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Länder, die Kosova anerkennnen

Union of the Comoros recognized the independence of Kosovo

May 18 (Kosovo Times) - Union of the Comoros is the 59-th UN member state to recognize the independence of Kosovo. Behgjet Pacolli, the President of the AKR party, who just returned from an official visit in this African state, brought with himself the official note verbale of the recognition of the Republic of Kosovo as an independent and sovereign state. This was announced by Mr. Pacolli in a ceremonial press conference honoring this important event. After the press conference Mr. Pacolli passed the note verbal from the Comoros Islands to the Kosovo Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Mr. Pacolli announced the recognition from El Salvador and other countries which did not want to specify yet.

Union of the Comoros recognized the independence of Kosovo

Pse sosht ala n'kosovthanksyou e regjestrun?
Union of the Comoros recognized the independence of Kosovo

May 18 (Kosovo Times) - Union of the Comoros is the 59-th UN member state to recognize the independence of Kosovo. Behgjet Pacolli, the President of the AKR party, who just returned from an official visit in this African state, brought with himself the official note verbale of the recognition of the Republic of Kosovo as an independent and sovereign state. This was announced by Mr. Pacolli in a ceremonial press conference honoring this important event. After the press conference Mr. Pacolli passed the note verbal from the Comoros Islands to the Kosovo Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Mr. Pacolli announced the recognition from El Salvador and other countries which did not want to specify yet.

Union of the Comoros recognized the independence of Kosovo

Eigenwerbung von Pacolli....nur ein Geldgeiler "Mafiosi"
Endlich haben uns die Komoren offziell anerkannt. 59 UN Staaten also bisher.

@ BOSs: Kosovathanksyou hat nichts mit der KS-Regierung zu tun, sie machen ihre eigene Arbeit. Das heisst auch, dass sie nichts online stellen, bevor sie selber bei diesem Staat nachgefragt haben.
!!شكراً جزيلاً

Faleminderit Comoros, shpresoj qe e ka lan kemben zhag