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Sie war nicht ganz allein! Hier ein Artikel eines indischen Kollegen über ihre Aktivitäten, leider nur in Englisch:
Why Was Gauri Lankesh Killed?
A candlelight vigil to protest the killing of the journalist Gauri Lankesh in Hyderabad, India, this month.
Credit Mahesh Kumar A./Associated Press
Ms. Lankesh was also an effective political organizer with the ability to bring together social and political groups — Dalits *, indigenous tribals, leftists, Muslims and others — opposed to the Hindu nationalist attempts to transform India into a country primarily for the Hindus.
... https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/13/opinion/gauri-lankesh-india-dead.html?mcubz=3
* Dalit: Angehöriger der Kaste der "Unberührbaren"