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ich wüsste immer, die ältesten Illyrier müssen Serben gewesen sein

Aber wieso steht überall bei diesen "Quellen" Bearbeiten? kann ich jetzt "einfach so" die Geschichte dieses uralten Stammes einfach ändern?
Auf Wikipedia kann jeder alles ändern. Aber da lungern überall die Besserwisser rum und korrigieren alles wieder.
They are the forefathers of the Serbo-Croats. This can be concluded from Milan Hustich thesis which Tadeusz Sulimirski (the auther of the book of the sarmats) also confirms. The second language of the Sauromats was Skythian, an indo-iranian language. We know that the Sauromats had lived between two Aryan tribes; one in the east and one in the west and that their language and culture had been influenced from them. Herodotos proves that the ancient home district of the Sauromats (Sarmats) was situated between the rivers Don and Volga. West from these lived the Skythian (the Skolot). They were ruled by an Indo-Iranian tribe. The name of Skythian mythical king was Kolaxais: the first part of his name, i.e kola is an Aryan word meaning family, and the second part of this name, i.e xais is an Iranian word meaning king. The name of the Skythian (Slovons’ forefathers, Skolo-t) means bowl in the ancient Indo-German language but originally the word skolo (bowl) comes from Skythian and Persian. Their subdued peple war Slavic tribes which their name derives from the royal Skythian’s own name, i.e. Skolot (Skolo-t): Suffixen “t” is marking the plural form in Skythian, and the name Skyth is a Greek word meaning bowl, the Sun’s symbol.

To the east of the Sauromts lived a Slavic tribe whose wives were equal to men. They were called Issedones (= Jazics; “the people of the bowmen”, Serbs’ forefathers). They altered the skulls of their children. This tradition was also carried out by the Alans and Sauromts. Furthermore the Sauromts society was matirarchical as was the Issedons. That is why Plinius the older was of the opinion that the Serbs were an Alanian tribe like their neighbours to the east.

A big mistake in historyography that struck the Sauromats were considered being a Slavic people and closely related to the Iranians. The problem occured when ancient Iranians considered themselves being closely related to the Sauromats. The Avesta (the old holy book of the Iranians) pays tribute to the Sauromats calling them Sairima (“free’mens”, or “the royal rulers”). The Rman writers Plinius and Diodrus have written that”Iranians say that the Sauromats are related to us”. The Sirak (the royal ruling Sarmats”) is their other Iranian/skythian name.

According to Herodotus the native tounge of the Saromats was Amazonian, a language which differed so widely from Skythian that they could not understand each other. But Sauromts had access to their second and international language Skythian, though their dialect was poor depending on their Amazon mothers failed in teaching the feather language (Skytian) in a acceptable way. We know that Sauromats moved to the Balkan Peninsula and to Poland during 300-150 B.C. Here they were called Sarmatians, Jazigs and Ixamatians (“those with metallic helmets”.
The etymological evidences listed below show us that Serbo-Croats are descendants of Sauromts/ Issedons:

  1. The word Sauromat (the variety sau-roh-imati) means in Slavic languages “people who are dressed in armour. The letter prt of the variety of this word mean ring-mail or scaly armour in Sanskrit and Skythian. The name Sauromt has originally belonged to the Croats; that their name meaning “dressed in armour” in Latin.
  2. Their Iranian, i.e. Sairima means in Medic-Skythian “the people of all suitors”, which is synonym to the Skythian name of Sauromats, i.e. Catiars.
  3. The mythical name of Amazon also means ”people that are completly dressed in armour and scaly armour”. The name Amazon has been common for the Sauromats with the exeption of the Issedons (the bowmen). They have been forefathers of the Croats; i.e. Sauromats.
  4. The name of the Serbs in the variety Sarb (=Sarva) means in the Skythian and Sanskrit “all whole and free people”). The Skyths also called Serocroats (Sauromts/ Issedons) Catiars, which has the same meaning as Serb and Croat in the ancient Iranian: The Skythic languages belonged to Iranian language groups though the vocabulary is closer to Sanskrit. The Serb has been another name for Issedons (Jazics).
  5. The name of the Croats (Hrovat) means the people of the Suitors and free’men in the anciant Iranian languages and it means “those that dressed in armour” in Latin. This is also applicable to the Amazons (“those dressed in armour”) which have been the synonymous name of the leading group of the Sauromats (Sirika which means the royal leaders in the ancient Iranian languages). The Name Jazic means bowmen in the Hungarian, which has been synonymous to Issedon, i.e the forefathers of the Serbs. Antayian Sarmats have been the forefathers to the Bosnians: The words being synonymous meaning “those by the side living Sarmatian people”. We know the Sauromats (which means the possessors of swords in the Old Persian) with their Long swords and scaly armour have been the ancient Chevaliers (Katafrakts). It is a remarkable the name Hrovat (Crovat) in the Avesta is synonymous with Serb in Sanskrit meaning the people of the suitors.
الجمهورية الصربية
ܩܘܛܢܝܘܬܐ ܕܣܪܒܝܐ

Unterlasst es im Thread weiterzuspamen. Oops, Cobra euch beiden lege ich das ans Herz, sonst folgen Konsequenzen.

Obwohl ich selber den Sinn des Threads nicht verstehe, kann man hier nicht einfach herumspamen, nur weil man grad nix besseres zu tun hat.
Entweder ihr diskutier anständig darüber, auch wenn euch das Thema nicht gefällt (wobei andere hier auch rumheulen, wenn man in ihren Thread's spamt), oder die Spamer fliegen raus und ich close das Ganze hier.
Einige Forscher führen die Bezeichnung Rus als alten Namen Russlands und der Russen bzw. Ras als alten Namen Serbiens und der Serben auf den alanischen Teilstamm der Ruchs-as oder auf die sarmatischen Roxolanen zurück. Diese Rukhs-as-Theorie wird aber allgemein abgelehnt und Rus als Bezeichnung der Wikinger in Russland identifiziert.
Als weitgehend gesichert gilt die Herkunft des Namens der Serben (Srb) und der Kroaten Hrvat (Houravat, Houravati) von sarmatischen Stämmen.

ach das ist quatsch weder serben noch kroaten haben mit sarmaten irgendwas am hut. tut mir leid aber das ist nur propaganda