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Mazedonien Sport Thread

Weil bei Shkendija, Leute ihre Finger im Spiel haben, die nichts mit Fussball zu tun haben. Shkendija bezahlt gute Gehälter, so gibt es auch zuviele Ausgaben. Glaube nicht das Teteks soviele Ausgaben hat. Vor zwei Jahren hatte Shkendija einen super Sponsor, der sie zu Ihrem Ruhm geführt hatte, aber bei der CL-Teilnahme(wo man sehr viel Geld bekommt), hatte er keinen einzigen Cent gesehen, und hat dann den Verein verlassen, nachdem er so verarscht wurde. Ausserdem bringt Shkendija das Risiko der Hooligans mit, bei denen man nie weiss was passieren kann. Nicht besonders attraktiv für Firmen. Reiche Leute investieren in Ligen, wo es sich auch lohnt,bei uns ist alles Korruption, das tun sich die wenigsten an. Horizont hat soviel ich weiss einen guten Sponsor und Metalurg. Vardar wird glaube ich von Skopje finanziert. Renova natürlich auch, aber langsam habe ich das Gefühl das der Sponsor von Renova nicht mehr sonderlich an Fussball interessiert ist. Das Tetovo Shkendija aushelfen würde, glaube ich nicht, vorallem bei unseren Politikern. :D

Ich denke aber die Sache wird sich demnächst regeln. Irgendein Mafiosi wird schon einsteigen.

Ja gut erklärt stimmt leider der Erfolg im Sport wird bei uns leider zu oft von Idioten Mafiosis verhindert. Denke auch das man eine Lösung finden wird allerdings kann man wohl diese Saison vergessen wird wohl darum gehen in der Liga zu bleiben aber man hat ja genug Punkte im Moment
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Fahrudin Gjurgjevikj joins Zvijezda Gradačac
Fahrudin Gjurgjevikj today signed a deal with Zvijezda Gradačac from the Bosnian first league.

20-year-old Fahrudin Gjurgjevikj left Serbian side Spartak Zlatibor after 18 months and moved to Zvijezda Gradačac. The Bosnian club is currently on the 13th place of the Premijer Liga and searched for a reinforcement to avoid relegation.

The offensive allrounder played first league football in Macedonia for Makedonija Gjorche Petrov, with whom he won the Macedonian championship in the year 2009, and Vardar before he moved to Serbia. He has several caps for Macedonia's youth national teams and is presently a member of our U21 national team.

Just two weeks ago Perica Stancheski joined Zvijezda Gradačac, therefore in the next months two Macedonian internationals will represent our colors at this Bosnian club.
[h=1]Бомбастична најава: Михајловски заминува од РФМ, ракометот добива нов претседател![/h]
Претседателот на Ракометната федерација на Македонија (РФМ), Михајло Михајловски, не чувствува морална одговорност веднаш да поднесе оставка по лошиот настап на репрезентацијата и по катастрофалната организација на патот на Мундијалот во Шпанија, но најавува дека нема намера повторно да се кандидира откако ќе му заврши мандатот во мај годинава.
Михајлоски (средина) во друштво на Трифун Костовски и Драган Начевски
„Сè што беше побарано од нас беше исполнето и поради тоа не гледам причина за оставка во моментов од морални причини. Но јас уште пред еден месец на директорот на Агенцијата за млади и спорт му кажав дека немам намера повторно да се кандидирам за претседател на РФМ. Подготвен сум да помогнам во потрагата по човек што ќе ме замени. Тоа треба да биде способна личност, која го сака спортот и која ќе биде кадарна да обезбеди доволно финансии за нормална работа на РФМ“, изјави Михајловски за денешен „Македонски спорт“.
mir scheint das eher danach zu klingen, dass dem herr aus irgend einem grund die hände gebunden sind und dass er "ECHT KEIN BOCK MEHR" hat.

denke nicht dass das was positives für den mazedonischen handball bringt - weder der rücktritt shundos noch der rücktritt mihajloski. ich glaube dass die spieler nun so richtig instich gelassen werden...
[h=1]Кои се најуспешните спортисти за 2012 година?[/h]
Вторник, 29 Јануари 2013 08:00

На вечерашната манифестација која се одржа во просториите на Македонската опера и балет под покровителство на Агенцијата за млади и спорт, Наумче Мојсовски (ракомет) и Оливера Наковска-Бикова (стрелаштво) се прогласени за „Спортисти за 2012 година“.

