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PKK-Terror in Deutschland
Köln: Stadt verbietet im letzten Moment als Sportfest getarnte Terror-Veranstaltung

Die Stadt Köln hat den Versuch von PKK-Anhängern durchkreuzt, Anhänger auf einem Festival zu sammeln, um anschließend in der Innenstadt Gewalt zu provozieren.

Köln (nex) – Die Sportverwaltung der Stadt Köln hat einer offenbar für kommenden Sonntag ins Auge gefassten Provokation durch Anhänger der terroristischen PKK rechtzeitig einen Riegel vorgeschoben.
Wie die Stadt einem hellhörig gewordenen Bürger mitteilte, der auf Plakate aufmerksam geworden war, die zu einem „Festival“ auf der Bezirkssportanlage Chorweiler eingeladen hatten, sei die auf diesen Plakaten beworbene Veranstaltung auf Initiative der zuständigen Behörde abgesagt worden.
Wie auf dem Ankündigungsplakat deutlich zu erkennen war, sollte im Rahmen des Festivals Propaganda für die Terrororganisation gemacht werden. So ist darauf das Konterfei des inhaftierten PKK-Führers Abdullah Öcalan mit einem Fußball abgebildet und es wird angekündigt, dass getöteter Terroristen der PKK und ihres syrischen Ablegers YPG gedacht werden soll.
Tag und Beginnzeit der mittlerweile abgesagten Veranstaltung lassen zudem vermuten, dass die Verantwortlichen offenbar auch die gezielte Provokation von Ausschreitungen im Sinn gehabt haben könnten. Am Sonntag wird ab 15 Uhr bei der Fußball-Europameisterschaft in Frankreich die Türkei ihr erstes Gruppenspiel gegen Kroatien bestreiten. Es ist davon auszugehen, dass insbesondere die Kölner Innenstadt eine erhöhte Präsenz türkischer Fußballanhänger zu verzeichnen haben wird.
Es wäre nicht das erste Mal, dass PKK-Anhänger eine solche Situation für gezielte Provokationen nutzen wollen, die nicht selten in gewalttätige Ausschreitungen münden. Die politisch aufgeheizte Stimmung nach mehreren blutigen Terroranschlägen in der Türkei, die von PKK-Anhängern in Deutschland in den sozialen Medien frenetisch gefeiert wurden, hätte für ein zusätzliches Eskalationspotenzial gesorgt. Die Kölner Stadtverwaltung scheint das Ansinnen der Extremisten jedoch durchschaut zu haben und reagierte prompt.


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Suriyeli muhalif Kürtler, üç koldan başlatacakları mücadele ile “Kürtlerin temsilcisi biziz” diyecek.

ABD desteğiyle Suriye'nin kuzey bölgesine yerleşme hayali kuran ve Kamışlı-Afrin arasında büyük bir devlet kurmaya çalışan PKK'nın Suriye yapılanması PYD'ye en büyük tepki Suriye Kürtlerinden gelecek.
Hem siyasi hem de askeri hazırlıklarını hızlandıran Suriyeli muhalif Kürtler, PYD'nin ABD eliyle 'Rojava'nın tek hakimi' yapılmasına tepki gösterecek adımlar atmaya hazırlanıyor. PYD'ye ve Suriye rejimine muhalif Kürtlerin, ilk büyük siyasi tepkisini 11 Haziran'da Şanlıurfa'da yapacakları kongreyle vermesi bekleniyor. Suriye genelinde etkili 126 ismin katılacağı kongrede PYD'ye karşı izlenecek yol haritası belirlenecek ve PYD'nin Suriye Kürtlerinin azınlığını teşkil ettiği vurgulanacak. Kongreyi muhalif Bağımsız Suriye Kürtleri Derneği (KKSS) düzenliyor.


