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In dem Buch des Jahres 1592 (nach der Veröffentlichung der 1612-s):
La prima [Sekunden] parte della Geografia di Strabone :



And many have called also the tribes of Epirus "Pelasgian," because in
their opinion the Pelasgi extended their rule even as far as that. And, further, because many of the heroes were called "Pelasgi" by name, the people of later times have, from those heroes, applied the name to many of the tribes; for example, they have called the island of Lesbos "Pelasgia," and Homer has called "Pelasgi" the people that were neighbours to those Cilicians who lived in the Troad: "And Hippothous led the tribes of spear-fighting Pelasgi, those Pelasgi who inhabited deep-soiled Larissa."88 But Ephorus' authority for the statement that this race originated in Arcadia was Hesiod; for Hesiod says: "And sons were born of god-like Lycaon, who, on a time, was begotten by Pelasgus." Again, Aeschylus, in his Suppliants,89 or else his Danaan Women,90 says that the race of the Pelasgi originated in that Argos which is round about Mycenae.91 And the Peloponnesus too, according to Ephorus, was called "Pelasgia."92
Albaner sind Pelasger. Stirb Opala.

P.S.: Artemi ist slawischer als ganz Russland zusammen.

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