Признанието на македонскиот ракометен репрезентативец и играч на Металург му го додели премиерот Никола Груевски, а наградата на Наковска-Бикова и ја врачи директорот на АМС Лазар Поповски.
Најуспешен млад спортист за 2012 година е Димитар Ѓорѓиев (кик бокс), а спортистка на годината е Симона Заборска (карате).

Македонската машка ракометна репрезентација е победник во категоријата Најуспешна машка селекција, а титулата кај женските селекции ја понесе Женската ракометна репрезентација.
Бранимир Јовановски (стрелаштво) е прогласен за најдобар во категорија Најуспешен тренер/селектор, Кирил Лазаров (ракомет), пак, е најуспешен македонски спортист во странство.

Агим Ибраими (фудбал) е надобар Спортски промотор поединец, Металург (ракомет мажи) најуспешен Спортски промотор, а Александар Ставрев (фудбалски судија) е прогласен за најдобар во категоријата Спортски промотор поединец.
Постхумно наградени се Александар Атанасовски – Мац (сестран спортист) и Славе Атанасовски (кошаркарски судија).
Директорот на АМС Лазар Поповски вечерва пред одржувањето на главната манифестација, на 500 млади спортисти им додели стипендии „Спортска надеж“.

Добитниците 12 месеци ќе добиваат стипендии од АМС, а од директорот Поповски добија совет средставата да ги користат за правилна исхрана со што ќе си ги зголемат шансите за подобри резултати.

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Haben die mich doch glatt nicht als Sportler des Jahres gekrönt, aber gut gegen eine Olympia Medaille sehe selbst ich blass aus :lol:

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[h=2]Mojsovski, Nakovska-Bikova, best athletes in 2012[/h]

1/29/2013 9:13:56 AM
Skopje, 29 January 2013 (MIA) -
Handball player Naumce Mojsovski and Olympic shooter Olivera Nakovska-Bikova have received the awards "Best Athlete in 2012" at the event organized by the Youth and Sports Agency late on Monday.
Kickboxer Dimitar Gjorgjiev and karateka Simona Zaborska are the best young athletes.
Macedonia's handball teams are the best men's and women's national teams.
Branimir Jovanovski (shooting) is the best coach, whereas handball player Kiril Lazarov is the best Macedonian athlete abroad.
Prior to the main event, Agency director Lazar Popovski presented 500 young athletes with scholarships "Sports Hope", with recipients receiving scholarships over the next year
[h=2]Vardar changes heart about Kofi, Simjanoski about Vardar[/h]WEDNESDAY, 30 JANUARY 2013 05:55 DARKO JANKULOVSKI NEWS -DOMESTIC

