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Massaker von Bukvik, Brcko 1992

Gab es diese Massaker ?

nein natürlich nicht....nur serben waren böse :rolleyes:


Massaker an Serben:

26.März 1992 - Sijekovac (Bosanski Brod)/9 oder 20 Serben massakriert
3.April 1992 - Kostres (Bosanski Brod) / 66 Serben massakriert
3-7.April 1992 - Kupres / 55 Serben massakriert
25-26 April 1992 Cardak (Derventa) / 19 Serben massakriert

Am 4.April zogen bosnisch-moslemische Soldaten von ihrem Dorf Kolibe Donje aus, um den serbischen Ort Kostres auszutilgen. Auf dem Friedhof zwischen dem serbischen Kostres und Korace stießen sie auf eine große Gruppe serbischer Flüchtlinge aus Kostres. Die moslemischen Soldaten begannen ein schreckliches Massaker an den unbewaffneten Zivilisten. Einer der Täter, der Moslem Alija Selimagic, konnte mehrere Monate später festgenommen werden.

Es sagte folgendes aus:

In meiner Gruppe organisierten wir das Töten so, daß Becir, Havic und Mojcin die Opfer brachten, sie festhielten und auf den Boden warfen, während ich ihnen die Kehle aufschlitzte. Auf diese Weise durchschnitten wir, soweit ich mich erinnere, acht Männern, fünf Frauen und zwei oder drei Kindern die Kehle. Weil wir müde wurden, erschossen wir die übriggebliebenen Flüchtlinge mit Gewehren. Nur kurze Zeit später wurden die Leichen dieser Flüchtlinge und jener von den Häusern in Kostres und Barice auf Kühllastwagen verladen und in eine mir unbekannte Richtung weggfahren. Danach kehrten wir zum Friedhof zurück, wo die restlichen Flüchtlinge warteten. Wir zwangen sie, sechs oder sieben Gruben von der Größe eines normalen Grabes auszuheben. Danach töteten wir sie alle mit automatischen Gewehren. Es waren etwa dreißig bis vierzig Leute, darunter auch Kinder und Mädchen. Beim Friedhof vergewaltigten wir weitere drei Mädchen, aber wir kennen ihre Namen nicht. Danach töteten wir sie. Wir stießen sie alle in die Gruben.

Danach gingen sie weiter zum Dorf und setzten das Schlachten von Haus zu Haus fort. Nach drei Tagen kam die moslemische Gruppe in das Dorf Sijekovac, um Mädchen zu entführen und in ein Bordell für Mitglieder der Crescent (einer moslemischen paramilitärischen Formation) zu bringen. Während der Entführung der Mädchen wurden deren Familien massakriert. Dem Schuldbekenntnis des beteiligten Moslems Alija Selimagic zufolge schnitt er 117 Serben die Kehle durch und vergewaltigte 17 junge Mädchen in den Ortschaften rund um Bosanski Brod.

Bei unserer Ankunft in Sijekovac gingen wir in Richtung Derventa weiter und verschafften uns mit Gewalt Zutritt in die Häuser. Dabei vergewaltigten wir mehrere Mädchen in den Häusern, wo wir sie fanden, und entführten, soweit ich mich erinnern kann, 28 Frauen, welche in einem Kombi nach Slavonski Brod weggebracht wurden. Als der Kombi zurückkehrte, hatte meine Gruppe weitere sechs oder sieben Mädchen entführt, welche dann mit dem zweiten Transport weggebracht wurden. Wo immer wir die Eltern oder Verwandten dieser Mädchen fanden, fesselten wir sie und ließen sie in den Häusern zurück. Ich weiß nicht, ob oder wie viele Leute von den anderen Gruppen die Eltern der entführten Mädchen getötet haben. Nach dem Ende der Operation sagte uns Becir Hodzic, daß die Mädchen nach Slavonski Brod gebracht worden waren, in ein Bordell der kroatischen Armee. Ich erinnere mich noch gut daran, daß wir, Hodzic, Havic, Mojcin und ich, uns noch für uns selbst jeder ein Mädchen entführten und sie nach Gornje brachten.


Alija Selimagic
Sead Mujcin
Enes Havic
Becir Hodzic

und 108th Brigade of the Croatian Army

Befor die Zivilisten massakriert wurden, hat man Frauen und Mädchen darunter 12 bis 14 Jahre vergewaltigt!.


26.März 1992 - Sijekovac (Bosanski Brod) / 20 Serben massakriert

Einige Stunden vor dem Massaker luden die Kroaten die führenden serbischen Bürger zu einer Besprechung des "Krisenkommandos" ein und garantierten ihnen Sicherheit. Das Krisenkommando bestand nur aus Vertretern kroatischer und bosnisch-moslemischer Organisation.

Ein Bataillon der 108. Brigarde der kroatischen Armee ZNG hatte die Grenze überschritten und war in dem Ort einquartiert worden. Zuerst brachen die Soldaten in das Haus des Serben Jovan Zecevic ein, der an die Sicherheitsversprechen glaubte und ihnen die Waffen aushändigte. Als aber sein Nachbar die Herausgabe der Waffen verweigerte, eroffneten die Soldaten Feuer aus allen verfügbaren Infanterie- und Artilleriewaffen.

Sie töteten Jovan Zecevic und schnitten seinen Söhnen die Kehle durch. Sie setzen ihre blutige Orgie fort, gingen von Haus zu Haus, demolierten alles, legten Feuer und ermorderten die Bewohner, welche zu keinem Widerstand in der Lage waren. Den meisten Leuten wurde die Kehle durchgeschnitten, dann wurden sie verbrannt. Die Überreste einer Anzahl unbekannter Leichen wurden in einem Kühlwagen weggebracht und in den Fluß Sava geworfen. Zur gleichen Zeit wurden über 50 serbische Häuser angezündet oder auf andere Art zerstört.

Die Massenschlächterei in Bosanski Brod und Umgebung setze sich danach noch fort. An der Liquidation der Serben beteiligten sich auch lokale kroatische und moslemische Einwohner.

EVIDENCE: Witness hearing record filed with the Committee under No. 88/95.
DESIGNATION OF CRIME: Inhumane treatment of detainees - POWs.
PLACE AND TIME: Gornji Rahić, commune Brčko, September 1992.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION: During and after the attack launched by the Moslem-Croatian armed formations on the village Bukvik on 14 September 1992, the civilians who had been unable to run away from the village were captured and all their valuable personal effects including cash, gold, clothes, etc. were confiscated. They were then taken to the camp at Gornji Rahić. Following the orders of Pljakić and Avdić, the guards in the camp Hadžić, Čaušević and Kalić tortured and subjected to inhumane treatment the arrested civilians whom they were interrogating by pounding and kicking them, by hitting them with rubber sticks and riflebutts and threatening that they would slaughter them. In this manner they inflicted severe bodily harm on the following arrested civilians:
1. Pero Djukić, son of Pera, born on 7 September 1916 at Vujičić;
2. Radoš Grbović, son of Djordjije, born on 14 February 1933 in the Paščensko area;
3. Pavle Mitrović, son of Pavle, born on 23 April 1944 at Donji Bukvik;
4. Milenko Zarić, son of Paja, born on 1 February 1968 in Brčko;
5. Pavo Radić, son of Mihajlo, born on 2 October 1967 in Brčko;
6. Cvijetin Radić, son of Cvijetin, born on 6 January 1962 in Bukovac;
7. Borislav Piperac, son of Pera, born on 8 January 1962 at Gajevi;
8. Vasa Djukić, son of Sava, born on 17 March 1962 at Vujičić.
1. Ramiz Pljakić, commander of the 108th HVO brigade
2. Kadrija Avdić, son of Alija, born on 23 September 1959 at Ratkovići, warden of the camp at Gornji Rahić;
3. Galib Hadžić, son of Himza, born on 21 November 1947 in Brčko, chief camp inspector;
4. Omer Čaušević, son of Meda, born on 17 March 1968 in Bijelo Polje, chief camp guard and
5. Nijaz Kalić, a.k.a. "Bego", camp guard.
EVIDENCE: Witness hearing records, medical findings and a medical specialist's opinion on the witness's injuries, all filed with the Committee under No. 144/95-3.
DESIGNATION OF CRIME: Inhumane treatment of detainees - POWs.
PLACE AND TIME: Gornji Rahić and Maoči, commune Brčko, May- September 1992.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION: During May and September 1992 Moslem-Croatian armed formations sent captured Serb civilians to the camps at Gornji Rahić, Maoči and Tuzla.
The guards and the members of the Military Police Force in those camps tortured and abused the detained civilians (hit them with iron bars, plastic cables, inflicted wounds all over their bodies with knives, put out cigarettes against their skin, a.s.o.) and also forced them to dig out inactivated mines. The following detained civilians were treated in this manner:
1. Aleksandar Pavlović, son of Damjan, born on 4 February 1956 in Obodovac;
2. Zoran Delić, son of Marko, born on 8 August 1960 in Brčko;
3. Milenko Radušić, son of Sava, born on 7 April 1969 in Brčko;
4. Ilija Dragičević, son of Dušan, born on 5 June 1962 in Brčko;
5. Vasiljko Todić, son of Stanko, born on 6 May 1956 in Jablanica.
1. Kadrija Avdić, son of Alija, born on 23 September 1959 at Ratkovići, former policeman at the Brčko Secretariat of the Interior at Gornji Rahić;
2. Galib Hadžić, son of Himza, born on 21 November 1947 at Brčko, former police inspector in Brčko;
3. Osman Osmanović, son of Šemsa, born on 14 March 1960 in Brčko, former police inspector in Brčko;
4. Novalija Fazlović, son of Muša, born on 1 January 1948 in Isalamovac, former police inspector in Brčko;
5. Ferid Fazlović, son of Muša, born on 5 May 1954 at Islamovac, graduated from the Faculty of Economy;
6. Ferhad Osmanović, son of Šemsa, born on 16 April 1954 in Brčko;
7. Redžo Adrović, age 50, from Živinice, camp warden in Tuzla, former employee of the State Security Service (SDB) at Živinice;
8. Bajazit Selimović, age around 48, from Bratunac;
9. Vlada Matuzović, age around 25, from Živinice.
EVIDENCE: Witness hearing records and medical documents filed under No. 144/95-17.
DESIGNATION OF CRIME: Inhumane treatment of detainees - POWs.
DESIGNATION OF CRIME: Deliberate killing and inhuman treatment of wounded and sick persons
PLACE AND TIME: The village of Bukvik, the municipality of Brčko, September 1992.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION: During the attack against the village of Bukvik and other nearby Serb villages on September 14, 1992, soldiers of the Muslim-Croat armed formations occupied the bandage room in the house of Čedo and Manda Pajić where the persons who had been wounded during the attack were placed.
Mensur Djakić, as commander of the battalion, issued the order that the captured wounded civilians be shot immediately, which Ševket Ljubinović carried out. He killed the following persons that day:
1. Živan Radić, f. Mihajlo, born on September 20, 1966, in Bukovac, who had been wounded in the head,
2. Savo Veselinović, f. Ilija, born on September 4, 1939, in Vitanovići, who had been wounded in the leg,
3. Vlajko Purić, f. Avram, born on September 5, 1940, in Bukovac, who had been wounded in the left shoulder.
The mother of Radić Živan, one of the killed, testifies:
"... My Živan was wounded in such a way that the bullet entered his mouth from the right and exited on the top of his head... As I was watching my son and the others, Muslim soldiers came in and one of them pointed his rifle in my back, telling the others to shoot the wounded. He said: "kill the wounded", and they, in my presence, fired a burst in Živan's chest and in the chest of the other two wounded men. They pushed me and then took me away to the detention camp with the others ...".
1. Mensur Djakić, f. Salko, born on August 25, 1949, in Brčko, commander of the battalion of the 108th Brčanska brigade,
2. Ševket Ljubinović, f. Jusuf, born in 1953 in Brka.
EVIDENCE: Testimonies by 12 witnesses in the documents under 144/95-3, as well as 617/95-8, 617/95-9, 617/95-25, 617/95-26 and 617/95-33.
108 war net HVO, klar, die waren zusammen also keine Gegner, auch Kroaten waren unter 108 aber du merkst ja selbst, das du net viel Ahnung hast ...


