Spätestens bei einem Religionskrieg (der kommen wird), wir sich herausstellen ob Albanien Nationstreu ist. Da muss man sich an seiten der Religion stellen.
Gjergj schrieb:Monte-Grobar schrieb:LOL, dachte anfangs du führt selbstgespräche
Ich habe mich auch erst gewundert wieso ich mich nicht an manche Beiträge erinnnere...
Albanesi schrieb:In Albanien beanchtet man nicht so sehr die Religionen aber vergessen nicht ihre Indetiät
Muslime bilden die grösste Gruppe von 65-70% (Sunniten und Bektashis)
The majority of citizens are secular in orientation after decades of rigidly enforced atheism under the Communist regime, which ended in 1990. Despite such secularism, most citizens traditionally associate themselves with a religious group. Citizens of Muslim background make up the largest traditional religious group (roughly 65 to 70 percent of the population) and are divided into two communities: those associated with a moderate form of Sunni Islam and those associated with the Bektashi school (a particularly liberal form of Shi'a Sufism). The country is the world center of the Bektashi school, which moved from Turkey in 1925 after the revolution of Ataturk. Bektashis are concentrated mainly in the central and southern regions and represent approximately one quarter of the country's Muslim population.
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Athleti_Christi schrieb:Albanesi schrieb:In Albanien beanchtet man nicht so sehr die Religionen aber vergessen nicht ihre Indetiät
Muslime bilden die grösste Gruppe von 65-70% (Sunniten und Bektashis)
The majority of citizens are secular in orientation after decades of rigidly enforced atheism under the Communist regime, which ended in 1990. Despite such secularism, most citizens traditionally associate themselves with a religious group. Citizens of Muslim background make up the largest traditional religious group (roughly 65 to 70 percent of the population) and are divided into two communities: those associated with a moderate form of Sunni Islam and those associated with the Bektashi school (a particularly liberal form of Shi'a Sufism). The country is the world center of the Bektashi school, which moved from Turkey in 1925 after the revolution of Ataturk. Bektashis are concentrated mainly in the central and southern regions and represent approximately one quarter of the country's Muslim population.
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Quote gekürzt weil sonst zu lang & unästhetisch / Gez.Schiptar
Die meisten Moscheen sind aber hier auch leer, sogar in Mazedonien, auch hier scheints das die Interesse klein ist :roll: mann bist du dumm.
Athleti_Christi schrieb:Die meisten Moscheen sind aber hier auch leer, sogar in Mazedonien, auch hier scheints das die Interesse klein ist :roll: mann bist du dumm.
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