Turkish company to build Kosovo's new gateway to the world
Friday, August 13, 2010
PRISTINA - Hürriyet Daily News
Limak Holding, a Turkish group with operations in tourism, energy, cement, technology and aviation, on Thursday signed a Public Private Partnership, or PPP, agreement with the Republic of Kosovo regarding expansion and operation of Pristina International Airport for 20 years.
With the agreement Limak becomes the first foreign company to obtain a contract since privatization started in the Republic of Kosovo. The agreement foresees an investment of 140 million euros. It will cover a modern, 27,000-square-meter terminal building that will provide world-class passenger comfort, a 77,000-square-meter apron and runway, a new traffic control tower, car park facilities with capacity for 1,750 vehicles and fuel tanks, and refurbishment of airport access roads.
Limak will be responsible for operating and maintaining the passenger terminal, car park, ground handling, fuelling and cargo areas, as well as the runway and apron facilities. The consortium will pay rental fees based on usage to the Republic of Kosovo in addition to its investments.
“We will do our best to support the growth of international investors in Kosovo,” Kosovo Minister of Economy Ahmet Shala told the Hürriyet Daily News & Economic Review. “I am pleased to see that with this investment nearly 39 percent of the revenue will be paid to the Republic of Kosovo per annum.”
Target: 4 million passengers
“Our aim is to increase the number of passenger from 1.5 million to 4 million annually,” said Sezai Bacaksız, deputy chairman of Limak, at the press conference held at the Ministry of Economy in Pristina. “I want this project to bring prosperity to the Republic of Kosovo and its citizens."
Minister of Transportation and Telecommunication Fatmir Limaj, Shala and executives from Limak and Aeroports de Lyon attended the signing ceremony hosted by Prime Minister of Kosovo Hashim Thaci.
“The Limak Group of Companies, with 35 years of experience mainly in construction and infrastructure and with a strong track record in the fields of aviation, energy, cement, tourism and food production, has proven itself with success in the design, construction, financing and operation of the projects it has undertaken,” Bacaksız said.
“Limak is highly reputable with its strong capital and management structure, its diligence in just-in-time completion of both local and international projects and world-class technology,” he said. “We strongly believe our success in the construction and operation of Istanbul’s Sabiha Gökçen International Airport will be replicated in this project, which has high importance both for the Republic of Turkey and the Republic of Kosovo, where it is the first of its kind in Kosovo.”
Strategic way to Europe
Bacaksız said: “We also reckon that the project will create a high level of added value for the regional economy. We are proud of signing the concession agreement with the Republic of Kosovo covering 20 years of operation and expansion of the Pristina Airport. Kosovo will be our strategic gateway to Europe.”
Pristina Airport has a strategic role in Central Europe, with its high international traffic providing connections to many countries including Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Turkey, the UK, Hungary and Italy. Currently Turkish Airlines, Swiss Air, Austrian Airlines, Air Berlin, German Wings and many other major airlines use Pristina Airport.
A consortium of Limak, GMR Infrastructure Limited and Malaysia Airports Holding Berhad has been operating Istanbul Sabiha Gökçen International Airport since 2008 under the buy-operate-transfer model with a 20-year concession period. Sabiha Gökçen is the youngest greenfield airport in Europe and recorded the highest growth rate on the continent between 2002 and 2009. Sabiha Gökçen's new international terminal was constructed in a record time of 18 months.
Pejoni (SSC)
Das neue Terminal:
Buddy Holly (SSC)
Nichts besonderes. Ich denke aber dass bis es soweit ist dass man mit dem Bau beginnen kann, viele sachen am Projekt geändert werden...
Zum stadionDa Kosovo ja noch keinen internationalen fussballspielt (genauso wie albanien , die ligen von albanien und so werden in europa nicht angezeigt.. soweit ich weiß ) Aber stimmt schon wenn die einwohnerzahl steigt muss man das auch ausbauen, den in albanien&kosovo gibt es viele fussballfans ;D und wenn man denkt 600.000 Einwohner hat prishtina und gerade mal ein stadion das knapp 30.000 sitzplätze hat ist das nixx..
50-70.000 würden da besser hinkommen ( und das die optik auch noch bssl verbesser wird. zb allianz arena leuchtet bei nacht
das wird alles überwiegend oder fast nur mit der kohle der spendernationen finanziert , das ganze geld was usa und deutschland und die reslt. eu eben gespendet haben muss halt irgendwohin nachdem sich jeder politiker selbst die taschen vollgemacht hat wird das restliche geld für paar bauprojekte ausgegeben so das die leute denken :" Hurrrraaaaa es geht vorran hier !"![]()
so ein schwachsinn
münchen hat wohl mehr einwohner als prishtina und hat trotzdem kein stadion mit 70.000 plätzen.... genau so mit anderen städten was du grad sagst ist schwachsinn sorry aber so ein großes stadion für ein land das wirtschaftlich noch auf wackligen beinen steht wer zum teufel würde sich den eine eintrittskarte kaufen?
und den fc bayern münchen (auch wenn ich den verein echt nicht leiden kann) mit irgend einem kosovarischen zu vergleichen ist genau so lächerlich klar haben die die alianz arena die spielen aber auch international eine größere rolle als sonst ein verein aus GANZ balkan![]()
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