Suriyeli muhaliflerin siyasi çatısı Suriye Muhalif ve Devrimci Güçler Ulusal Koalisyonu (SMDK) üyesi olan ve 15 Kürt partisinin içinde yer aldığı Ulusal Konsey (ENKS) de uluslararası girişimlerini arttıracak. ENKS'nin yurtdışı ziyaretlerini sıklaştıracağı ve Suriye Kürtleri nezdindeki gerçek muhatabın kendileri olduğunun dünyaya kabul ettirilmesi için diplomatik hamleler yapacağı bildirildi. Bu kapsamda geçtiğimiz hafta ENKS'yi içine alan SMDK'nın başkanı Enes Abde Kuzey Irak Kürt Yönetimi Başkanı Mesud Barzani ile bir araya geldi. ENKS ile Barzani arasındaki güçlü ilişkiler bulunuyor. Bu ilişkileri tehdit olarak gören PYD, Barzani yönetimi tarafından IŞİD'le savaşmaları ve topraklarını savunmaları için eğitilen Suriyeli Kürtleri ülkeye almamış ve iki grup arasındaki krizi tırmandırmıştı.


Tüm bu siyasi adımların yanı sıra cephede muhalif Kürt tugaylarının rejim, IŞİD ve PKK'ya yönelik savaşları da devam ediyor. En son geçtiğimiz ay sonlarında kuruluşu ilan edilen Ketaib Suvvar Kürdi (Kürt Devrimciler Tugayı) sahaya aktif bir biçimde inmeye hazırlanıyor. Grup kuruluşunu ilan ettiği video kaydında “PYD ve Esed rejimine karşı Suriye halkı ile birlikte direnişin yanında yer alacağız. Zulme teslim olmayacağız. Bu uğurda gerekirse ölmeye hazırız. Suriye halkının birliği ve Suriye topraklarının bütünlüğü için elimizden gelen her şeyi yapacağız. Halkımıza zulmeden bu PYD ve Esed rejimine karşı, Kürt halkını bizim saflarımızda savaşmaya çağırıyoruz” ifadeleri kullanıldı.


Suriye'de devrim hareketinin başından bu yana savaşan Kürt tugayları da bulunuyor. Bir dönem bağımsız bir tugay olarak kurulan Cephe İslami el Kürdi şu sıralar ülkenin en büyük direniş grupları arasında başı çeken Ahrar'uş Şam hareketinin Kürt kolu şeklinde yapılandırıldı ve Ahraru'ş Şam bünyesinde direnişe devam ediyor. Azez'de ise Selahaddin'in Torunları isminde bir tugay PYD'ye karşı savaşını sürdürüyor. PYD bölgesine sadece 2 km uzaklıktaki nöbet noktalarından birinde Yeni Şafak'ın sorularını cevaplandıran tugay komutanı Ebu Hamza, “PKK'nın Beşar Esad rejiminden ve binlerce suçsuz insanı öldüren Şebihalardan bir farkı yok. PKK, Kürtler için onlara yardım etmek için burada değil. Onlar Kürt halkının karşısında duruyor” dedi.

[h=1]Schweden liefert PKK-Terroristen an Deutschland aus[/h][h=2]Stockholmer Gericht ordnet die Auslieferung an[/h]13.06.2016 ~ 13.06.2016
In Schweden hat das Stockholmer Gericht die Auslieferung eines 23 jährigen Mitglieds der Terrororganisation PKK an Deutschland angeordnet. Der 23 jährige PKK-Mitglied war vor zwei Wochen im Stockholmer Flughafen Arland festgenommen worden als er in die Türkei fliegen wollte. Nach Angaben der offiziellen schwedischen Nachrichtenagentur TT lastet der Staatsanwalt Ewamari Haggkvist in seinem Antrag den Verdächtigen an, der PKK in Europa Mitglieder zu rekrutieren und über die Türkei in den Norden Iraks einreisen zu wollen, um dort Terroranschläge auszuführen. Das Attunda Gericht in Stockholm hat die Auslieferung des PKK Mitglieds innerhalb von 15 Tagen an Deutschland beschlossen, da dieser von der deutschen Bundesstaatsanwaltschaft auf die internationale Fahndungsliste ausgeschrieben wurde. Seit der Verschärfung der schwedischen Terrorgesetze am 1. April wurden 3 PKK-Terroristen am Stockholmer Flughafen Arlanda festgenommen und an Deutschland ausgeliefert.


