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Massive Wahlfälschungen in Mazedonien

eine albanische partei wäre schlau! nur sind diese politiker macht&geld süchtig...
Thema kann geschlossen werden. Wahlbeobachter melden keine Wahlfälschung.

OSCE / ODIHR: Elections conducted in a peaceful atmosphere, democracy thrives


Social Democratic Union of Macedonia expected support from international community for their screenplay for non-recognizing the election results, but instead got a real slap in the face of the observation mission of the OSCE / ODIHR.

International officials who observed the early parliamentary elections and the second round of presidential elections in Macedonia at today’s press conference agreed that the elections were conducted in a peaceful atmosphere.
International representatives at the press conference concluded that there was never a case in Europe of not recognizing the results and urged the opposition to be constructive so the government can start the new term.
OSCE / ODIHR concluded that the atmosphere on Election Day was very calm and that the democracy is improved, but work still needs to be done on its improvement.

Laut diversen Portalen gab es in den letzten Presidentswahlen massive Wahlfälschungen.

Albaner die wohnhaft in Albanien sind wurden von der VMRO-DPMNE bezahlt um sich als Mazedonier auszugeben und bekammen gefälschte ID Karten und Pässe um für den Kandidaten der VMRO-DPMNE zu wählen.

A1 Report - Maqedonia zgjedh! Shqiptaret e Pustecit votojne me karta false - YouTube

SDSM, BDI, PDSH und die RDK distanzieren sich von diesen Wahlen.

Ob die Wahlen von diesen Parteien anerkennt werden steht noch in Frage.


Wenn die halbe Friedhof auch Wählt.

Tote Menschen die für die VMRO-DPMNE wählen weildie Dokumente nach ihrem Tot nicht eingezogen wurden gehen die Verwandten der Toten mit diesen Dokumenten wählen. Also zwei Stimmen pro Person.

Präsidentschaftswahl in Mazedonien: Wenn der halbe Friedhof mitwählt - taz.de


Hier könnt ihr alle Beiträge zur Massiven Wahlfälschung schreiben.
Die Chinesen wären Stolz drauf.
Thema kann geschlossen werden, es gab keine Wahlfälschung.

U.S. and EU recognized the elections in Macedonia


Delegation of the U.S. and the EU yesterday in joint statement, as they informed, give recognition to citizens who exercised their right to vote in parliamentary and presidential elections on April 27.

- We share the assessment of the OSCE / ODIHR in relation to the effective implementation of the recent elections. The objections they raised are similar to those in 2011 and 2013 and relate to the biased coverage by the media and the lack of separation of state with party activities, which does not allow full field for competition and which should be addressed, was written in the joint statement.
In these efforts, as is noted, they must engage the parties that will form new government and to engage opposition with constructive spirit.
- They must address not only the technical aspects of organizing the elections, but must address all irregularities and disproportionalities of the wider electoral system, because they are risking undermining confidence in the democratic process, say EU and U.S.
They call, as stated, all leaders of political parties constructively to engage in the reform that will improve the process of Euro-Atlantic integration. EU and U.S. will remain partners of the country in these efforts; it is said in the joint statement.

Thema kann geschlossen werden, es gab keine Wahlfälschung.

U.S. and EU recognized the elections in Macedonia


Delegation of the U.S. and the EU yesterday in joint statement, as they informed, give recognition to citizens who exercised their right to vote in parliamentary and presidential elections on April 27.

- We share the assessment of the OSCE / ODIHR in relation to the effective implementation of the recent elections. The objections they raised are similar to those in 2011 and 2013 and relate to the biased coverage by the media and the lack of separation of state with party activities, which does not allow full field for competition and which should be addressed, was written in the joint statement.
In these efforts, as is noted, they must engage the parties that will form new government and to engage opposition with constructive spirit.
- They must address not only the technical aspects of organizing the elections, but must address all irregularities and disproportionalities of the wider electoral system, because they are risking undermining confidence in the democratic process, say EU and U.S.
They call, as stated, all leaders of political parties constructively to engage in the reform that will improve the process of Euro-Atlantic integration. EU and U.S. will remain partners of the country in these efforts; it is said in the joint statement.

Hast du auch eine andere Quelle als die von der VMRO-DPMNE gesteuerte Zeitung Kurir.mk ??

So was in Richtung Internationales.