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Macedonian Army | Армија на Република Македонија | Streitkräfte Mazedoniens

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Government solves challenges for professional soldiers PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 15 January 2014

After completing the service with the Macedonian Army (ARM), professional soldiers over 45 years of age will be employed in state institutions until their retirement, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski told a press conference on Tuesday.

The bill that should regulate this issue will be drafted in ten days at latest by the Ministry of Defense and should be adopted by the end of February.

The soldiers, Gruevski said, will acquire positions that correspond to their qualifications and skills at the Ministries of Defense, Internal Affairs, judicial, forest police…

Today the Government also decided to adopt legal changes for providing financial support also to persons that lost their jobs or have been made redundant after 2004, namely to 31 December 2013. The regulation will cover former employees of state of dominantly state-owned companies.

This solution solves the problem to about 3.000 persons, who will get at least MKD 7.100, i.e. 34 percent of the average salary in 2013 plus a healthcare insurance. Necessary funds of EUR 4 million will be covered by the state budget, Gruevski said.

The two measures adopted by the Government will enable to over 7.000 citizens to overcome a serious challenge, Gruevski said.

Resolving of their status is not part of the Government's program, but after reviewing the analyses the cabinet has agreed that these measures may be put into effect, the PM said.
[h=3]Macedonian peacekeepers have returned with dignity from Afghanistan[/h]Labels: News, Pics

15th contingent of the Army of Republic of Macedonia which in the past six months took care of the safety of the main command of ISAF forces in Kabul, Afghanistan, returned today at the Skopje airport “Alexander the Great”.

Contingent commander, Colonel Boro Glatkoski, noted that all members have conscientiously, diligently and responsibly performed their obligations and evidence for that are the large number of compliments and gratitude that our soldiers have received in this rotation.

In the fifteenth rotation in the ISAF forces in Afghanistan, ARM participated with 156 members, i.e. mechanized infantry company “Leopards” from 1st MIB, which was responsible for providing the main command of ISAF in Kabul.

Peacekeepers were welcomed by the Defense Minister Talat Xhaferi, who announced the government’s decision on amendments to the Law on Military Service, which provides after the professional soldiers reach 45, they will continue to work in the institutions of the Republic of Macedonia.

He expressed pleasure over the fact that all members of the Army have returned safe and sound home, to their families and that they again displayed their skills and knowledge, and professionalism in carrying out their tasks within the mission.
