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Nachrichten aus Griechenland

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The seed planted two years ago by the Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) at the University of West Attica (UNIWA) in the Greek capital has grown into the internationally acclaimed Tai Chi Center.

Combining health practices of the millennia-old Chinese medicine with the philosophy and approaches of the West, the Taiji (Tai Chi) Health Center was launched in the summer of 2018 following lengthy preparations by the two universities.

It has since evolved into a focal point in the region for practitioners, academics and enthusiasts wishing to get into touch with the authentic elements of traditional Chinese medicine and learn how it can be applied today in the West.

“The acceptance of the center has been amazing. It was really unexpected for us,” Dr George Georgoudis, a professor of musculoskeletal physiotherapy at UNIWA, told Xinhua.

“We are getting so many candidates for participation in our course, as this is the only institution to offer proper accreditation via our Lifelong Learning Program. We are already fully booked for the program to start this fall,” revealed Georgoudis. [Xinhua]