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Militärindustrie der Balkanländer

  • Ersteller Ersteller IbishKajtazi
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Otokar Akrep:

Otokar Cobra:

BMC 380-26:

BMC 235-16:

BMC 185-09:



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ASELSAN (türkisch Askerî Elektronik Sanayii A.Ş.) ist der größte türkische Rüstungskonzern und lag laut Jahresbericht 2011 des Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) in der Weltrangliste (ohne Volksrepublik China) für das Jahr 2009 auf Platz 94 (2008: nicht unter den ersten hundert).[1]

Das 1975 gegründete Unternehmen mit Sitz im Stadtteil Macunköy der Landeshauptstadt Ankara produziert elektronisches Gerät mehrheitlich für die Türkischen Streitkräfte. Einen wesentlichen Teil der Produktpalette machen Hard- und Software-Modifikationen von in NATO-Ländern produziertem Gerät auf türkische Bedürfnisse aus. Ein erstes Exportgeschäft erfolgte 1983. Eine erste Auslandsniederlassung wurde 1998 in Aserbaidschans Hauptstadt Baku gegründet. Unternehmensform ist die einer Anonim Şirket.

Sipri zufolge beliefen sich mit 3.730 Beschäftigten bei einem Gesamtumsatz von 670 Mill. US-Dollar die Waffenverkäufe 2009 auf 640 Mill. $, was einer Quote von 96% entspricht. Der Gewinn lag bei 119 Mill. $.

Die TUSAŞ Havacılık ve Uzay Sanayi A.Ş., oder auch TUSAŞ Aerospace Industries, Inc. - abgekürzt mit TAI, ist ein türkischer Luft- und Raumfahrtkonzern mit Hauptsitz in Ankara.

Gegründet wurde das Unternehmen auf Basis des türkischen Handels- und ausländischen Investitionsgesetzes am 15. Mai 1984. Die Haupteigner sind die Turkish Army Strengthening Foundation (TSKGV), Undersecretariat for Defense Industries (SSM) und die Turkish Aeronautical Association (THK). Das Unternehmen hat seine Einrichtungen auf einem über 5 Mio. m² großen Firmengelände in Ankara mit über 150.000 m² überdachten Anlagen und beschäftigt insgesamt 2316 Personen, darunter 742 Ingenieure.


Konstruktion und Entwicklung von bemannten und unbemannten Flugkörpern
Werkzeuge und Produktionstechnologien
Produktion von Verbundwerkstoffen
Wartung und Reparatur
IT Consulting

Das Unternehmen erfüllt globale, europäische und amerikanische Qualitätsstandards in der Erstellung seiner Waren und Dienstleistungen, u. a.: NATO AQAP-110, ISO 9001:2000, AS EN 9100 und AECMA-EASE.
Programme [Bearbeiten]

Das Unternehmen hat in Sachen Luftfahrt in der Türkei viel Pionierarbeit geleistet, zu den historisch wertvollen Programmen gehört u.a. die Endmontage und Produktion von:
152 F-16C/D in der Konfiguration: Block 30/40 für die Türkische Luftwaffe (Peace Onyx I - das Programm beinhaltet die selbstständige Produktion von 70 % der Außenhülle der Maschinen)
80 F-16C/D in der Konfiguration Block 50 für die Türkische Luftwaffe (Peace Onyx II)

Des weiteren wurden produziert:
46 F-16 für die Ägyptische Luftwaffe
34 Agusta SF-260D Einmotorige Trainingsflugzeuge für die Türkische Luftwaffe
59 CASA CN-235 Leichte Transportflugzeuge für die türkischen Streitkräfte, das Programm beinhaltet 3 Flugzeuge für die Marine und 6 für die Küstenwache.
28 Cougar AS-532 Hubschrauber für SAR und die türkische Armee.

TAI konnte sich zudem als Zulieferer von Unternehmen wie Airbus, Boeing, CASA und Lockheed Martin etablieren.

Es werden Baugruppen für die Airbus-A320-Familie, Teile für Boeings B737/747/777 (Winglets, Fahrwerksklappen u. a.) und Lockheed Martins F-16 (u. a.) hergestellt.

TAI partizipiert auch als Partner an Airbus Military im Rahmen des A400M-Programms. Dabei entwickelte das Unternehmen die Querruder, die Störklappen, mehrere Teile des Flugzeugrumpfes, Fallschirmspringertüren und die Notausgänge. Des Weiteren entwickelte das Unternehmen die Innen- und Außenbeleuchtung des Flugzeuges sowie die wasserführenden Elemente. Die Verkabelung des gesamten Rumpfes wird von Tusaş durchgeführt.[1]Entwickelt werden auch unbemannte Drohnen mit den Bezeichnungen Baykus, Marti, Pelikan, UAV-X1 und Anka.

Im Rahmen von Modernisierungsprogrammen wurden Maschinen des Typs Blackhawk, F16, Cougar und S2-E bearbeitet und Kompetenzen entwickelt.