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[h=1]Schweden liefert PKK-Terroristen an Deutschland aus[/h][h=2]Stockholmer Gericht ordnet die Auslieferung an[/h]13.06.2016 ~ 13.06.2016
In Schweden hat das Stockholmer Gericht die Auslieferung eines 23 jährigen Mitglieds der Terrororganisation PKK an Deutschland angeordnet. Der 23 jährige PKK-Mitglied war vor zwei Wochen im Stockholmer Flughafen Arland festgenommen worden als er in die Türkei fliegen wollte. Nach Angaben der offiziellen schwedischen Nachrichtenagentur TT lastet der Staatsanwalt Ewamari Haggkvist in seinem Antrag den Verdächtigen an, der PKK in Europa Mitglieder zu rekrutieren und über die Türkei in den Norden Iraks einreisen zu wollen, um dort Terroranschläge auszuführen. Das Attunda Gericht in Stockholm hat die Auslieferung des PKK Mitglieds innerhalb von 15 Tagen an Deutschland beschlossen, da dieser von der deutschen Bundesstaatsanwaltschaft auf die internationale Fahndungsliste ausgeschrieben wurde. Seit der Verschärfung der schwedischen Terrorgesetze am 1. April wurden 3 PKK-Terroristen am Stockholmer Flughafen Arlanda festgenommen und an Deutschland ausgeliefert.


[h=1]US Brings Turkey and PKK Back at Negotiating Table[/h]

ROJAVA — An informed source from the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) revealed on Monday, June 13th, that an agreement was reached between Turkey and Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) with the help of the US mediation three weeks ago over the areas in the west of Euphrates river in Syria.
According to the agreement made between Ankara and PKK, the source confirmed to BasNews that PKK guerrillas must retreat from the Kurdish cities in southeastern Turkey, and the Turkish government, in return, will allow the Syrian Democratic Forces to control the areas in the west of Euphrates river in northern Syria.
The meetings between PKK and Ankara was held under the supervision of the Army Gen. Joseph Votel, Commander of US forces in the Middle East, who visited Kobani and Turkey last month, the source said.
Ankara has also agreed to move the jailed PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan, from İmralı Island Prison in the Marmara Sea to another location and place him under house arrest, and resume negotiations with PKK as part of the agreement.
The source also revealed that a meeting between SDF commanders and Turkish officials in Encerlik military base was organized by USA to make sure that no commanders from the Syrian Kurdish forces are involved in the operation of liberating Manbij, noting that Abu Laila, a prominent SDF commander who was recently killed, also attended the meeting.
"US has shown green light to SDF to advance towards all the areas in western Euphrates river to drive out the Islamic State (IS) militants from those areas" said the source, asserting that Turkey is aware of the thousands of Kurdish fighters involved in the operation, but unable to oppose it due to the pressures made by US.
The Turkish president previously warned about connecting Kobani to Afrin in Syrian Kurdistan [Rojava], calling it a 'dangerous project'.

PKK guerrillas must retreat from the Kurdish cities in southeastern Turkey

US Brings Turkey and PKK Back at Negotiating Table - BasNews


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[h=1]US Brings Turkey and PKK Back at Negotiating Table[/h]

