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Musik die zum träumen regelrecht verführt.....

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The Verve - Sonnet

My friend and me
Looking through her red box of memories
Faded I'm sure
But love seems to stick in her veins you know
Yes, there's love if you want it
Don't sound like no sonnet, my lord
Yes, there's love if you want it
Don't sound like no sonnet, my lord
My lord

Why can't you see
That nature has its way of warning me
Eyes open wide
Looking at the heavens with a tear in my eye

Yes, there's love if you want it
Don't sound like no sonnet, my lord
Yes, there's love if you want it
Don't sound like no sonnet, my lord
My lord

Sinking faster than a boat without a hull
My lord
Dreaming about the day when I can see you there
My side
By my side

Here we go again and my head is gone, my lord
I stop to say hello
'Cause I think you should know, by now
By now
By now
By now
By now
By now
Oh, by now
Oh, by now
Oh, by now
Oh, by now
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Cocteau Twins - Seekers Who Are Lovers

Brush by gracefully
A love as big as a risk
Fills you up
And you can't look on
The breath of god in my mouth
A love you can taste
God get some paste
He and I, breath to breath
Clothed in saliva
Healing thru your arm
I cant stop hungering for the worst
I forgot the use
My head fall out the sky
And crashed into my palms
Jesus God valentine
On the tip of it
The old rivers lack of other sweet scents
So sweet
You are a woman just as you are a man
Creeping on the Gas
Is a magic love, like,
Like a Flights, clouded peak
I was choking on the blood
Whose camouflages, lack of soul
Whose misty fire, muses soul
Kneeling by the harm
Which is promising the way
His poor essence, under the truth
love and heart polish itself
I slid my heels but slowly ran
So send Lucifer into hell
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RADIOHEAD - How To Dissapear Completely

That there, that's not me
I go where I please
I walk through walls
I float down the Liffey

I'm not here
This isn't happening
I'm not here, I'm not here

In a little while
I'll be gone
The moment's already passed
Yeah, it's gone

I'm not here
This isn't happening
I'm not here, I'm not here

Strobe lights and blown speakers
Fireworks and hurricanes

I'm not here
This isn't happening
I'm not here, I'm not here....