Was ist deine Quelle? Kommst du überhaupt da her?​

Bukvik Gornji: Hrvata 6, Srba 335​

Bukvik Donji: Hrvata 3, Srba 193​

Vitanovići Gornji: Hrvata 158, muslimana 1, Srba 98

Vitanovići Donji: Hrvata 320, muslimana 5, Srba 86

Hier stellen sich ein paar Fragen​

1. Wieso mussten so viele Kroaten sterben (wenn schon die 108 die Hauptschuld haben soll, wieso greifen die Ihre eigenen Leute an bzw. wie sind die gestorben?)​

2. Quelle ist serbisch, nach der Quelle gab es net mal in Brcko Bosniaken die sterben mussten...​

3. Von den Leichen kennt man max. 100 mit Namen, der Rest ist unbekannt (könnte alles sein)​



100% richtig​

können falsch sein bzw. 10% abweichen ....​


Blau-> bos. Kroaten​

Rot-> bos. Serben​

Grün-> bos. Moslems​


Kann gut Möglich sein, dass die Zahlen oben Stimmen, weil die bos. Serben hier die Minen gelegt haben und die haben die nur da gelegt wo Sie alles vertrieben haben ....​

Sollte das wahr sein mit deinem Onkel, dann tut es mir echt leid, gab sicherlich ein paar Moslems/Kroaten die sowas gemacht haben doch so krass wie in diesem Video hab ich es nicht gesehen/nicht gehört.​

Bei dem fettmarkierten. Meine Mutter ist in diesem Dorf aufgewachsen und gleich in der Nähe ist Bukvik...

Ich weiß das in dem Dorf alles heilgeblieben ist und nie jemand getötet wurde. So scheint es mir. Über Bukvik weiß ich nichts näheres.
Mögen alle diese Täter zur Hölle fahren.