ROJAVA — An informed source from the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) revealed on Monday, June 13th, that an agreement was reached between Turkey and Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) with the help of the US mediation three weeks ago over the areas in the west of Euphrates river in Syria.
According to the agreement made between Ankara and PKK, the source confirmed to BasNews that PKK guerrillas must retreat from the Kurdish cities in southeastern Turkey, and the Turkish government, in return, will allow the Syrian Democratic Forces to control the areas in the west of Euphrates river in northern Syria.
The meetings between PKK and Ankara was held under the supervision of the Army Gen. Joseph Votel, Commander of US forces in the Middle East, who visited Kobani and Turkey last month, the source said.
Ankara has also agreed to move the jailed PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan, from İmralı Island Prison in the Marmara Sea to another location and place him under house arrest, and resume negotiations with PKK as part of the agreement.
The source also revealed that a meeting between SDF commanders and Turkish officials in Encerlik military base was organized by USA to make sure that no commanders from the Syrian Kurdish forces are involved in the operation of liberating Manbij, noting that Abu Laila, a prominent SDF commander who was recently killed, also attended the meeting.
"US has shown green light to SDF to advance towards all the areas in western Euphrates river to drive out the Islamic State (IS) militants from those areas" said the source, asserting that Turkey is aware of the thousands of Kurdish fighters involved in the operation, but unable to oppose it due to the pressures made by US.
The Turkish president previously warned about connecting Kobani to Afrin in Syrian Kurdistan [Rojava], calling it a 'dangerous project'.

PKK guerrillas must retreat from the Kurdish cities in southeastern Turkey


US Brings Turkey and PKK Back at Negotiating Table

ROJAVA — An informed source from the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) revealed on Monday, June 13th, that an agreement was reached between Turkey and Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) with the help of the US mediation three weeks ago over the areas in the west of Euphrates river in Syria.
According to the agreement made between Ankara and PKK, the source confirmed to BasNews that PKK guerrillas must retreat from the Kurdish cities in southeastern Turkey, and the Turkish government, in return, will allow the Syrian Democratic Forces to control the areas in the west of Euphrates river in northern Syria.
The meetings between PKK and Ankara was held under the supervision of the Army Gen. Joseph Votel, Commander of US forces in the Middle East, who visited Kobani and Turkey last month, the source said.
Ankara has also agreed to move the jailed PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan, from İmralı Island Prison in the Marmara Sea to another location and place him under house arrest, and resume negotiations with PKK as part of the agreement.
The source also revealed that a meeting between SDF commanders and Turkish officials in Encerlik military base was organized by USA to make sure that no commanders from the Syrian Kurdish forces are involved in the operation of liberating Manbij, noting that Abu Laila, a prominent SDF commander who was recently killed, also attended the meeting.
"US has shown green light to SDF to advance towards all the areas in western Euphrates river to drive out the Islamic State (IS) militants from those areas" said the source, asserting that Turkey is aware of the thousands of Kurdish fighters involved in the operation, but unable to oppose it due to the pressures made by US.
The Turkish president previously warned about connecting Kobani to Afrin in Syrian Kurdistan [Rojava], calling it a 'dangerous project'.

PKK guerrillas must retreat from the Kurdish cities in southeastern Turkey

US Brings Turkey and PKK Back at Negotiating Table - BasNews


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US Brings Turkey and PKK Back at Negotiating Table

ROJAVA — An informed source from the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) revealed on Monday, June 13th, that an agreement was reached between Turkey and Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) with the help of the US mediation three weeks ago over the areas in the west of Euphrates river in Syria.
According to the agreement made between Ankara and PKK, the source confirmed to BasNews that PKK guerrillas must retreat from the Kurdish cities in southeastern Turkey, and the Turkish government, in return, will allow the Syrian Democratic Forces to control the areas in the west of Euphrates river in northern Syria.
The meetings between PKK and Ankara was held under the supervision of the Army Gen. Joseph Votel, Commander of US forces in the Middle East, who visited Kobani and Turkey last month, the source said.
Ankara has also agreed to move the jailed PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan, from İmralı Island Prison in the Marmara Sea to another location and place him under house arrest, and resume negotiations with PKK as part of the agreement.
The source also revealed that a meeting between SDF commanders and Turkish officials in Encerlik military base was organized by USA to make sure that no commanders from the Syrian Kurdish forces are involved in the operation of liberating Manbij, noting that Abu Laila, a prominent SDF commander who was recently killed, also attended the meeting.
"US has shown green light to SDF to advance towards all the areas in western Euphrates river to drive out the Islamic State (IS) militants from those areas" said the source, asserting that Turkey is aware of the thousands of Kurdish fighters involved in the operation, but unable to oppose it due to the pressures made by US.
The Turkish president previously warned about connecting Kobani to Afrin in Syrian Kurdistan [Rojava], calling it a 'dangerous project'.

