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Republik Kosovo - Fotogalerie

Drenas / Gllogovc


dukagjin eine kleine verbesserung MIRUSHA ist nicht bei prizren sondern bei Klina.
ich kenn den typen wo die bilder macht.
des isch n cooler zahnarzt aus prishtina.
die gehen bergsteigen und wandern und schiessen bilder.
der kam mal in RTK .


Located near Graçanice village. 8km South-West of Prishtina by the metal mines. Traces of the PALAFITE sattlement of eolith , the group of Dardanian graves with late bronze urns, ornoments of the centuries 7-4 B.C , prove that Ulpiana was erected on the core of the prehistoric Dardanian settlements. Ulpiana THE SECOND JUSTINIANA, protected by walls up to 3 m thick and by two semi-round towers at every 27.50m.
Kosova - Drajkovce / Drekoc - Ljuboten

Ljuboten (2,498 m) is not the highest peak in Kosova or even the highest peak in the Sharr-Mountains, but it is the prominent peak of the Prishtina – Skopje road and can even be seen from Prishtina.