VardarVardar have decided not to sign Ghanaian footballer Osei Kofi, Simjanoski decided not to sign with Vardar.
Some turbulence happened in Vardar's transfer policy. They have first brought in a footballer from Ghana, Osei Kofi for which the management claimed he will be a big reinforcement for the squad. However, he was injured during the first training and Vardar decided not to sign with the club, although there was some talk that the club already offered him a deal. Eventually, Osei Kofi left the club and Vardar's management was only quoted saying 'We don't need Kofi at the moment because he is injured and will need some time for recovery'. Vardar's official website suddenly removed the two articles about Kofi's signing as they never existed.
At the same time, they have announced a new signing in Napredok's captain, Zharko Simjanoski. But, couple of days later, it was revealed that Simjanoski will not join the club after all. Although he has started training with his new teammates, Simjanoski has informed Vardar's executive director that he will not sign with the club. Apparently, Simjanoski said he was not able to fit in the new environment, although a statement from him is yet to be heard.
One possible reason for Simjanoski's departure might be the fact Vardar brought in another player who plays on the same position as Simjanoski. That is the Serbian footballer Aleksandar Petrović, who plays in midfield and joins Vardar from Serbian side BSK Borča.
Vardar's latest signing, although still not confirmed by the official website, is Dean Tomeski. An Australian-Macedonian who is in Macedonia for some time now. He was trailing with Vardar before the start of the past season but was not offered a contract. He then spent half-season in Ohrid before he left for Makedonija Gjorche Petrov and eventually joined Vardar.
To sum up, during this transfer period Vardar brought Slovenian keeper Dejan Milić, Dimitrija Lazarevski, Portuguese forward Pedro João Luís Bonifácio and Aleksandar Petrović, while Osei Kofi and Zharko Simjanoski did not join the club. Blagoja Geshoski, Zlatko Boshkovski and Igor Stojaković are the three players who left the club.
At the moment Vardar is in Negorski Banji where they are spending part of their winter preparations. They will play a friendly match against second league side Miravci on Friday before they return to Skopje and on Sunday they will move to Antalya for the second part of the winter training camps.
[h=2]Janevski for UEFA: Macedonia is on the up![/h]THURSDAY, 31 JANUARY 2013 00:26 DARKO JANKULOVSKI NEWS -INTERNATIONAL

Chedomir JanevskiUEFA.com has featured an interview with Macedonian manager Chedomir Janevski.
Chedomir Janevski has been in charge of Macedonia for under six months but is already seeing signs of his team playing the "modern football" he craves.
Less than six months into his tenure as Macedonian coach, Chedomir Janevski is pleased with his team's progress.
Macedonia have made a steady, rather than spectacular, start to 2014 FIFA World Cup qualifying, picking up four Group A points from their opening four fixtures. Those were gained courtesy of a draw in Scotland and a home win against Serbia – proof, according to Janevski, that his side are on the up.
"I really think we have some quality players because they play in good European leagues – like [Goran] Pandev who is in Italy, [Ivan] Trichkovski who is in Belgium, [Goran] Popov just transferred to England, and [Nikolche] Noveski is in Germany. We have [Agim] Ibraimi at Maribor, who were [Slovenian] champions. We also have some young players who are coming through, so I think the balance between experience and youth has to be seen on the pitch as well."
Janevski succeeded John Toshack in August last year and swiftly set about implementing a change in culture while also attempting to steer Macedonia towards their first major international tournament since independence. "My plan was to change the current style of play and start playing modern football, despite the difficult group," he said. "We have good organisation, discipline and a good way of playing, so we don't play that defensively any more, we play more offensively."
You can also watch a video interview with Janevski HERE.
[h=2]Macedonia U21 learned their opponents for EURO 2015 qualifying[/h]THURSDAY, 31 JANUARY 2013 20:38 NEWS - INTERNATIONAL

U21 on a recent matchMacedonia U21 learned the opponents in their group for UEFA EURO 2015 qualifying tournament.
Draw for UEFA EURO 2015 qualifying tournament took place in Nion today. Macedonia has been allocated in group 8. Prior to the draw, Macedonia was in the fourth pot.
The team's opponents for the championship that will take place in Czech Republic are Israel, Portugal, Norway and Azerbaijan.
From pot 1, Israel were the most desired option and the fans can be satisfied considering Macedonia avoided all the major football nations.
From pot 2, Macedonia got Portugal. Recently these two teams met and Portugal barely won 2:1. However, Macedonia played with a mixed squad of players born after 1990, 1991 and 1992. For the following tournament only players born after 01.01.1992 are eligible for competition.
Pot 3 gave Macedonia Norway. Norway ended on second place in last edition of the qualifying tournament, just as Portugal but unlike them, they have managed to eliminate France in the playoffs and qualified for the European Championship.
From pot 5, Macedonia might have got easier opponent, but ended up with Azerbaijan. They have finished on the fourth position in last qualifying tournament with two wins over Iceland and a draw against Belgium at home.
The ten group winners and the four best runners-up will advance to the play-offs to determine the seven sides destined for the showpiece event. Players born in 1992 or after will be eligible for the tournament.
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