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[h=1]53 PKK terrorists killed, 185 Daesh suspects detained in a week, int. ministry says[/h] DAILY SABAH
Published12 hours ago

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A total of 53 PKK terrorists have been killed, and hundreds of other terrorists from Daesh and other groups have been detained in a week, a statement by the interior ministry said Monday.
According to the statement, security forces have carried out 321 operations targeting the terrorists between April 17 and 24.
185 suspects with links to Daesh terrorist organization have been detained, while 26 other suspects with links to other terror groups have been detained.
Security forces have also captured 13 PKK terrorists, and seized 2 tons of chemicals used in explosives making, 65 hand grenades and 77 weapons, the statement added.
A total of 63 hideouts have been destroyed, while 30 improvised explosive devices (IEDs) and mines have been destroyed.
Security forces have also carried out 613 narcotics operations in 73 provinces, targeting the terrorists.
In these operations they reportedly seized 2,900,000 kilograms of hashish, 94 kilograms of heroin, 5,600 kilograms of cocaine, 12 kilograms of methamphetamine, 45,295 kilograms of cannabis, as well as smuggled cigarettes and more.
The PKK, listed as a terrorist organization by the U.S., EU and Turkey, claims to fight for Kurdish self-rule in southeastern Turkey, and has killed thousands of civilians in more than three decades of terror attacks. More than 4,000 security personnel and over 2,000 civilians have also been injured by the terrorist Group


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In Wirklichkeit sieht es aber ganz anders aus, da fliegen Türkische Soldaten aus ihren top geschützen Panzerwagen und man findet nicht mal Leichenteile.

natürlich findest du keine leichen,wenn man pkk-terror propaganda konsumiert..

die wirklichkeit sieht so aus auf einen schlag 70 terroristen weg

Tödliche türkische Luftangriffe in Syrien und im Irak

Die türkische Luftwaffe hat schwere Angriffe auf Kurdenmilizen in Syrien und im Irak geflogen, die mit der verbotenen PKK verbündet sein sollen. Die Zahl der Todesopfer stieg jetzt nach Angaben aus Ankara auf etwa 70.

Tödliche türkische Luftangriffe in Syrien und im Irak | Aktuell Nahost | DW.COM | 25.04.2017
nach Angaben aus Ankara

Diese Angabe ist keinen Pfifferling wert. Um die Nazis zu befriedigen, geben die immer solche News raus. Die AKP hat die Formulierung "Wunschnews" geprägt. Es gibt keine unabhängigen Institutionen oder Journalisten,die diese ganzen Meldungen wirklich restlos bestätigen kann.
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