Μακεδоν τ
Schönes Weihnachtsgeschenk.
Einzelheiten kann ich mir sparen, ich denke ihr alle wisst Bescheid nachdem ihr die Überschrift gelesen habt.
Laut den mazedonischen Medien ist Namibia der 133 Staat der Makedonien unter seinem verfassungsrechtlichen Namen anerkennt und diplomatische Beziehungen aufnimmt.
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Namibia and Macedonia Establish Diplomatic Ties under Constitutional name
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
On wednesday, Macedonia established diplomatic ties with Namibia under its constitutional name. Namibia is the 133rd country to officially recognize Macedonia's constitutional name.
- This afternoon in New York Macedonia and Namibia have established diplomatic ties at ambassadorial level under the constitutional name of our country, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a press release.
The Ambassadors of both countries to the UN, Pajo Avirovic and Wilfried Emvula respectively, signed the joint communiqué, which according to the UN protocol will be distributed to all member states, the press release reads.
The relations between the two countries will develop in line with the principles of mutual respect, friendship, non-interference in internal affairs, as well as recognition of each other's territorial integrity and sovereignty. The establishing of diplomatic ties also offers great opportunities for bolstering the cooperation between Macedonia and Namibia in all spheres of mutual interest.
MINA Breaking News
Einzelheiten kann ich mir sparen, ich denke ihr alle wisst Bescheid nachdem ihr die Überschrift gelesen habt.
Laut den mazedonischen Medien ist Namibia der 133 Staat der Makedonien unter seinem verfassungsrechtlichen Namen anerkennt und diplomatische Beziehungen aufnimmt.
Намибија ја призна Македонија под уставно име
Среда, 21 Декември 2011 20:27
Намибија е 133-тата земја која официјално го призна уставното име на Република Македонија.
- Република Македонија и Република Намибија денеска попладне во Њујорк воспоставија дипломатски односи на амбасадорско ниво под уставното име на нашата држава. Амбасадорите на двете земји при Обединетите нации, Пајо Авировиќ и Вилфрид Емвула, го потпишаа Заедничкото соопштение, кое што понатаму, согласно протоколот на ОН ќе биде дистрибуирано до сите земји членки, соопшти македонското МНР.
Односите меѓу двете држави, како што информира МНР, ќе се развиваат согласно принципите на заемно почитување, пријателство, немешање во внатрешните работи, како и признавање на територијалниот интегритет и суверенитет на двете земји. Воедно, со овој чин, се отвараат широки можности за продлабочување на соработката меѓу Македонија и Намибија во сите области од заеднички интерес.
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Namibia and Macedonia Establish Diplomatic Ties under Constitutional name
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
On wednesday, Macedonia established diplomatic ties with Namibia under its constitutional name. Namibia is the 133rd country to officially recognize Macedonia's constitutional name.
- This afternoon in New York Macedonia and Namibia have established diplomatic ties at ambassadorial level under the constitutional name of our country, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a press release.
The Ambassadors of both countries to the UN, Pajo Avirovic and Wilfried Emvula respectively, signed the joint communiqué, which according to the UN protocol will be distributed to all member states, the press release reads.
The relations between the two countries will develop in line with the principles of mutual respect, friendship, non-interference in internal affairs, as well as recognition of each other's territorial integrity and sovereignty. The establishing of diplomatic ties also offers great opportunities for bolstering the cooperation between Macedonia and Namibia in all spheres of mutual interest.
MINA Breaking News