Ich würde lieber sterben, als Kinder zu vergewaltigen oder zu erschießen. Wie krank kann man nur sein.
Am 4.April zogen bosnisch-moslemische Soldaten von ihrem Dorf Kolibe Donje aus, um den serbischen Ort Kostres auszutilgen. Auf dem Friedhof zwischen dem serbischen Kostres und Korace stießen sie auf eine große Gruppe serbischer Flüchtlinge aus Kostres. Die moslemischen Soldaten begannen ein schreckliches Massaker an den unbewaffneten Zivilisten. Einer der Täter, der Moslem Alija Selimagic, konnte mehrere Monate später festgenommen werden.

Es sagte folgendes aus:

In meiner Gruppe organisierten wir das Töten so, daß Becir, Havic und Mojcin die Opfer brachten, sie festhielten und auf den Boden warfen, während ich ihnen die Kehle aufschlitzte. Auf diese Weise durchschnitten wir, soweit ich mich erinnere, acht Männern, fünf Frauen und zwei oder drei Kindern die Kehle. Weil wir müde wurden, erschossen wir die übriggebliebenen Flüchtlinge mit Gewehren. Nur kurze Zeit später wurden die Leichen dieser Flüchtlinge und jener von den Häusern in Kostres und Barice auf Kühllastwagen verladen und in eine mir unbekannte Richtung weggfahren. Danach kehrten wir zum Friedhof zurück, wo die restlichen Flüchtlinge warteten. Wir zwangen sie, sechs oder sieben Gruben von der Größe eines normalen Grabes auszuheben. Danach töteten wir sie alle mit automatischen Gewehren. Es waren etwa dreißig bis vierzig Leute, darunter auch Kinder und Mädchen. Beim Friedhof vergewaltigten wir weitere drei Mädchen, aber wir kennen ihre Namen nicht. Danach töteten wir sie. Wir stießen sie alle in die Gruben.

Danach gingen sie weiter zum Dorf und setzten das Schlachten von Haus zu Haus fort. Nach drei Tagen kam die moslemische Gruppe in das Dorf Sijekovac, um Mädchen zu entführen und in ein Bordell für Mitglieder der Crescent (einer moslemischen paramilitärischen Formation) zu bringen. Während der Entführung der Mädchen wurden deren Familien massakriert. Dem Schuldbekenntnis des beteiligten Moslems Alija Selimagic zufolge schnitt er 117 Serben die Kehle durch und vergewaltigte 17 junge Mädchen in den Ortschaften rund um Bosanski Brod.

Bei unserer Ankunft in Sijekovac gingen wir in Richtung Derventa weiter und verschafften uns mit Gewalt Zutritt in die Häuser. Dabei vergewaltigten wir mehrere Mädchen in den Häusern, wo wir sie fanden, und entführten, soweit ich mich erinnern kann, 28 Frauen, welche in einem Kombi nach Slavonski Brod weggebracht wurden. Als der Kombi zurückkehrte, hatte meine Gruppe weitere sechs oder sieben Mädchen entführt, welche dann mit dem zweiten Transport weggebracht wurden. Wo immer wir die Eltern oder Verwandten dieser Mädchen fanden, fesselten wir sie und ließen sie in den Häusern zurück. Ich weiß nicht, ob oder wie viele Leute von den anderen Gruppen die Eltern der entführten Mädchen getötet haben. Nach dem Ende der Operation sagte uns Becir Hodzic, daß die Mädchen nach Slavonski Brod gebracht worden waren, in ein Bordell der kroatischen Armee. Ich erinnere mich noch gut daran, daß wir, Hodzic, Havic, Mojcin und ich, uns noch für uns selbst jeder ein Mädchen entführten und sie nach Gornje brachten.


Alija Selimagic
Sead Mujcin
Enes Havic
Becir Hodzic

und 108th Brigade of the Croatian Army

Befor die Zivilisten massakriert wurden, hat man Frauen und Mädchen darunter 12 bis 14 Jahre vergewaltigt!.


26.März 1992 - Sijekovac (Bosanski Brod) / 20 Serben massakriert

Einige Stunden vor dem Massaker luden die Kroaten die führenden serbischen Bürger zu einer Besprechung des "Krisenkommandos" ein und garantierten ihnen Sicherheit. Das Krisenkommando bestand nur aus Vertretern kroatischer und bosnisch-moslemischer Organisation.

Ein Bataillon der 108. Brigarde der kroatischen Armee ZNG hatte die Grenze überschritten und war in dem Ort einquartiert worden. Zuerst brachen die Soldaten in das Haus des Serben Jovan Zecevic ein, der an die Sicherheitsversprechen glaubte und ihnen die Waffen aushändigte. Als aber sein Nachbar die Herausgabe der Waffen verweigerte, eroffneten die Soldaten Feuer aus allen verfügbaren Infanterie- und Artilleriewaffen.

