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A group of people admiring the horizon from a rocky crest filled with astronomical markers at the megalithic observatory Kokino in the Republic of Macedonia, soon after sunrise, early yesterday – the day of the Summer solstice. The ancient astronomic observatory, located about 100 kilometres northeast of Skopje, the capital of the Republic of Macedonia, dates more than 4,000 years back in time. It is ranked by Nasa as the fourth oldest observatory in the world.
[TD]Megalithic Observatory in Kokino, Macedonia | Photo: Wikimedia Commons/Acer GER[/TD]
Conservation work at the archaeological site at Kokino, 30km from Kumanovo, in northern Macedonia, will include the sanctuary and the surrounding wall, experts said.
"Works include the outer wall as well as the astronomical platform, which will be presented to the public so that visitors can understand what happened a long time ago in Kokino," the director of the National Museum in Kumanovo, Jovica Stankovski, told MIA News Agency.
Stankovski described this as the final phase of research at the archeological site, which was discovered in 2001.
The Bronze Age site is about 100 metres in diameter and is on two levels underneath the Tatikev Kamen mountain, at an altitude of 1,013 metres. Research suggests it was a sacred place and was used to observe celestial objects.
Among the important findings are stone markers used to track the movement of the sun and moon, the winter and summer solstices, as well as the equinox.
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[TD]Artifacts from Kokino archeological site | Wikimedia Commons/Macedonian National Museum[/TD]
Excavations carried out on the upper platform have uncovered ceramic objects, animal bones, pyramidal weights and fragments of grinding stones.
Stankovski said that after conservation work is finished, the site will be presented to scientists and experts. Several universities are already negotiating with the musem to visit Kokino.
The director said that promotion of the archeological site was of great importance for the municipality of Staro Nagoricane.
"In the past two years, the number of tourists in Kokino has increased, especially from abroad," he noted.
Извадок од "Вистината за вечноста"- Ниче Димовски
Мегалитската опсерваторија Кокино
Една опсерваторија се смета за прастара ако задоволува неколку правила: да има три маркери за следење на Сонцето во текот на годината и четири за движење на Месечината. Локалитетот Коки но целосно ги исполнува. Овој локалитет опстојувал од xix се доviii век пр.н.е. или, со други зборови, тој континуирано се ко ристел околу 1000 години и се нарекувал „света планина“. Нај но вите сознанија укажуваат дека на Кокино се славеле повеќе култови, од кои најзначаен бил култот на Големата мајка божица. Освен тоа,овој локалитет бил од големо значење за тогашните луѓе, кои од тука го набљудувале небото и го организирале животот според природните законитости.
Кога небото е јасно, од Кокино може да се гледа во далечина и до 70 км. Американската вселенска агенција (НАСА) изготви список на 15 најстари опсерватории во светот, во која мегалитскиот локалитет Кокино е регистрирано на четврто место, после Стоунхенџ (Велика Британија), Абу Симбел (Египет) и Ангкор-Ват (Камбоџа).
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Enlarge image Credit Robert Atanasovki / AFP/Getty Images In Macedonia, people look at the horizon from a rocky crest filled with astronomical markers at the megalithic observatory Kokino, which NASA ranks as the fourth oldest observatory in the world.
Whether you like it or not, the day will be bright. For those of us in the northern hemisphere, today is the summer solstice, which marks the longest daylight period of the year and the official start of summer. As The Weather Channel explains, it's also a little more special this year, because the solstice occurred on different days for different time zones.
The summer solstice happens when the sun is shinning directly overhead at midday at varying latitudes. That happened at 1:04 a.m. on Friday for the East Coast and at 10:04 p.m. Thursday for the West Coast.
"The solstice is split into separate days for different time zones this time around simply because the solstice happens to occur so close to midnight," Weather.com explains.
All that to say, welcome summer! We'll leave you with a few sunny images of how people marked the occasion across the globe: