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Länder, die Kosova anerkennnen

"Skopje to recognize Kosovo Sept. 23"
PRIŠTINA -- Priština daily Zeri says that Macedonia will recognize Kosovo’s unilateral independence on September 23.

Macedonia earlier linked the issue of recognition to progress in resolving the issue of demarcation of administrative lines, but according to Zeri, that has been “achieved in recent days, especially in the sensitive zone of Debelde.“

The Ahtisaari Plan also envisages settlement of this issue, underlining that it needs to be dealt with a year after the beginning of a joint commission’s work, with the assistance of representatives of the International Civil Office in Kosovo and KFOR.

The commission began work after the independence declaration and the beginning of recognitions from other states, and, says Zeri, the conditions have been fulfilled for
Skopje to recognize Kosovo without much further ado.

As far as
Montenegro is concerned, the daily states that “because of the internal political scene, it is not entirely certain whether Podgorica will immediately follow suit.“

Kosovo PM: Greece to recognize Kosovo


Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo on Wednesday met chief liaison officer of the Hellenic Republic in Prishtina, Dimitros Moschopoulos to discuss the relations between Kosovo and Greece.

After the meeting PM Thaçi stated that he believes Greece will recognize Kosovo independence.

"Greece too as part of the democratic world will recognize Kosovo, will be a part of the European Union decision for the European future of Kosovo," said Prime Minister Thaçi adding that Greece already supports Kosovo and has been committed to assisting Kosovo in many ways.

"Now will begin the procedure for recognition, initially of the passports of the Republic of Kosovo and further more will continue with the process of recognition of Kosovo independence as a sovereign and democratic country, " said Thaçi of Greece.

Thaçi also said that he had held a meeting with the Italian Ambassador to the Republic of Kosovo, Michael Giffoni. At the meeting, the main topics were the recent developments in Kosovo and furthering of relations with direct cooperation between Kosovo and Italy.

New Kosova Report - Kosovo PM: Greece to recognize Kosovo