Sie töteten Jovan Zecevic und schnitten seinen Söhnen die Kehle durch. Sie setzen ihre blutige Orgie fort, gingen von Haus zu Haus, demolierten alles, legten Feuer und ermorderten die Bewohner, welche zu keinem Widerstand in der Lage waren. Den meisten Leuten wurde die Kehle durchgeschnitten, dann wurden sie verbrannt. Die Überreste einer Anzahl unbekannter Leichen wurden in einem Kühlwagen weggebracht und in den Fluß Sava geworfen. Zur gleichen Zeit wurden über 50 serbische Häuser angezündet oder auf andere Art zerstört.

Die Massenschlächterei in Bosanski Brod und Umgebung setze sich danach noch fort. An der Liquidation der Serben beteiligten sich auch lokale kroatische und moslemische Einwohner.


ESIGNATION OF CRIME: Deliberate killing of civilians. PLACE AND TIME: The village of Cerik, the municipality of Brcko, June and
August 1992.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Soldiers of Muslim-Croat formations of 108th Brcko
brigade of HVO (Croatian Defense Council) of Bosanska Posavina ordered the
Crisis Center in Bijela to attack the village of Cerik. The attack took place
on June 17 and August 28, 1992. During the attack, the Serb civilian
population took to flight in the surrounding Serb villages, and the following
sixteen civilians who did not manage to escape because they were too old or
ill were killed:
1. Sima Simic, of father Petar, born on January 28, 1924, in Srnice,
2. Jovo Markovic, of father Ilija, born on December 30, 1964, in Cerik,
3. Spasoje Andric, of father Mihajlo, born in 1932, in Cerik,
4. Petar Dzombic, of father Vojislav, born in November 20, 1942, in
5. Zarko Zaric, of father Mika, born in 1919, in Cerik,
6. Laza Ilic, of father Jovo, born in June 20, 1933, in Cerik,
7. Milutin Dragicevic, born in 1925, from Porebrica,
8. Rista Jovicic, of father Mitar, born on October 27, 1926, in Duzekara,
9. Mitra Brkovic, of father Pero, born September 22, 1937, in Pirkovci,
10. Milena Brkovic, of father Radovan, born on November 5, 1975, in
11. Perica, aged about 18, from Spionica,
12. Paja, aged about 24, from Spionica,
13. Aca Milicevic, of father Mika, born in 1958, in Srnica,
14. Jovo, aged about 45, from Srnica,
15. Milivoje Sekulic, of father Savo, born on July 4, 1940, in Bijela,
16. Nedeljko Stevanovic, m. Stanica, aged about 49, from Bijela.
During the attacks, the following persons were captured, taken hostages
and then killed:
17. Radovan Brkovic, aged about 58, from Cerik,
18. Danko Mijatovic, born in 1939, from Cerik, multiple skull bone
fractures (on the head and face) were established on the corpse,
19. Ostoja Micanovic, born in 1939, from Cerik, multiple skull bone
fractures (on the head and face) were established on the corpse,
20. Ostoja Bolic, born in 1939, from Bijela, rib fractures and left
underarm fractures were established on the corpse,
21. Bojic Jovan, aged about 50, from Bijela,
22. Savo Savic, aged about 42, from Bijela,
23. Cvijetin Milicevic, born in 1940, from Bijela, only parts of his
skeleton were found.
The remains of the captured and killed civilians were delivered on June
26, 1994 in Gradacac, and were identified in the morgue in Brcko.
In addition to the murders, during the attacks, the Orthodox church and
the mill owned by Ljubo Zaric were burnt down, as well as 105 houses with
auxiliary buildings. All valuable movable property had been previously looted.
1. Mustafa Ramic, of father Jusuf, born on February 6, 1942, in Brcko,
2. Ibrahim Ramic, of father Jusuf, born on November 2, 1944, in Brcko,
3. Andrija Carcarevic, of father Blazo, born on February 17, 1925 in
4. Nika Bozic, of father Ivo, born on June 22, 1940, in Bijela,
5. Iva Juric, of father Jura, aged 48, from Cerik,
6. Luka Juric, of father Ivo, aged 21, from Cerik,
7. Zlatko Hrgovcic, of father Ivo, born on November 20, 1961, in Dubrave,
8. Drazan Petrovic, of father Petar, born on August 18, 1961, in Brcko,
9. Pavo Marojevic, of father Ilija, born on January 17, 1948, in Dubrave,
10. Misa Tomic, of father Luka, born on August 21, 1962, in Dubrave,
11. Zvonimir Djordjic, of father Jura, born on June 15, 1947, in Bijela,
12. Grga Cancarevic, of father Marjan, born on July 29, 1957, in Bijela,
13. Matija Mandes, of father Franjo, born on June 25, 1961, in Bijela,
14. Filip Gluharovic, of father Bartol, born on March 27, 1967, in
EVIDENCE: The Committee Documents under Nos. 144/95-3, 636/95-5 and
DESIGNATION OF CRIME: Deliberate killing of civilians.
PLACE AND TIME: The village of Gradice, on the Brcko-Bjeljina road,
