Weiteres Buch zu den türkischen Verbrechen in Smyrna
A File of Overwhelming Evidence, Denouncing
the Misdeeds of the Turks in Asia Mino-
and showing their Responsibility
for the Horrors of Smyrna
Lecturer in Modern Greek and Byzantine History at the
University of London (King's College)
The respective positions of the various quarters make it clear
that, were the Turks to set the Christian quarters blazing, they
would have had to start the fire somewhere in the Armenian
quarter, for the obvious reason of its being the nearest to their
own, and to avail themselves of a wind blowing from south-east
to north-west so as to give the fire every chance of spreading
over the Christian quarters.
Deportation of Greeks
" The Kemalists pursued with vigour their considered and
systematic campaign for the extermination of the Greek minority
in Asia Minor, which was attended with the same incredible
brutality as marked the Turkish massacre of 1,000,000 Armenians
in the early part of the Great War.
" This war of extermination became more thorough as the
Turkish Nationalists grew in power. It involved the deportation
of the Greeks from their homes on the southern shores of the
Black Sea, along the roads through Sivas and Harpoot to the
mountainous regions east of Bitlis.