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Länder, die Kosova anerkennnen

Diese "NewKosovaReport" Seite ist der Hammer.
Da legen die einfach mal so Putin irgendwelche Worte in den Mund, und manche Medien sind noch so blöd und übernehmen das...
Diese "NewKosovaReport" Seite ist der Hammer.
Da legen die einfach mal so Putin irgendwelche Worte in den Mund, und manche Medien sind noch so blöd und übernehmen das...

ja vielleicht streut sie der putin selber um zu gucken wie die reaktion der serben so ist,???

oder denkst du,für russland ist die freundschaft zu serbien wichtiger als ein raketenschild,dass ihre zweitschlagkapazität beträchlich einschränkt???

wenn die amis dieses raketenschild wegen den kosten aufgeben müssten,so könnten die russen im gegensatz kosovo anerkennen.
beide hätten etwas davon.
lol, zieh erstmal deine Hand aus Uncle Sams Arsch:birdman:


Warum sollten wir?

Uncle Sam's Arsch ist eine Schokoladenfabrik.
Warum sollten wir?

Uncle Sam's Arsch ist eine Schokoladenfabrik.

Kannst du bitte aus Respekt den notleidenden Kindern über in deiner Sig, das Bild rausnehmen. Sowas ist höhst geschmacklos, die leiden jeden Tag und du missbrauchst sowas. Ich hab dich als klugen und neutralen User in Erinnerung und sowas jetzt ....
Algeria is the latest country to express its opinion on Kosovo's status, and says it will not recognise the newly independent state.
"The Algerian government's position on the issue of Kosovo is clear. We consider this to be a problem of partition, secession, not of self-determination.m," said the Algerian ambassador to Belgrade in the Politika daily, expressing his ''support Serbia's territorial integrity and sovereignty''.

Both Kosovo and Serbia are lobbying countries intensively, the former fights for its newly declared sovereignty, the latter for countries not the recognise Pristina.

"We will not recognise Kosovo as independent and we will remain firmly on this position, unless there is a development that would have Serbia change its stance, but that would be a different question that we would consider then," Abdelkader Mesdoua continued.

He announced a possible trip by Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika in late 2009 or early 2010.

Algeria Will Not Recognise Kosovo :: BalkanInsight.com

sehr Interessant..... :forbiddensmile:
Union of the Comoros recognized the independence of Kosovo

May 18 (Kosovo Times) - Union of the Comoros is the 59-th UN member state to recognize the independence of Kosovo. Behgjet Pacolli, the President of the AKR party, who just returned from an official visit in this African state, brought with himself the official note verbale of the recognition of the Republic of Kosovo as an independent and sovereign state. This was announced by Mr. Pacolli in a ceremonial press conference honoring this important event. After the press conference Mr. Pacolli passed the note verbal from the Comoros Islands to the Kosovo Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Mr. Pacolli announced the recognition from El Salvador and other countries which did not want to specify yet.

Union of the Comoros recognized the independence of Kosovo
PD paralajmëroi mundësinë e njohjes nga Kuvajti

Partia e Drejtesisë ka paralajmëruar mundësinë e njohjes së shpejtë të Kosovës nga Kuvajti. Kjo parti ka kritikuar Ministrinë e Punëve të Jashtme për ngecje në procesin e lobimit. Drejtuesit e kësaj partie kanë ngritur shqetësimin e tyre për injorimin që i është bërë kësaj partie nga Ministria e Jashtme sa i përket procesit të lobimit në botën islame.
Nga ana tjetër zyrtarët e Ministrisë së Punëve të Jashtme i cilësojnë këto kritika si pjesë të fushatës elektorale. Sipas tyre lobimi nuk është çështje ekskluzive e Ministrisë së Jashtme dhe në këtë proces mund të jep kontributin çdo subjekt politik.
Drejtues të Partisë së Drejtësisë e kanë konsideruar të nevojshme pjesëmarrjen e Kosovës në takimin e Konferencës Islamike në Damask, që mbahet nga 23 deri më 25 maj, në të cilën Arabia Saudite do të parashtrojë një rezolutë të veçantë për përshpejtimin e njohjes së Kosovës nga shtetet anëtare të kësaj organizate.


Um eine baldige Anerkennung Kuwaits ist in diesem Bericht die Rede.
Union of the Comoros recognized the independence of Kosovo

May 18 (Kosovo Times) - Union of the Comoros is the 59-th UN member state to recognize the independence of Kosovo. Behgjet Pacolli, the President of the AKR party, who just returned from an official visit in this African state, brought with himself the official note verbale of the recognition of the Republic of Kosovo as an independent and sovereign state. This was announced by Mr. Pacolli in a ceremonial press conference honoring this important event. After the press conference Mr. Pacolli passed the note verbal from the Comoros Islands to the Kosovo Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Mr. Pacolli announced the recognition from El Salvador and other countries which did not want to specify yet.

Union of the Comoros recognized the independence of Kosovo

Eh Pacoll minzi bre :D