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Nachrichten aus Serbien

U Srebrenici 1942. Bo?njaci od pokolja spasili 3.500 Srba | Historija BiH | Al Jazeera Balkans
Welcher Genozid an serben? Die haben euch damals gerettet während des 2.wk und zum Dank fallt ihr ihnen später in den Rücken.

madleine albrights jüdische vorfahren wurden im belgrad der 40-er von serben vor den nazis gerettet worden!
serben haben split 1918 von italienern befreit und den dank zwei mal bekommen!

wieviel serben sind in den 40-ern sonst von bosnjaken liquidiert worden?!
und in den 90-ern von oric und seim pack rund um srebrenica?!

wenn sich wasserballer in die geschichte anderer einmischen wollen ohne jegliche ahnung zu haben.
aber deinen dreck sind wir ja gewohnt, netter versuch.

- - - Aktualisiert - - -

In Banja Luka war es das gleiche. Imame retteten hunderte Serben um später von ihren Söhnen ermordet zu werden.

spasili ih verovatno po ustaškom principu trećina, zna se ko je bio odjednom cvijeće papak
Schrecklich welcher Hass noch gegen Albaner herrscht in Serbien. Erst die Angriffe und Mordaufrufe gegen albanische Bäcker, dann auf Angriffe auf Busse mit Albanern, nun Drohungen gegen Journalisten und ihren Familien. Wo soll das alles noch hinführen?

Female Kosovo Journalist Targeted by ‘Evil’ Online Threats

N1 Television correspondent Zana Cimili, who was threatened with murder on social media by an anti-Albanian nationalist, told BIRN that journalists must challenge attacks on media freedom and keep on reporting the news.

“This person’s words were so calculated, so evil. That’s why this time it genuinely made me feel threatened and scared,” Zana Cimili told BIRN.

On July 5, regional television network N1 announced that Cimili, the channel’s prominent reporter from Kosovo, had received death threats online.

The anonymous person who made the threats said in their message that they had “a lifelong desire to kill an Albanian, even an Albanian child”.

The message also expressed the desire “for a new war in Kosovo during which the Albanians will feel Serbian rage”, N1 reported.

“The threats to Zana Cimili, as to other N1 journalists, are not only threats to the individual reporters but also to freedom of speech and of the media as fundamental democratic rights,” said the channel, which has reporters in countries across the former Yugoslavia.

A day later, Serbian police arrested a man from the northern town of Becej on suspicion of threatening Cimili. A court then placed the suspect under house arrest.

“The arrest of the man who threatened me and my daughter sends an important message – that you cannot assume to hide behind the guise of social media when threatening journalists,” Cimili said in an interview with BIRN conducted via email.

The shock for Cimili was heightened by the intensity of the hatred directed at Albanians, and the fact that the perpetrator posted the message under a picture of her three-year-old daughter – “posting it under a photograph of her playing in the sand – saying they would ‘rip up Albanian children with their teeth’”.


Racheaktionen. Ganz einfach erklärt damit auch ein Serbe es versteht.
