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Sammelthread Jagd auf Karadzic & Mladic

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Hört auf ich hab mich vorher mit allem zugedröhnt wa sich finden konnte!
Ihr redet alle so einen Scheiss, vor allem der Verschwörungstheoretiker der meint Mladic habe eine Villa in einem ominösen Belgrader Vorort und lebe unbehelligt dort :mrgreen: Wenn die Wissen wo die sind sagt es uns, und labert die Welt nicht Fit das sie bei uns wären.
Wer ist Karaszis? :confused:

Junge, was für Drogen nimmst Du eigentlich?

Ich würd' mal gerne wissen, woher Du diesen Nonsens hast!

Sieh dir deine Signatur an, dann weisst du was für Drogen der nimmt, du müsstest dich doch was das Thema Drogen und Hirnverätzung angeht am besten auskennen!
Bishop pledges support for Hague fugitives

23 July 2007 | 13:32 | Source: FoNet, Beta

Belgrade, Podgorica -- A Serbian Orthodox Church (SPC) bishop has said he would help Karadžić and Mladić given the opportunity.
Bishop Filaret stated that he neither maintained contact with Hague fugitives Ratko Mladić and Radovan Karadžić nor assisted their flight.

Filaret’s statement came after Montenegrin police refused to allow him to enter that country on grounds that the Tribunal listed him among the fugitives’ aides.

“I am not familiar with their whereabouts, but I would certainly help them if I had a chance,” he said, stressing that both Karadžić and Mladić were “in his heart.”

Filaret added that on occasions he provided assistance to the families of Vojislav Šešelj and Momčilo Krajišnik, currently detained in the Hague pending trial.

Another SPC dignitary, Bishop Amfilohije based in Montenegro, slammed the recent Rolling Stones concerts held in Budva and Belgrade, dubbing the band members “atheists who sing demonic songs.”

“Mighty is a man that lives in fear of God, and that should be clear to those who brought the infamous group to Montenegro and Serbia to sing demonic songs and make our youth applaud the sight,” he bishop was quoted as saying.

Both dignitaries, ranking high in the SPC hierarchy, are seen as members of a more hard-line faction within the church.

Quelle: B92

Filaret: Pomogao bih Mladiću

23. jul 2007. | 11:37 | Izvor: FoNet, Beta

Beograd, Podgorica -- Jedan predstavnik Srpske pravoslavne crkve kaže da bi pomogao Mladiću i Karadžiću, drugi napao Roling stouns.
Episkop mileševski Filaret izjavio je da nema nikakve veze niti kontakte s haškim optuženicima Ratkom Mladićem i Radovanom Karađićem i da im ne pomaže, komentarišući nedavnu zabranu policije Crne Gore da uđe u tu državu uz obrazloženje da je na spisku pomagača haških optuženika.

Filaret je za Večernje novosti rekao da ne zna gde su Mladić i Karađić, ali da bi im sigurno pomogao kad bi mu se za to ukazala prilika i dodao da su oni u njegovom srcu.

Filaret kaže da ponekad pomogne porodicama Vojislava Šešelja i Momčila Krajišnika, takođe optuženika pred Tribunalom.

S druge strane, mitropolit crnogorsko-primorski Amfilohije izjavio je, kako navodi crnogorski Internet-portal pcnen.com, da su članovi grupe Roling stouns bezbožnici koji pevaju demonske pesme.

"Moćan je čovek koji živi u strahu od Boga i to bi trebalo da znaju oni koji su u Crnu Goru i Srbiju doveli bezbožnu grupu da peva demonske pesme i terali omladinu da svemu tome aplaudira", ocenio je Amfilohije.

Quelle: B92
“I am not familiar with their whereabouts, but I would certainly help them if I had a chance,” he said, stressing that both Karadžić and Mladić were “in his heart.”


Another SPC dignitary, Bishop Amfilohije based in Montenegro, slammed the recent Rolling Stones concerts held in Budva and Belgrade, dubbing the band members “atheists who sing demonic songs.”

“Mighty is a man that lives in fear of God, and that should be clear to those who brought the infamous group to Montenegro and Serbia to sing demonic songs and make our youth applaud the sight,” he bishop was quoted as saying.

"Kinder, wir wissen was für euch gut ist! Meidet diese Satansmusik von diesen dämonischen Rolling Stones und hört lieber christliche Musik wie Baja Mali Kurac oder Turbofolk!" :lol:

Rolling Stones 4 EVER! :headbang: