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Ohrid // Lychnidos

Forgotten Ohrid to be quickly revitalized

[TD="colspan: 2"]Monday, 06 May 2013

[TD="colspan: 2"]

Macedonia's Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski earlier today met with Ohrid's recently elected mayor Nikola Bakracheski.

The main topic of discussion as reported by the Government's press office was Ohrid's program for the next four years and the promised projects made by the mayor and his team which will be supported by the Macedonian Government in the period to follow.

The Government will put its full weight to support the upcoming upgrade of Ohrid's regional highway system, to support the educational system which will include complete renovations of schools, as well as bettering the economical situation for all residents.

Ohrid's previous mayor put a stop to most of the projects initiated by the Government which put the popular tourist city at a disadvantage in comparison to Bitola, Prilep and Skopje who underwent improvement of their infrastructure.
Ältester See Europas ist mehr als eine Million Jahre alt
Tiefbohrung verrät, wann der Ohrid-See in Mazedonien entstand
Dass der knapp 350 Quadratkilometer große Ohrid-See in Mazedonien sehr alt ist, wusste man schon länger. Eine neue Tiefbohrung zeigt jetzt: Er ist der älteste See Europas. Er existiert in seiner heutigen Form schon mehr als eine Million Jahre, wie Kölner Forscher berichten. Das erklärt, warum in ihm viele Tiere leben, die sonst nirgendwo vorkommen: Sie entwickelten sich lange Zeit isoliert von anderen Gewässern und deren Bewohnern.

Der Ohrid-See in Mazedonien
© Albena/ CC-by-sa 2.0 us
Der Ohrid-See gilt als einer der artenreichsten der Erde - warum es in ihm mehr als 200 Arten gibt, die nur dort vorkommen, ist aber bisher unklar. Das Wasser des Sees wird nicht von einem Fluss gespeist, sondern vor allem aus zahlreichen kleinen Bächen, die in den Gebirgen am Seerand aus Quellen entspringen. Entstanden ist der fast 300 Meter tiefe See durch einen Grabenbruch entlang einer tektonischen Verwerfung. Schon früher vermutete man anhand geologischer Hinweise, dass der Ohrid-See bereits im Pliozän gebildet worden sein könnte, vor mehr als 2,6 Millionen Jahren.

Das Projekt SCOPSCO (Scientific Collaboration On Past Speciation Conditions in Ohrid) hat zum Ziel, die Geschichte dieses Sees und seiner Bewohner genauer zu erforschen und auch seine Entstehung genauer zu datieren. In der aktuellen Bohrung konnte das Team nun rund 565 Meter tief in die Seesedimente eindringen, bevor grobe Kiese und Geröll ein weiteres Vorankommen stoppten. Die Analyse dieser Gesteine zeigte, dass sie aus der Zeit vor über einer Million Jahren stammen. In rund 400 Metern Tiefe stießen die Forscher zudem auf das Fossil einer mehr als eine Million Jahre alten Dreikantmuschel.

"Der Ohrid-See besteht in seiner heutigen Form seit deutlich mehr als einer Million Jahren“, sagt SCOPSCO-Projektleiter Bernd Wagner von der Universität Köln. „Das können wir nach der ersten Analyse der gewonnenen Bohrkerne bereits sagen. Auf ein genaues Alter wollen wir uns zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt aber noch nicht festlegen.“ Es sei aber extrem unwahrscheinlich, dass sich unter den Kiesen und Geröllen an der Basis des Bohrkerns ältere Seesedimente finden, die auf die längere Existenz eines Sees an gleicher Stelle hinweisen.

Die insgesamt drei Bohrungen an der Bohrstelle DEEP geben nicht nur einen Einblick in die Geschichte des Sees, sie liefern auch wertvolle Informationen über die Vergangenheit der gesamten nördlichen Mittelmeerregion. „Informationen von Vulkanausbrüchen in Italien werden uns ermöglichen, Ascheschichten in den Kernen exakt zu datieren und gleichzeitig erlaubt uns der Kern umgekehrt, das Alter bisher unbestimmter Vulkanausbrüche zu benennen“, erklärt Wagner.

scinexx | ltester See Europas ist mehr als eine Million Jahre alt: Tiefbohrung verrt, wann der Ohrid-See in Mazedonien entstand - Ohrid-See, Seesediment, Datierung, Tektonik, Europa, Tiefbohrung, Geabenbruch, Geologie, Bohrkern, Mazedonien
:mk:Ohrid ist die Schönste Stadt Mazedoniens und das war sie auch in der Antike. Sie war niemals teil von Albanien ;-) o Gostivari !
:al1: Ohrid ist der schönste See und dort liegt die schönste Stadt! Will da immer und immer wieder hin!
[h=3]Ohrid attracts Russian tourists[/h]

Russian tourists are expected next year on organized vacation in Ohrid, which will be realized by establishing direct air charter flight from Moscow to Ohrid Airport.

These are the conclusions from the today meeting of representatives of the Department for Economic Development of the Municipality of Ohrid and the General Manager of the Moscow travel agency “7tur” who is visiting Ohrid.

The Head of the Department for Economic Development, Gjoko Apostoloski said that to it was brought to the attention of Russian delegation all positive features of Ohrid tourism from the aspect and responsibility of local government.

- It would be positive step if Macedonia would ever be an option on all tourism fairs, as it was pointed out to us that the country and thus Ohrid are hardly known to the Russians. We will try through this collaboration to provide a presentation of the city as a tourist destination. As local government, we already have concrete steps. Here is the preparation of tourist propaganda material that will be prepared in Russian language. We are preparing for the participation of Europe’s largest tourism fair in Moscow, said Apostoloski after the meeting.

At the same time at the today’s meeting was considered the promotion of Ohrid as a destination in the most famous Russian tourist brochure “Polyglot” which is printed in millions of copies. In this regard, it was announced that from 11th to 14th of November, in Ohrid will arrive a group of 20 travel workers from Russian Federation, including a representative of the indicated brochure “Polyglot”.
Bakracheski in control of what has been done

The Mayor of Ohrid, Nikola Bakracheski along with representatives of municipal departments and Directors of public companies in Ohrid realized several hours’ tour through several urban and suburban streets and locations.

The purpose of this tour was to determine the implementation of projects according to the annual program, while announcing new ideas and upgrade of the already announced projects.

The tour began with the construction of the sewerage system between Gorno and Dolno Lakocherej. So far 400m have been built, and with accelerated pace is expected, in the short term to complete the remaining part of 1000 m.

After Lakocherej, the Mayor went onsite at the construction activities on street “Petrino”. There is established new water supply network with length of 200 meters, currently it is gravel road which will be paved afterwards.

“We cannot allow roads’ paving to be used for electoral purposes, to manipulate with people and set the asphalt on not prepared ground. Therefore we decided all those streets and roads that we have provided in our plan for this year and next year to be fully completed. Everything is built according to the standards and norms”, said Bakracheski.

The Mayor went at the entrance of Ohrid, which is covered with waste and indicated that one of the efforts of the local government will be to deal with the illegal waste dumping in the city.

“This area in the next period will be illuminated with spotlights. In order to eradicate the bad habits of the citizens, after the action for cleaning the area it will be controlled by two municipal inspectors for 24 hours. We will lay resilient bumpers and information boards which clearly will indicate the ban for dumping waste at the entrance of the city”, said Bakracheski.

In terms of making Ohrid more beautiful, the authorities from the Sector for utilities and street traffic, at the request of the Mayor will work on removing waste containers from the pedestrian paths at the Tourist Boulevard and will replace them with underground containers.

As part of the tour the Mayor was at the area of Ohrid Army barracks that after the legal issues are arranged is expected to be delivered to our city by the Ministry of Defence. According to initial announcements, the area where the Army barracks are, a central street will be built, a portion of the space will be transformed into educational purpose, a church will be built, a sports center and residential complex.

The Mayor on-site met the activities for arranging the riverbed of rivers Koselska and Grashnica and announced cleaning of the rivers Sushica, Daljan and Racha.
Among other things, the relevant authorities informed the Mayor about the works and the realization of projects for construction of footpath, from channel Studenichica to Park.
- Here we intend to make fashionable promenade. I hope that very soon we will finish the planning documentation, after which we will begin with construction activities at that part of the track. Part of the financial construction will be covered with money from European Bank and is expected to be provided by the Department of TLER”, said the Mayor.
Bakracheski wrapped up the tour with a visit to the footpath from the Bridge to Biljanini Izvori, for which the local government has preliminary design, then follows and the project for construction of a pedestrian trail, and a portion will be dedicated to recreation.
As it was announced, such tours of several hours at the sites will become a monthly practice of the Mayor so that on the site will determine what has been done worked and what needs to be done in the future.
