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Nikola Tesla

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tut mir leid, aber ich hatte angenommen, er wäre Kroate. Müsst jetzt nicht gleich alle die beleidigte Leberwurst spielen. er war jetzt doch Serbe oder was?
Tesla ist der 2tberühmteste Kroate aller Zeiten.


Nikola Tesla 1892 in Belgrad:

„Ja sam, kao što vidite i čujete, ostao Srbin i preko mora, gde se ispitivanjima bavim. To isto treba da budete i vi i da svojim znanjem i radom podižete slavu srpstva u svetu.“ (Nikola Tesla, 2. juna 1892. godine u govoru studentima Velike škole u Beogradu)

Ako budem imao sreće da ostvarim barem neke od svojih ideja, to će biti dobročinstvo za celo čovečanstvo. Ako se te moje nade ispune, najslađa misao biće mi ta da je to delo jednog Srbina.“ (Nikola Tesla u vreme posete Beogradu 1892. godine).

Stolzer Serbe :app:
tut mir leid, aber ich hatte angenommen, er wäre Kroate. Müsst jetzt nicht gleich alle die beleidigte Leberwurst spielen. er war jetzt doch Serbe oder was?

Klar, er war sogar sehr stolz drauf.

Nikola Tesla's Visit To Belgrade, 1892


On June 1, 1892, around 11 pm, Tesla arrived to Belgrade.

Tall, in a black suit, holding a suitcase in his hand, Tesla stood at the Belgrade Railway Station (still in use today) where he was greeted by enthusiastic crowds of masses. He walked slowly, trying to get through the masses, which gave him plenty of flowers and told him that he was the greatest Serbian son. Touched by the reception of his fellow countrymen, he said, modestly:

- I feel much more than I can say. Please do not measure the extent of my feelings by the weakness of my words... If I am fortunate enough to fullfill at least some of my ideals, that will do good for the whole of mankind. If that is achieved, I will be glad to say that a Serb has done it.

Then he took a specially decorated horse carriage to the Imperial Hotel which used to be near Captain Misha's Building (today the Rectorate of Belgrade University). On June 2, he was received by the young Serbian King, Alexander Obrenovic. Tesla told the Serbian King that Belgrade will need to introduce electricity. The King was fascinated by Tesla's words and demonstrations. Belgrade, at that time with a population of 60,000 people, got electricity the following year (1893). It was a huge and widely celebrated event.

The King wanted to award Tesla with the Medal of St. Sava for extraordinary contribution to science. But, since Tesla was legally a citizen of the United States of America, the medal was sent to him later on, via diplomatic postal service. The then US Secretary of State John Foster approved the action and Tesla got the medal of the Serbian King on January 27, 1893 - on Saint Sava Day.

Back to Tesla's visit, after visiting the King and being an honored guest at lunch at the Imperial Hotel, Tesla was greeted at the Grand Ecole or Great School - the predecessor of Belgrade University, by the rector and students who turned up to listen to the genius. "As you can see and hear, I have been a Serb and have remained a Serb across the ocean. You should also be the same, and with your hard work and knowledge you should bring pride to Serbs everywhere". The cheers of the crowds were enormous.

At the medieval park and fortress of Kalemegdan, Tesla was greeted by the Obilic Singer Society. They performed for him. Then, he visited the National Museum, followed by a splendid dinner at the Vajfertovac restaurant at Topcider Hill. (Today, at that place is BIP - the Belgrade Beer Industry). The King accompanied Tesla on all those manifestations.

Tesla was most touched by a speech of the Serbian poet, writer and children's writer Jovan Jovanovic Zmaj. Touched by the patriotic tones of the speech, Tesla kissed the poet's hand and said:

- When I had a most difficult time in America, when I was abandoned and misunderstood by everyone, I read your poetry with tears in my eyes, and now I promise you that I will translate your work to English and publish it so that the world can read it as well. I think that will do more for Serbdom than all of my work on electricity. I am so proud to be Serb, and this night has provided me with the happiest and most precious moment of my life. That very moment is happening now, when I hear those wonderful words from a man whom I deeply respect and whose poems I have read, kissed and covered with my tears in that far away land.

The well wishes continued on till the early hours of the morning with cheerful music and laughter.

In the morning, Tesla took the train to various European countries and eventually arrived back to the United States.
Quelle: http://www.teslasociety.com/serbia150.htm
tut mir leid, aber ich hatte angenommen, er wäre Kroate. Müsst jetzt nicht gleich alle die beleidigte Leberwurst spielen. er war jetzt doch Serbe oder was?

Ich hab gedacht du willst provozieren, kein Thema.
"Tesla wurde als viertes von fünf Kindern serbischstämmiger Eltern (Milutin und Djuka Tesla) in der Lika im Dorf Smiljan unweit von Gospić geboren. Sein Vater Milutin war ein serbisch-orthodoxer Priester. "

Tesla ist auf der 100 Dinar Note drauf:

Nikola Tesla 1892 in Belgrad:

„Ja sam, kao što vidite i čujete, ostao Srbin i preko mora, gde se ispitivanjima bavim. To isto treba da budete i vi i da svojim znanjem i radom podižete slavu srpstva u svetu.“ (Nikola Tesla, 2. juna 1892. godine u govoru studentima Velike škole u Beogradu)

Ako budem imao sreće da ostvarim barem neke od svojih ideja, to će biti dobročinstvo za celo čovečanstvo. Ako se te moje nade ispune, najslađa misao biće mi ta da je to delo jednog Srbina.“ (Nikola Tesla u vreme posete Beogradu 1892. godine).

Stolzer Serbe :app:

Mein lieber Scholli, hat der geschleimt. Dieser Amerikaner.
tut mir leid, aber ich hatte angenommen, er wäre Kroate. Müsst jetzt nicht gleich alle die beleidigte Leberwurst spielen. er war jetzt doch Serbe oder was?

Wir sind nicht beleidigt wegen dir......
Die Kroete, (Kroate darf Ich sowas wie dich nicht nennen....)
kann zwar schlecht über unser Volk reden..... aber hat mal jemand, der in Kroatien geboren ist was weltbewegendes erschaffen, ist er Kroate.....
Aber Kraijna Serben sind Serben.....:greenjumpers: keine Kroaten

Lies soch meinen Wikipedia Link, er war Serbe, das Grdelin diesen nicht komplett postete, zeigt nur, wie armseelig er doch ist.....