Aktuell werden die ersten neu angekommenen Boeing 737 AEW&C Luftraumüberwachungsflugzeuge durch die TAI bearbeitet. Sie agiert in dem mehrere Milliarden Dollar teuren Projekt der türkischen Luftwaffe als Systemintegrator und installiert die elektrischen Systeme der Boeing.


TAI sieht sich in der Zukunft als Auftragnehmer vieler neuer großer türkischer Rüstungsprogramme, die heute schon angelaufen sind. Dazu gehören u. a. auch das Joint-Strike-Fighter-Programm (JSF), Modernisierung der C130E-Flotte, das Milliardenschwere Modernisierungspaket der türkischen F-16 im Rahmen des CCIP-Programms und das ATAKII-Programm mit mindestens 51 Kampfhubschraubern, die in der Türkei produziert und montiert werden sollen. Letzteres beinhaltet auch eine Reihe von potentiellen Entwicklungspaketen für Software und Technik von denen TAI in Zukunft profitieren wird.
GİRSAN (Yavuz 16) is a Turkish firearm manufacturing company, mainly focused on manufacturing pistols. Its firearms are used worldwide by civilians, police and armies.

GIRSAN Gun Industry was established in Giresun Turkey in 1994. The models of Yavuz 16 compact and Yavuz 16 regard guns have been introduced to the market in 1995. Girsan gun industry upgraded to the automatic control system using computer-aided CNC workbenches in 1999. Yavuz 16 compact m.c. and Yavuz 16 regard m.c models in 2004. Bora, Tugra and Zirve models in 2006. MC 21 and MC 23 models in 2007 have been introduced to the market. With its employees reaching to 200 in total and its investments on the machines reached about 1.5 million USD in the fırst half of the year 2005, the annual gun production capacity of the plant had been icreased 3 times more and reached to a level of 60.000 units per year. Yavuz 16 guns are being manufactured in NATO Standards and have been passed the complicated tests with zero error which are made in the scope of the mentioned standards. GIRSAN has ISO 9001-2000 Quality Management System, Ministry of Defence (MOD) Security Clearance and MOD Manufacturing Certificates. In addition to these GIRSAN has the ATF Form 4590 (Factoring Criteria Report) (importable report) given by USA Alcohol Tobacco Firing Guns and Explosives Directorate.
Havelsan is a Turkish software and systems company having business presence in Defence and IT sector. Its headquartered in Ankara, Turkey however there are its sub companies and offices around Turkey and abroad. Havelsan is mostly active in the fields of C4ISR, Naval Combat systems, E-Government Applications, Reconnaissance Surveillance and Intelligence Systems, Management Information Systems, Simulation and Training Systems, Logistic Support, Homeland Security Systems and Energy Management Systems.


Havelsan was established by Turkish Air Force (TUAF) Foundation in 1982 as a Turkish Company named Havelsan-Aydin in order to provide maintenance for Turkish Air Force's high technology radars.

In 1985 Havelsan was separated from the foreign shareholders and incorporated as a national company with a share of 98% by Turkish Armed Forces Foundation.

In 1997 Havelsan add C4ISR, Training and Simulations System and Management Information Systems in its functions. As "Informatics and System House of Turkey" Havelsan has been designing and planning critical defense systems such as Management Information System, Homeland Security System, Simulation and Training System and Command Control System (C4ISR).

Although Havelsan has generally been involved in military software projects, has also taken responsibilities on e-government projects and successfully implemented them. Havelsan center is in Ankara however there are its sub companies and offices in Turkey and abroad.

Havelsan is one of the subcontractors of the Peace Eagle Project. Havelsan is mainly responsible for delivering Ground Support Segment which consists of crew training, mission planning and software maintenance functions. Havelsan is trying to be main subcontractor of Boeing for Italy and Korean AEW&C Projects (Boeing withdraw from this subcontractor ship in early 2009).

Sectoral position and rewards

Kal-Der, the Turkish Quality Association, has published Turkish Quality Map of 2008-2009. The map was introduced at the National Quality Congress held on November 12 - 14, 2007. Havelsan is presented as the first company at the Defence Industry section of the Map.

High Election Council, Computer Supported Central Elections Registry System -SEÇSİS- which was developed by Havelsan became first in its category services from State to Public in the 5th e-Turkey rewards and Congress Ceremony on 22 December 2007.

Havelsan keeps its leadership in 'sectoral software' field according to 'Turkey's First IT Companies' results. Also; Havelsan is listed in the 4 row according to Income for the 10 IT companies in Ankara.

