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Nachrichten aus Griechenland

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Das chinesische Kulturministerium hat diese zwei Statuen am Fuß der Akropolis in Athen aufgestellt. Es ist Sokrates und Konfuzius. Anlass ist das griechisch-chinesische Kultur und Tourismus Jahr 2022

Griechenland stockt seine Flotte für die Brandbekämpfung auf


Μόνο ρεσπεκτ.

Greece and Egypt are in talks about the possibility to lay a 2 GW submarine interconnector on the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea and link their electricity systems. Several other projects are under development for the delivery of renewable energy from Africa to Europe.​

The transmission system operators of Greece and Egypt have the ambition to install an undersea cable between Europe and Africa, EnergyPress reported. The two companies have strong competition as numerous other bilateral endeavors are underway.

The Independent Power Transmission Operator (Admie or IPTO), which is the Greek TSO, is preparing a memorandum of understanding with its Egyptian counterpart EETC about a submarine interconnector with the capacity of 2 GW, the news outlet wrote, citing an unnamed source.