August 1992.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Soldiers of Croat armed formations, who were on the
left bank of the Sava river in the territory of the Republic of Croatia,
opened fire from anti-aircraft machine gun at the truck driven by Ljuboje
Zaric, who was on his way from Brcko to Bijeljina along the right river bank,
and killed the civilians in the truck:
1. Ljuboje Zaric, of father Savo, born on March 27, 1932, in Cerik,
2. Dimitrije Peric, born on August 27, 1950, in Bosanska Bijela,
whereas Djukic Petar, of father Jovo, born in 1942 in Cerik, sustained
serious bodily injuries.
EVIDENCE: Evidence in the documents 144/95-7.
DESIGNATION OF CRIME: Deliberate killing of civilians.
PLACE AND TIME: Bukvik Gornji, the municipality of Brcko, September 14,
BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Soldiers of Muslim-Croat armed formations of 108th
Brcko brigade of HVO (Croatian Defense Council) of Bosanska Posavina ordered
the Crisis Center in Bijela to attack the village of Bukvik Gornji. The attack
took place on September 14, about 14.00 hrs., from the villages of Gornje
Skakave, Seonjak and Prijedor.
During the attack, the Serb civilian population took to flight towards
the surrounding forests, streams and fields, and twelve civilians, mostly
elderly, ill and immobile, did not manage to escape.
The persons killed were:
1. Mitar Vujic, of father Mitar, born on April 1, 1945 in Gornja Skakava.
He was wounded in the legs on the village road and killed in the yard of Ljubo
Micic in Bukvik, where he was buried;
2. Marko Pejic, of father Petar, born on March 28, 1931 in Donja Skakava,
was shot dead in the cellar of his house and buried in the garden of Milan
Ristic in Donja Skakava;
3. Cveta Pejic, of father Nikola, born on April 17, 1938, in Srnica, was
shot dead in the cellar of her house in Donja Skakava and buried in the garden
of Milan Ristic,
4. Cvijetin Pejic, of father Tanasije, born in 1957, was killed on the
regional R-458 road near the railroad crossing in Bukvik;
5. Mirko Ristic, of father Zarija, born on August 4, 1957 in Bukvik, was
killed on the regional R-458 road near the railroad crossing in Bukvik;
6. Vasa Vujic, aged about 68, from Gornji Bukvik, who had had a stroke
and was immobile, was killed in the yard of Savka Lazic in Mali Bukvik, where
he was also buried;
7. Jovan Tanackovic, of father Todor, born on May 8, 1912 in Gornji
Bukvik, who was ill and immobile, was killed in Mali Bukvik, where he was also
8. Sava Tanackovic, of father Lazar, born on January 14, 1912 in Gornji
Bukvik, was killed in Mali Bukvik, where he was also buried;
9. Spasoje Sekulic, of father Bogoljub, born on June 28, 1954 in Gornji
Bukvik, who had had a stroke and was immobile, used a wheelchair and crutches
to move, was killed on R-458 regional road,
10. Blagoje Pejic, of father Kosta, born on March 8, 1912 in Gornja
Skakava, was shot dead on the road to the house of Gojan Ristic from Donja
11. Ilija Pejic, of father Miljan, aged about 18, from Bukovac, was shot
dead on the village road and buried in the yard of Ljubo Micic in Donja
Skakava, and
12. Mila Djuric, aged about 78, from Gornji Bukvik, was shot dead in the
yard of the Cooperative House in Gornji Bukvik, where she was also buried.
After the murders, the Muslim-Croat troops demilished the primary school
and the Cooperative House in Gornji Bukvik and looted and burnt down some 130
houses together with the same number of auxiliary buildings.
1. Ramiz Pljakic, of father Hamdija, born in the village of Ugao, the
municipality of Sjenica, on July 17, 1958, graduated from the Military
Academy, employed in the "Veljko Lukic-Kurjak" army post in Brcko as commander
of 3rd battery of HD-122 milimeters before the war. Commander of 108th HVO
2. Ibrahim Ramic, of father Jusuf, born on February 11, 1944 in Brcko,
graduated at the Faculty of Medicine, staff member of 108th HVO brigade;
3. Andrija Cancarevic, of father Blazo, born on December 17, 1925 in the
village of Bijela, president of the Crisis Center in Bijela;
4. Zvonimir Djordjic, of father Jura, born on June 15, 1947, in Bijela,
company commander in Bijela, and
5. Andjelko Jurkovic, of father Ignjacije, born on July 21, 1963 in
Tuzla, policeman before the war.
EVIDENCE: Testimonies by 11 witnesses in documents 144/95-8, 617/95-2,
617/95-3, 617/95-6 and 617/95-31.
DESIGNATION OF CRIME: Deliberate killing of civilians.
PLACE AND TIME: The villages of Vitanovic, Bukvik Donji and Bukvik
