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Länder, die Kosova anerkennnen

Der Inselstatt Palau hat uns anerkannt......

Wenn ich ehrlich bin hör ich des zum erstenmal und des obwohl ich ein Geografie Freak bin...

Republika e Palaut njohu shtetin e Kosovës

Sot, në Ambasadën e Republikës së Kosovës në Uashington, të ngarkuarit me punë, Avni Spahiut, i është dorëzuar letra e presidentit të Republikës së Palaut, Johanson Toribiong, për presidentin e Republikës së Kosovës, Fatmir Sejdiun, me të cilën konfirmohet se ky vend ka njohur Kosovën shtet të pavarur dhe sovran.
Presidenti Toribiong, i cili po qëndron për vizitë zyrtare në Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës, i është përgjigjur pozitivisht kërkesës zyrtare të presidentit Sejdiu për njohjen e Kosovës shtet të pavarur dhe sovran. Republika e Palaut është vendi i 56 që njeh Kosovën shtet të pavarur dhe Sovran.

Thank You! Sulang! Haparu ma hatawahi!!!!
Recognition text
(March 9, 2009)
The US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Tuesday thanked the Maldivian government for its decision to recognize Kosovo Independence.

In a message sent to Maldives Foreign Minister Dr. Ahmed Shaheed, US State Secretary Clinton stated that government’s decision greatly contributes to efforts to promote a stable and prosperous future for Kosovo and the Western Balkans. Expressing hope that other countries will follow the Maldives example in recognizing Kosovo in the near future, US State Secretary also commended the foreign minister Shaheed’s leadership and welcomed his efforts to encourage other countries to support Kosovo.

In response, foreign minister Shaheed thanked US State Secretary Hilary for her message on Kosovo independence. Shaheed said he worked very closely with key allies of the Maldives in responding to the situation in the western Balkans, and had given a heads up on the decision to recognize Kosovo to the envoys of USA, UK and India, among others.

“Both the UK government and the US government, who maintained a close dialogue with me on developments in Kosovo, would have been in no doubt that the Maldives would recognize Kosovo” because it was “the right thing to do” Foreign minister Shaheed wrote in his response. He also added that Maldives will continue to lobby with other countries to recognize Kosovo.

Dr Shaheed is currently in Berlin to seek German assistance for capacity-building of Maldives Police and to lobby potential investors and to promote President Nasheed's plans to develop the Maldives through foreign investment and public-private partnerships.

US welcome Maldives recognition of Kosovo