот на СДСМ, уште рано изутринава беше исклучен од партијата.[/h]
Партиски извори за Сител велат дека за исклучувањето не гласала неговата општинска организација, што е статутарно правило на партијата. Ова е трет шеф на градската организација, кој последниве години е исклучен од таа партија по Љупчо Палевски и Есад Рахиќ.
(sda/dpa) Der Boykott der Kommunalwahlen in Mazedonien durch die Opposition hat die politische Krise beim EU-Beitritts-Kandidaten vertieft. Die Opposition liess in der Nacht zum Sonntag die letzte Frist für ihre Anmeldung zu der für den 24. März vorgesehenen Wahl verstreichen.
Auch der Boykott des Parlaments werde weitergehen, hatten die Oppositionsführer am Vortag angekündigt. Sie wollen damit vorzeitige Parlamentswahlen erzwingen. Die nationalkonservative Regierung lehnt das ab.
Der Regierungschef Nikola Gruevski besitzt im Parlament aber weiter eine solide Mehrheit, weil nur etwa ein Drittel aller Abgeordneten der Volksvertretung fernbleiben. Hintergrund der Krise sind die Tumulte rund um die Verabschiedung des Staatshaushaltes im Dezember.
Wegen des ausweglos erscheinenden Konflikts hatte EU-Erweiterungskommissar Stefan Füle seinen für diese Woche geplanten Besuch abgesagt.