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Makedonische Sprache im Mitelalter

Unheimlich, langsam glaube ich echt, dass es die Albaner schon vor den Menschen gab! ::lol:

Nene, davor waren es die Türken.....die sind dann aus taktischen Gründen in die Hinterländer und Hintergründe verschwunden,nachdem sie aber zuvor alle Albo-Illyrischen Angehörigen eingesperrt haben, dann haben sie die Hellenen alles kreieren und erfinden lassen und jetzt kommen sie zurück und erheben ihre Urheberschaften.

Jetzt müssen wir überlegen, ob die Geschichte nicht komplett rückwärts geschrieben werden kann......Aristoteles hieß wohl ursprünglich Ali-Tutonkardesh , Alexander hieß wohl Ali-Karacardesh.......die aus Fyrom stammenden Urahnen der heutigen Fyrombewohner hießen dann wohl Philipp, also Philipopovic usw.usw.

Die Etymologen aus Skopje werden es der Welt schon beweisen, wer hier dem Fuchs das Fell gestohlen hat und dem Eichhörnchen den Eiszapfen angeklebt hat.
Medieval church manuscripts to be exhibited in Brussels feature characteristics of Macedonian language
Skopje, 30 August 2012 (MIA) -
Macedonian medieval church manuscripts, which are to be exhibited in the Royal Museum of Mariemont of Brussels, originate from the territory of Macedonia and feature the linguistic characteristics of Macedonian churches and dialects, whose uniqueness was pointed out by French Slavists Andre Mazon and Andre Vaillant at the early 20th century, says the Council for Macedonian Language.
The statement, issued Thursday after the Council's session, is a response to the claims of Bulgarian politicians and historians, who consider that the exhibition's title should not include the word "Macedonian".
For over 50 years relevant institutions in Macedonia have been engaged in studying the medieval manuscripts, which are primarily defined with the adjective Macedonian, the statement reads.
Exhibit "Slavic Manuscripts from Macedonia, 13th-19th Centuries" in Belgium
Skopje, 9 October 2012 (MIA) -
Culture Minister Elizabeta Kanceska-Milevska is set to open Tuesday exhibition "Slavic Manuscripts from Macedonia, 13th-19th Centuries", displayed in Musee Royal de Mariemont in Brussels on October 9-21.
The project, aimed at presenting the millennium-old written tradition in Macedonia through the manuscript cultural heritage, is realized by Skopje-based national and university library "St.Kliment Ohridski", in cooperation with Wallonie-Bruxelles International, and Musee Royal de Mariemont.
The display includes 39 authentic Slavic manuscripts from the 13th up to the 19th centuries. The first three centuries of the millennium (10th-12th) are not included since the authentic manuscripts are currently in the collections of libraries and museums in the Vatican, Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Sinai's Saint Catherine's Monastery etc.