Gornji, the municipality of Brcko, September, 1992.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Soldiers of Muslim-Croat armed formations of 108th
Brcko brigade of HVO (Croatian Defense Council) of Bosanska Posavina ordered
the Crisis Center in Bijela to attack the unprotected Serb villages of
Vitanovic, Bukvik Donji and Bukvik Gornji. The attacks took place on September
14, about 14.00 hrs., for which reason the Serb population took to flight
towards the forests, streams and fields. Twelve civilians, mostly elderly, ill
and immobile, who did not manage to escape, were killed:
1. Ilija Kaurinovic, of father Bosko, born on April 7, 1918, in Donji
Bukvik, who was disabled, was killed in the house of Rozalija Ciric in
2. Trivo Kaurinovic, of father Savo, born on April 21, 1963 in Brcko, was
shot dead in the yard of Pero Arsenic in Vitanovic;
3. Danilo Jovic, of father Pero, born on May 11, 1966 in G. Spionica, was
shot dead in the yard of Rozalija Ciric in Vitanovic;
4. Djordje Vidovic, of father Milos, born on August 10, 1922 in Donji
Bukvik, who had had a stroke and was immobile, was killed in the field near
his house;
5. Djordje Kerezovic, of father Nikola, born on August 29, 1932 in Donji
Bukvik, was shot dead in the garden of his house;
6. Cvijeta Kerezovic, of father Simo, born on February 11, 1930 in
Vujicici, was shot dead together with her husband in the garden of their
7. Cvijetin Basic, of father Nikola, born on July 9, 1954 in Donji
Bukvik, who was mentally retarded and blind, was slaughtered on the road in
front of his house;
8. Gligor Basic, from Banovici, aged about 62, was killed with a bullet
in his forehead near the church in Donji Bukvik;
9. Radojka Brestovacki, of father Blagoje, born on July 28, 1933 in
Vucilovac, was shot dead near her house in Donji Bukvik;
10. Milka Brestovacki, of father Nikola, born on February 15, 1943 in
Donji Bukvik, was shot dead near her house;
11. Nikola Pipercevic, of father Ranko, born on June 16, 1942 in Donji
Bukvik, was shot dead in the field of Smilja Vidovic in Donji Bukvik;
12. Janko Maricic, of father Savo, born on April 8, 1930, in Donji
Bukvik, was shot dead on the doorstep of his house;
13. Damjan Kerezic, of father Jovan, born on December 14, 1936 in Donji
Bukvik, was killed in the house of Ilija Pantelic in Donji Bukvik;
14. Radojka Bajic, of father Kosta, born on July 5, 1948 in Bukovac, was
killed in the yard of Savo Eric's house in Donji Bukvik;
15. Pero Velimirovic, of father Ilija, born on November 14, 1974 in
Brcko, was shot dead in the yard of Savo Eric's house in Donji Bukvik;
16. Mladjen Bozic, of father Jovan, born in 1976 in Bukvik, was shot dead
on the road near his house.
In addition to the killings, Muslim-Croat troops tore down the church in
Donji Bukvik and plundered and burnt down some 190 houses together with the
same number of auxiliary buildings in the village.
1. Mustafa Ramic, of father Jusuf, born on February 6, 1942 in Brcko,
graduated at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering;
2. Ibrahim Ramic, of father Jusuf, born on February 11, 1944 in Brcko,
graduated at the Faculty of Medicine,
3. Luka Jakic, of father Anto, born on April 29, 1955 in Donja Skakava,
4. Nika Martinovic, of father Mate, born on June 12, 1956 in Donja
5. Mensur Djakic, of father Salko, born on August 25, 1949 in Brcko, and
6. Damir Suljic, of father Smail, born on December 1, 1967 in Brcko.
EVIDENCE: Testimonies in documents 144/95-6 and 617/95-39.
DESIGNATION OF CRIME: Deliberate killing of civilians.
PLACE AND TIME: The villages of Vujicici, Gajevo and Lukavac, the
municipality of Brcko, September, 1992.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Soldiers of Muslim-Croat armed formations of 108th
Brcko brigade of HVO (Croatian Defense Council) of Bosanska Posavina ordered
the Crisis Center in Gornji Rahic to attack the villages of Vujicici, Gajevo
and Lukavaca. The attack took place on September 14, 1992, about 14.00 hrs.,
from the directions of Brka, Coset and Rasljana.
During the attack, the Serb civilian population took to flight towards
the village of Bukvik, but the following eleven civilians, mostly elderly and
ill did not manage to escape and were killed:
1. Nedeljko Lukic, of father Nedeljko, born on July 1, 1940 in Bujicici,
was killed on the village road, in front of his house, after which he was
decapitated and, with the use of a dredging machine, covered with ground in
