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Makedonische Sprache im Mitelalter

Tracing the script and the language of the ancient Maceonians.


Sehr interessant.

The Lost Writings Of The Ancient Macedonians

The Macedonian public knows very little about the dozens of historians that have described the history of ancient Macedonia in detail, and other states as well. Some are contained in written manuscripts, but these material proofs are not readily accessible to today’s reader. Unlike many numerous works by ancient authors, Greek and others, these manuscripts are not found on the internet, nor are they easily found in libraries.

However, a good portion of original historical materials, written by ancient Macedonian historians, have been found in the private collection of the German professor, Felix Jacoby (1876 – 1959). A professor of classical philology in Kiel for 30 years, he resumed teaching at Oxford in 1939. During his career, he collected several thousand fragments from texts by ancient writers, most of which have been transmitted by successive authors. Among these are fragments of the writings of 15 ancient Macedonian historians. The Macedonian ethnic identity of these historians is evident by the attachment of the identifier, “The Macedonian”, added to the writer’s name, or by a particular Macedonian topographic name denoting their place of birth.

Today Prof. Jacoby’s collection is accessible in a costly electronic form. Access to this material was made possible when Prof. Maria Kubaiska (in honour of her daughter Emilia Doneva Kubaiska) kindly acquired it and placed it at the disposal of the author of this article.

The initial survey of this material, containing fragments from the lost works of more than 850 ancient historians, clearly reveals the names of 15 Macedonians. Among them are: Marcia from Pela, Kriton of Pieria, Anhang the Macedonian, Antigon the Macedonian, Antioch the Aegean, Antipater the Macedonian, Marcia from Philipi, Phillip from Amphipole, Pole the Aegean, Ptolomy the son of Lag, and others. Prof. Jacoby’s collection contains several hundred additional ancient historians. It is very probable that some of these writers too are ethnic Macedonians,
an issue which has yet to be scientifically deciphered, since their names have yet to be ethnically or geographically defined.

Regarding the contents of the lost works by ancient Macedonian historians, we know that Prof. Jacoby carefully compiled them from the preserved fragments of other ancient writers. These fragments provide compelling evidence that most of these writers dealt with the history of ancient Macedonia. For example, the ancient Macedonian historian Marcia from Pela, who is described as a Macedonian aristocrat, is also referred to as the one who created the “most detailed patriotic history of his time (“The Dictionary of the History of Ideas” Electronic Text Center; University of Virginia Library, 2003).

The upcoming release of these materials to the public will illuminate new findings in Macedonian historiography.

Seite 13

Uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, krasse FYROGanda :eek::eek:
Sehr gut,

mehr solche infos, findest du HIER und das auch HIER

PS: Und du als Albaner, könntest das HIER interessant finden (Na ja, ich seh das ein bisschen kritischer)

Das passt wunderbar zu diesem Beitrag dazu, ist mir gerade über den Weg gelaufen:

The Ancient Languages Of Europe” by Roger D. Woodward, 2008, published by Cambridge University Press.








Laut Plutarch, existierten schon in der Antike: MAKEDONISTI
Jeremiah Ruso in “The Chronicles of Moscovia” clearly states that the Russians, meaning the Moscowians had the same language as the ancient Macedonians; and King Phillip, the father of Alexander the Macedonian was born among them, who (as Plutarch in “The life of Alexander”, Yustin in VIIIth book and Sabelik in the III book of “Eneida”, and others tell us) submitted the strongest towns in Greece under his laws, enslaved Greece (who until then had freedom) and through his glorious deeds reached the greatness of the most famous kings. His son Alexander the Macedonian expanded through the boundaries of the earth (according to the First book of Macabians, chapter 1), took the treasures of many people, even making the earth numb. After Alexander’s death, Macedonians governed all nations in the world as well as the Egyptians for 276 years” says Mauro Orbini.

From the book “The Kingdom of the Slavs” by Mauro Orbini, published in 1601, in Pezaro, page 168 - 171.

The Penguin Atlas of World History
(Seite 111. Ausgabe 1, Hermann Kinder and Werner Hilgemann

The Homeric MACEDONIAN SPEAKING LANGUAGE was increasing and gradually evolving into a more modern language, spreаding and using a distinctive dialect from wich later came russian, polish, chroatian, slovakian, bulgarian, and other tongues, today they are known as slavic languages, based on the MACEDONIAN”.




Codex Zographenis:





Codex Marianus:

Und hier die erwähnte Inschrift aus dem Jahre 993:



†въ имѧ ѡтьца и съина и с҃таго дѹха азъ самоип(л)ь рабъ б҃жи полагаѫпамѧть ѡтьцѹ и матєри и братѹ на кръстѣхъ сихъ• имєна ѹсъпъшихъникола рабъ б҃жи ... ѣ давдъ написа ... въ лѣто отъ сътворєния мирѹѕ҃• фа҃• инъдикта ѕ҃•

† Во името на Отецот и Синот и Светиот Дух. Јас Самоил, рoб Божји, правам помен на својот татко и мајка и братот на овој крст. Ова се имињата на починатиот: слуга Божји Никола, [Рипсимија и] Давид. Се напиша во годината од создавањето на светот 6501 [992/93] индикт

Kleine info zu dieser Tafel:
Vo 1888 god vo seloto German,Dolna Prespa sega vo Republika Grcija pronajdena e nadgrobnata plo~a na Samuilovite roditeli, negoviot tatko Nikola-brsja~ki knez,majka mu Ripsimija i bratot David,a datira od 993 godina.Toa e eden od prvite pi{uvani spomenici na slovenski jazik. Momentalno se nao|a Vo Sofiskiot muzej, najverovatno prenesen vo viorot na vojnite.Od toj period na ostrovot Ahil vo maloto Prespansko ezero seu{te postoja ostatoci od Katedralnata crkva podignata od Samoil vo ~est na Sv.Ahil.