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Sećanje na srpske žrtve u Brodu

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Falsch die 3 von 4 sind..

Pusi Kurac bre

Jetzt kommen so langsam die Verhaltensmuster der 90er raus, wenn wir keine Tschtniks sein dürfen und ihr das nicht toll findet dann seid ihr faschos und wir reden nicht mehr mit euch.^^
kako jbte useru thread uvek, kad su sprske zrtve u pitanju. :loser:
Waren eh keine Zivilisten von daher scheiss ich drauf!
da steht ja wohl noch viel mehr, z.B.

Noch mal zu dem Einwurf...

BJ hat den Teil der Quelle gepostet...

(...)The Serb authorities at the time immediately claimed that Serb civilians were massacred in Sijekovac.[SUP][4][/SUP] According to a 1993 report by Helsinki Watch, there was no evidence of the use of excessive force.[SUP][5][/SUP] The report was based on interviews with some twenty Serb villagers that had fled the area, who said that those killed were armed combatants engaged in hostilities, or civilians caught in the crossfire.[SUP][4][/SUP] Under international law, deaths under crossfire cannot be considered as genocide


Sijekovac killings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Das war das was 1993 festgestellt wurde. Ich erwähnte aber die 18 Kinder getöteten Kinder, die in 2004 festgestellt wurden.

(...)In 2004, Federal Commission for Tracing Missing persons started exhumations near Bosanski Brod, due to a suspicion that a number of Bosniak victims were buried in the location which is actually a Bosniak graveyard. A report mentions the possibility of an illegal trade with human organs, given the victims were found for the most part naked.[SUP][10][/SUP] Judge of the Zenica-Doboj Court from Zenica, Enisa Adrović, noted the exhumations had taken 14 days, and that the victims were for the most part Serb civilians. The exhumation recovered 59 corpses and was done under the supervision of Federation Commission for Missing Persons. The first 8 bodies found had personal objects (cloths, T-shirt, a belt, buttons, spectacles), yet the remaining 49 bodies had no objects that could help in their identification. Among them there were 18 bodies of children.[SUP][10]

Sijekovac killings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Wenn Bj dazu schreibt da steht ja wohl noch mehr mit dem Hinweis auf 1993, verzerrt das ein wenig die Chronologie der Ereignisse.