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Macedonian Army | Армија на Република Македонија | Streitkräfte Mazedoniens


AO-2.5RT submunitions are extracted from BKF dispensers as part of a project by the Macedonian Ministry of Defense, in conjunction with Norwegian People’s Aid and Fenix Insight Ltd, to destroy the country’s stockpile of cluster munitions under Article 3 of the Convention on Cluster Munitions. (c) Colin King
On 25th October 2013 the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYR Macedonia) completed destruction of its stockpiled cluster munitions, well ahead of the 2018 deadline mandated by theConvention on Cluster Munitions.
The destruction of final stocks of the weapon in Krivolak, Macedonia, marked the end of a 9 month project that saw cooperation between Cluster Munition Coalition (CMC) member organisation Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA) and the Macedonian Ministry of Defense, with funding from the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Germany and Norway.
The CMC welcomes this announcement which demonstrates that stockpile destruction does not need to be high-tech or expensive and that international assistance is available for states that need financial and/or technical support. “The Macedonian disposal project, and similarly the Moldovan success story, shows that with good cooperation between civil society and states’ Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defence, and with international support; momentum can be gained and maintained in the destruction of these banned munitions”, said Project Manager Lee Moroney of Norwegian People’s Aid.
Stockpile destruction is one of the greatest successes of the Convention so far. According to the Cluster Munition Monitor 2013, under the Convention on Cluster Munitions States Parties have destroyed 1.03 million cluster munitions and 122.0 million submunitions. Let’s keep it going!

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Bilder aus dem Konflikt in MKD 2001 von unseren Spezialeinheiten. E.B.I. Lavovi (Löwen)





E.S.N. Volci (Wölfe)






E.S.Z. Tigar (Tiger)









Macedonia first in SEE introduced platform for cyber defense of the Military Academy

Military Academy in Skopje and Institute of International Studies Monterey (USA) signed a Memorandum of Cooperation for Cyber ​​Defense.

The memorandum was signed by the Dean of College Colonel professor Orce Popovski and Dr. Ithamar Lokhard from the Institute of International Studies of Monterrey.
This Memorandum will facilitate mutual cooperation in cyber defense.
For the first time in Macedonia a higher education institution opens a study that covers the field of cyber defense. Macedonia is the first country in Southeast Europe which enters into such a project for the study of secular evil which is a top priority for NATO and all countries in the world.
This subject has become popular in NATO 2010, reviewed in 2011, and particularly emphasized by the declaration of the Summit in Chicago as one of the priorities of NATO. Thus NATO urges its Members for a strong cooperation in dealing with this global scourge.
Technological and technical development of mankind, increasing networking of institutions in computer network impose this need by studying the threats that lie ahead of cyber terrorism, and we find it commendable that Macedonia is included in such an agreement, said Deputy Defense Minister Emil Dimitirev.
The Military Academy is open for cooperation with all institutions in the country that require the study of the global threat and beyond.
- We are confident that this agreement will provide creating a platform for cyber security at the regional level. Macedonia is the first country in the region, NATO and EU are committed to opening regional platforms, said Ithamar Lokhard, the director of the Cyber ​​Defense Institute of International studies of Monterey.
Dimitirev added that the Memorandum will help in the exchange of professors with the Institute, sharing various publications, books that will be the basis for the study of this issue. At the start will be conducted various courses, workshops connected with cyber defense. This will be expanded at some stage in all institutions in society.