PKK guerrillas must retreat from the Kurdish cities in southeastern Turkey

US Brings Turkey and PKK Back at Negotiating Table - BasNews


Sag mal, solld ie Nachricht eine Verarschung sein?

Öcalans Haft in Hausarrest umwandeln und Vereinbarung mit der PKK unter der Schirmherrschaft des Us Generals?

Das hätten die Bastarde von Terroristen gerne.
Weiter Bomben liebe Türken lasst euch nicht einschüchtern die pkk ist eine armenisch jezidische terrororganisation.....sie erleiden schwere Verluste und der Rückhalt schwindet.....vorher soll Amerika mit dem is Frieden schliessen dann die Türken mit der pkk.
Weiter Bomben liebe Türken lasst euch nicht einschüchtern die pkk ist eine armenisch jezidische terrororganisation.....sie erleiden schwere Verluste und der Rückhalt schwindet.....vorher soll Amerika mit dem is Frieden schliessen dann die Türken mit der pkk.

Gojim, bist du Türke?
Kampf gegen den Terror
Polizei-Razzia in Istanbul: HDP-Politikerin Figen Yüksekdag betreibt Terror-Unterschlupf

Bei Anti-Terror-Einsätzen der türkischen Polizei hat sich herausgestellt, dass das durchsuchte und von der bewaffneten Terrororganisation MLKP als Unterschlupf genutzte Haus der Co-Vorsitzenden der Demokratischen Partei der Völker (HDP), Figen Yüksekdag, gehört.

20 militante Linke bei Anti-Terror-Razzien festgenommen

Anti-Terror-Einheiten führen mit Unterstützungseinheiten und Hubschraubern Razzien an 24 Orten in neun verschiedenen Distrikten in Istanbul durch

Istanbul (nex) – Polizeiquellen, die auf Grund von Restriktionen bezüglich öffentlicher Äußerungen unter der Bedingung der Anonymität mit den Medien sprachen, teilten mit, dass Anti-Terror-Einheiten an 24 Orten in neun Distrikten in Istanbul mit Unterstützungseinheiten und Hubschraubern Razzien durchgeführt haben.

Dabei seien 20 mutmaßliche Mitglieder der Marxistisch-Leninistischen Kommunistischen Partei (MLKP) festgenommen worden.
Die Verdächtigen würden der Teilnahme an nicht genehmigten Kundgebungen, der Angriffe auf die Polizei und der Ausbildung von Rekruten in der Bombenherstellung in Syrien und der Organisation ihrer Rückkehr in die Türkei beschuldigt. Die MLKP wurde 1994 gegründet und 2007 in die Liste der aktiven Terrororganisationen in der Türkei aufgenommen.

Im Juli 2015 versuchte die Organisation, einen Anschlag auf die Zentrale der Star Media Group in Istanbul zu verüben. Experten für Bombenräumung brachten den Sprengsatz kontrolliert zur Detonation.

Bei den Einsätzen stellte sich heraus, dass das durchsuchte und von der bewaffneten Terrororganisation MLKP als Unterschlupf genutzte Haus der Co-Vorsitzenden der Demokratischen Partei der Völker (HDP), Figen Yüksekdag, gehört.

Es ist bekannt, dass Yüksekdag vor ihrem Eintritt in die HDP Beziehungen zu der Organisation hatte. Im vergangenen Monat verhängte ein Gericht wegen Verbindungen zur MLKP über ihren Ehemann eine Strafe. Die HDP bestätigte in ihrem Statement zu der Angelegenheit, dass das Haus ihrer Co-Vorsitzenden und Abgeordneten für die osttürkische Provinz Van, Figen Yüksekdag, von den Sicherheitskräften durchsucht worden ist.

Polizei-Razzia in Istanbul: HDP-Politikerin Figen Yüksekdag betreibt Terror-Unterschlupf | nex24.com
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