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Musik die zum träumen regelrecht verführt.....

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TINDERSTICKS - Are you trying to fall in love again?

My my, it doesn't matter what you say

From the start, I hang off every word you say

Oh, tonight, are you trying to fall in love again?
Does it make it all right?
Are you trying to fall in love again?
Now, I'm a hard man gone soft

The lines were so clear then

How did I ever get by?
There was a time I hang off every word you say

Every breath you blew, I was running to inhale

Oh, tonight, are you trying to fall in love again?
Does it make it all right?

Are you trying to fall in love again?

My my, there will be other days

It comes and goes, you know it never stays

Oh, tonight, are you trying to fall in love again?
Oh, tonight, are you trying to fall in love again?
Does it make it all right?
Are you trying to fall in love again?

Does it make it all right?

You're trying to fall in love again
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