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"Komödienstadel SDSM" Branko holt alte Garde wieder an Bord!

GROM: SDSM is a sinking ship with a lot of cry babies in it

We understand that SDSM constantly cries of VMRO – DPMNE, but now they started crying of GROM! They actually started to cry more often, writes in response from the Stevce Jakimovski’s party at the Press conference of municipal offspring of SDSM who accuse the mayor of Karposh that he has made the local newspaper his own newsletter.

The reaction of GROM among other states – the sinking ship, called the Social Democratic Union of Macedonia, has lately been filled with cry babies because nothing is heard from there but screams. SDSM has no right to speak, because they changed the Electoral Code with crying only to their advantage, to secure media coverage for themselves and VMRO – DPMNE, disregarding parties from outside Parliament.

GROM: SDSM is a sinking ship with a lot of cry babies in it

We understand that SDSM constantly cries of VMRO – DPMNE, but now they started crying of GROM! They actually started to cry more often, writes in response from the Stevce Jakimovski’s party at the Press conference of municipal offspring of SDSM who accuse the mayor of Karposh that he has made the local newspaper his own newsletter.

The reaction of GROM among other states – the sinking ship, called the Social Democratic Union of Macedonia, has lately been filled with cry babies because nothing is heard from there but screams. SDSM has no right to speak, because they changed the Electoral Code with crying only to their advantage, to secure media coverage for themselves and VMRO – DPMNE, disregarding parties from outside Parliament.

Oh das Hündchen von VMRO :D Jahrelang hat er Gruevski und alle von VMRO Mafiosis gennant deren Platz im Knast ist! Jetzt plötzlich ist er deren bester Freund sehr lustig. Dieses Spiel kennen wir ja langsam die haben ihn sicher mit irgendwas in der Hand und jetzt muss er alles machen was VMRO will oder er hat einfach ein paar MIO von ihnen bekommen und sich verkauft
bin meinerseits auch eher links clk. und ich verstehe dass du diese haltung auch im bezug vom heimatland halten willst. jedoch sieh's ein! unsere sotialdemokratische partei ist eine farce! die haben uns bisher mehr schaden zugerichtet als was nützliches getan. und so tun sie es in allen bereichen.