Havelsan is listed in the 225 row of "First 500 Company" research done by İstanbul Commercial Chamber (ISO) In 2007 Havelsan is listed, as same as 2006, included in the research of Fast Developing Companies in Turkey (Fast 50) by Deloitte for the latest five years. In the same research of Fast Developing Companies in Europe, Africa and Middle East (EMEA) regions in 2006

Awarded with the prize for ”Commercial Success in New Products” in the competition ”TESİD 2006 Electronic and Information Technologies Innovation - Creativity Prizes” In 2006 Land Registry and Cadaster Information System (TAKBİS) was selected as the ”most successful e-government project in Turkey” in the ”e-Tr Congress and Prize Ceremony, organized by Tusiad and Tubisad.

Awarded with “FAI Honorary Diploma” by Federation Aeronautique Internationale (FAI) “In the work of Turkey’s the biggest 500 exporter firm”; Havelsan export for about 30 Million Dolar and became in the 337 row in 2006 . In 2004 and 2005, National Justice Information System (UYAP) was selected as the most successful e-government project in Turkey in the “e-Tr Congress and Prize Ceremony”, organized by TÜSİAD and TBV.
Roketsan is a major Turkish weapons manufacturer and defense contractor based in the central Anatolian province of Ankara. Incorporated in 1988 by Turkey's Defense Industry Executive Committee (SSİK) in order to establish the nation's industrial base on rocket technology, the company has quickly risen to become one of Turkey's top 500 industrial establishments. Roketsan's current share holders include TSKGV (35.5%), Aselsan (15%), MKEK (15%), Kalekalip (10%), Vakiflar Bankasi (10%), Kutlutas (10%) and Havelsan (4.5%). Roketsan is best known for its vast range of unguided rockets as well as laser and infrared guided missiles such as Cirit and UMTAS. The company also produces subsystems for Stinger and Rapier missiles and provides technology and engineering solutions for other integrated civilian and military platforms.
TİSAŞ (Trabzon Silah Sanayi AŞ) is a Turkish firearm manufacturing company, mainly focused on manufacturing pistols. Its firearms are used worldwide by civilians, police and armies.Contents

TISAS was established in Trabzon in 1993. TİSAŞ is a KOSGEB (Small and Medium Industry Development Organization) and M.K.E (Mechanical and Chemical Industry Corporation) coordinated company. TİSAŞ foundation is settled on an open area of 11,000m² in Asrin Trabzon Organized Industry Zone and total covered area of the facilities is 5,500m². TİSAŞ founded its Ankara District Office in 1998 to meet increasing demand and to execute foreign trade operations.

TİSAŞ began to produce its first pistol, the 7.65mm. Fatih 13, in 1994. In 1998, TİSAŞ decided to manufacture 9x19mm. pistols as well, with a view to meet market demand. Joint studies were carried out within the scope of the Eastern Black Sea Weapon Project by the R & D Department at TİSAŞ and the Black Sea Technical University KOSGEB Technology Development Department. As a result, TİSAŞ began to produce 9x19mm KANUNİ 16 pistols with a capacity of 15 as of 1999. In 2000, TİSAŞ began to manufacture the KANUNİ S and ZİGANA M16 series of Turkish-patented pistols. In 2003, ZİGANA K and ZİGANA T models have been added to the TİSAŞ pistol models. In 2004, USA Firearms Technology Branch examined the models ZİGANA M16, ZİGANA K, ZİGANA T and found each one to have the characteristics in conformity with the ATF Form 4590, “Factoring Criteria for Weapons”. At the end of the year 2005, a new model ZİGANA SPORT was offered for sale. In 2006, TİSAŞ has completed the R&D and the tests for the first 45 caliber gun of Turkey, ZİGANA C45 and introduce to the market at the beginning of 2007. Within the same year, 9x19mm ZİGANA F and new version FATİH 13 .380 ACP models were offered to sale.



The Mechanical and Chemical Industry Corporation (Turkish: Makina ve Kimya Endüstrisi Kurumu or MKEK or shortly Makina Kimya), established in 1950, is a reorganization of government-controlled group of factories in Turkey that supplied the Turkish Army with supplies, munitions and equipment.


The corporation mainly produces equipment for the Turkish Armed Forces, such as the ammunition for small arms and heavy weapons, heavy weapons and artillery systems, aerial bombs, mines, explosives, and rockets. They also manufacture civil-purpose products such as steel, brass, and electrical parts and equipment. Its large range of defense industry products are not only consumed in Turkey, but are exported to more than 40 countries worldwide.

Production groups:
Ammunition Group
Rocket Group
Weapons Group
Explosives, Propellants, and Pyrotechnic Products Group

Company and factories:
There are 11 factories and 1 company affiliated with MKE centered in three major manufacturing hubs:

Ammunition Factory
Brass Factory
Heavy Weapons Factory And Steel Foundry
Explosives Factory
Small-Arms Weapons Factory (Kirikkale Arsenal Co.)

Explosive & Propellant Factory
Machinery and Gas-Mask Factory
Pyrotechnics Factory
Scrap Recycling Plant
Small-Arms Ammunition Factory

Medium-Caliber Weapons Factory