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Nachrichten aus Griechenland

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Auch wenn er schwul wäre, was jetzt ? Sind seine Taten weniger wert?
Ich lach nicht darüber und hab’s nicht zum Thema gemacht.....nur, wenn ich es für beschämend finde und einen schwulen staatsgründer hab würd ich nicht so rumhupen.....mir persönlich ist es wurscht was einer für sexuelle Neigung hat....gehört wie die Religion für mich in die private Schublade.....und sollte übrigens auch dort nur Thema sein.
Ich denke jetzt wurde genug über die sexuelle Neigung von Politikern diskutiert und ob jemand schwul oder nicht schwul war kann, falls nicht ein Outing stattgefunden, keiner von uns mit Sicherheit behaupten. Deswegen bitte diese Diskussion in diesem Thread unterlassen.
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Wir helfen dem Land bei der Bekämpfung der Pandemie

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Läuft zur zeit ganz gut soviel getestet wie Deutschland oder Frankreich und die wenigsten Positiven test in ganz Europa.


Greek ‘pocket lab’ for quick Covid-19 tests


At a time when mass testing for the novel coronavirus is becoming extremely important for controlling the pandemic, a Greek research team has created a formidable “pocket lab” that can accurately detect the SARS-CoV-2 virus on the spot, anywhere in the world, in less than 30 minutes.

IRIS was developed by the Biosensor Laboratory of the Foundation for Research & Technology (FORTH) and the University of Crete, and is in the final stage of certification so that it can be mass-produced. The device that performs the analysis is a hand-size box measuring 10x10x11 cm, is based on state-of-the-art technology and is characterized by portability, usability, accuracy and economy.

This was also demonstrated by the first verification results, as 38 positive and 51 negative samples were re-examined which had previously been tested for Covid-19 at the Pasteur Hellenic Institute. The verification found 100% specialization and 97.4% sensitivity, which are percentages of high accuracy, equal to or better than the respective commercial tests.

After certification, the IRIS device will be able to test simultaneously for coronavirus and influenza. It could be used in places where there is an urgent need for numerous, fast, cheap and – most importantly – reliable molecular tests: workplaces, schools, national borders, remote medical centers without access to laboratories, and mobile control units, among others.


Multiple uses
IRIS can be used to detect other infectious diseases as well, such as hepatitis, respiratory infections, and even cancer cell mutations.

A strong interdisciplinary research team was put together to create the pioneering device, combining specialists in the fields of biology (Dr George Papadakis), microtechnology/physics (Dr Alexandros Pantazis) and electrical and computer science (Nikolaos Fikas). This was the only way that the precise biological laboratory tests could be turned into a “box” that could travel effectively where needed.

The coordinator of the new European program is FORTH. BioPix-T (a FORTH startup) is also participating by building and utilizing IRIS. The consortium further includes three hospitals from Britain, France and Belgium that will participate in clinical trials, a certification company (PKNM, Switzerland), an enzyme biotechnology company (EnzyQuest, Greece) and a company from South Africa, which intends to distribute IRIS in sub-Saharan Africa.
Griechenland und Saudi Arabien könnten bald ein Verteidigungsabkommen unterschreiben
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