the canal by the road in front his house, by the Muslims;
2. Vaso Djuric, of father Nikola, born on April 29, 1940 in Gornja
Skakava, was killed together with his son;
3. Sladjan Djuric, of father Vasa, born on January 3, 1975 in Gornja
Skakava, was killed together with his father in the garden of Zivan Tanic,
and, with the use of a dredging machine, both were covered with ground;
4. Jovo Mijatovic, of father Mitar, born on January 17, 1953 in Lukavac,
was killed on the village road and buried in the canal by the road;
5. Mitar Blagojevic, of father Stevo, born of February 19, 1942, in
Gajevi, was killed in the yard of his house;
6. Stevan Blagojevic, of father Risto, born on July 2, 1921, in Gajevi,
was killed in the yeard of his house;
7. Ruza Blagojevic, of father Jovan, born on April 20, 1941, in Bijela;
8. Ana Tripic, of father Jovan, born on May 21, 1945, in Rasljani;
9. Milana Cvijanovic, of father Simo, born in 1968 in Vujicici;
10. Marko Todorovic, of father Blagoje, born in 1937, from Vujicic, was
killed in the garden of his house and covered with ground with a dredging
machine by the Muslims, and
11. Gavro Tanic, aged about 70, from Vujicici, who had been previously
wounded, was killed in the garden of his house and covered with ground in the
canal by the road in front of his house.
In addition to the killings, about 330 houses and the auxiliary buildings
were looted and then burnt down.
1. Ramiz Pljakic, of father Hamdija, born in the village of Ugao, the
municipality of Sjenica, on July 17, 1958, graduated from the Military
Academy, employed in the "Veljko Lukic-Kurjak" army post in Brcko as commander
of 3rd battery of HD-122 milimeters before the war. Commander of 108th HVO
2. Ibrahim Ramic, of father Jusuf, born on February 11, 1944 in Brcko,
graduated at the Faculty of Medicine,
3. Enver Pamukcic, of father Avdo, born on April 15, 1952 in Brka,
graduated at the Faculty of Economy, battery chief, member of the Crisis
4. Faruk Pamukcic, of father Elmahir, born on March 15, 1950 in Brka,
policeman before the war, member of the Crisis Center, and
5. Jasminka Osmanagic, of father Rahim, born on August 26, 1956 in Brcko,
employed at the Public Security Service in Brcko before the war.
EVIDENCE: Documents 144/95-10, 617/95-14 and 617/95-20.
DESIGNATION OF CRIME: Deliberate killing of civilians.
PLACE AND TIME: Brcko and a part of the Brcko-Obudovac corridor, from
July to September 1994.
BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Ramiz Pljakic, commander of 108th motorized brigade
and Matuzovic, commander of the 4th operational area of Bosanska Posavina,
issued an order to Muslim-Croat armed formations in the regions of Boderiste,
Brka, Ulovici and Vucilovac, the municipality of Brcko, and Vidovic and Matic,
the municipality of Orasje, to open artillery fire and shell Brcko and part of
the corridor in the Brcko-Obukovac direction, outside the war operations zone,
which they did on several occasions, with a large number of shells.
I. In the night between July 25 and 26, 1944, the total of 98 shells were
fired, inflicting injuries on civilians. The following persons sustained
serious bodily injuries:
1. Bosa Pejic, born on June 5, 1913, who died on the way to the hospital.
2. Mitar Ostojic, born in 1948,
3. Nedeljka Kovandjic, born in 1962,
4. Ranko Nesic, born in 1964,
5. Petar Petrovic, born in 1941,
6. Vladimir Maric, born in 1940,
7. Sasa Ignjatovic, born in 1975,
and the following persoins sustained light bodily injuries:
1. Borislav Mijic, born in 1952,
2. Milan Maksimovic, born in 1953,
3. Steva Mihajlovic, born in 1967,
4. Steva Djuric,
5. Jovica Bijelic, born in 1949,
6. Ratko Ilijic, born in 1942,
7. Petar Zimonjic, born in 1949,
8. Milorad Nikolic, born in 1959,
9. Rada Puric, born in 1950,
10. Stojan Simikic, born in 1957,
11. Dragisa Rogic, born in 1970,
12. Radovan Camber, born in 1969,
13. Dusan Rusac, born in 1954.
The material damage on civilian and economic facilities has been estimated to Dinars 11,000.000,00.

so beogradmusldjin schau mal wat alles in bukvik passiert ist................
Mačak;2153963 schrieb:
Bei dem fettmarkierten. Meine Mutter ist in diesem Dorf aufgewachsen und gleich in der Nähe ist Bukvik...

Ich weiß das in dem Dorf alles heilgeblieben ist und nie jemand getötet wurde. So scheint es mir. Über Bukvik weiß ich nichts näheres.

So wie ich es verstanden hab, gehört dieser Teil zur Opstina Bukvik. Nach den Quellen sollen dort aber hunderte ums Leben gekommen sein ....