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Viele wissen das nicht, Pristina sah aus wie Prizren, und Pristina ist serbisch und eine Hautkrankheit





Prishtina ist nicht serbisch diese Stadt ist kosovarisch und wurde von Illyrern gegründet noch bevor es überhaupt einen einzigen serbokroatischen bzw. südslawischen Sprecher im Balkan gegeben hat.
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Hamam Jazz Bar shortlisted for “Best Bar Design of the World”

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World Architecture News Competition has chosen Hamam Jazz Bar Prishtina as one of the “Top Best Bar Designs in the World”, putting it together on a list with competitors from Paris, Barcelona, London, NYC, Dubai, Shanghai, Hong Kong, etc.
An extensive group of excellent designers and architects were part of the judges’ panel, which achieved to put a short list of entries based on different categories, among which in the category of bars competing with hundreds of top-quality entries from around the world, Hamam has achieved to attract their attention and be shortlisted together with other projects from companies like Pinkeye, Minarc or ATP Sphere GmbH.
Hamam Jazz Bar Prishtina is designed by 4M Group, an architecture firm based in London, which operates in different countries besides Kosovo, with different projects, including the ENK Complex in Prishtina, Kavac in Montenegro or the Museum Competition in Udine, Italy.
The Hamam Jazz Bar Prishtina has a raw design, with the usage of local materials like: straw, mud, wood and concrete, as well as the labor and expertise of skilled local craftsmen. The design also incorporates industrial elements to mirror the edginess of the urban capital. 4M Group also used dried mud suspended on cables to provide cushion for sound waves, in order to reduce noise and to cancel echoes. It has over 275 square meters and it serves as the place to be for experiencing true energy and the sound of the music.
Entries were judged on originality, innovation, form, special quality, sustainability and context. The winners will be announced on the 28th of November at Saatchi Gallery in London.

Hamam Jazz Bar on the list of


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