Es geht um Jasenovac:
Between its establishment in 1941 and its evacuation in April 1945, Croat authorities murdered thousands of people at Jasenovac. Among the victims were:
- between 45,000 and 52,000 Serb residents of the so-called Independent State of Croatia
- between 12,000 and 20,000 Jews
- between 15,000 and 20,000 Roma (Gypsies)
- between 5,000 and 12,000 ethnic Croats and Muslims, who were political opponents of the regime
Und deine Cetniks haben demnach ca. 200.000 Kroaten und ca. 100.000 Bosnijaken ermordet. Die Zahlen vom USHMM basieren auf den Berechnungen von Zerjavic bzw. Kocovic und einigen anderen Historikern. Basierend eben auf den Volkszählunge usw., steht aber auch in dem Artikel und du hast mal gesagt, du traust keinen Zahlen die von Ex-Yus stammen.
Number of Victims
Determining the number of victims for Yugoslavia, for Croatia, and for Jasenovac is highly problematic, due to the destruction of many relevant documents, the long-term inaccessibility to independent scholars of those documents that survived, and the ideological agendas of postwar partisan scholarship and journalism, which has been and remains influenced by ethnic tension, religious prejudice, and ideological conflict.
The estimates offered here are based on the work of several historians who have used census records as well as whatever documentation was available in German, Croat, and other archives in the former Yugoslavia and elsewhere.
As more documents become accessible and more research is conducted into the records of the Ustaša regime, historians and demographers may be able to determine more precise figures than are now available.
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