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Serbian Army - Info & Gallery

Two US Fighter Jets are in Visit
Serbian Army Airport Batajnica
Thursday june 22nd
- Govt BELGRADE (AP)--Two U.S. fighter jets are visiting a Serbian army airport as part of increased military cooperation.
The ministry described the F-16 jets' visit to Batajnica airport as a "historic" event - it will be the first time that U.S. fighter planes have landed at a Serbian military airport.
The two aircraft will be part of the U.S. force stationed in Europe, the Defense Ministry said.

Extra info-
Base Aviano 31st. Fighter Wing.
Serial no: 88-0413 and 88-0541
They used to be in 510. Fighter squadron.
type General Dynamics F-16C Block 40B (0413) and F-16C Block 40D (0541).
They can acary Martin-Marietta Low Altitude Navigation and Targeting Infra-Red for Night (LANTIRN)
Their Wing was the first to use F-16 Airborne Forward Air Control (AFAC) during the operation Noble Anvil.
0413 used to have eagle painted, like the one shot down near city of Sabac.(Parts are still in Serbian Aeronautical Miseum, Surcin)
Both planes have "Buzzards" wrotten on it, nickname for the 510. FS.

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Serbien wird die Lufthoheit im Süd Balkan wieder übernehmen mit eine rneuen Luftwaffe, welche moderniert wird in Abstimmung mit den Amerikanern.

Serbia to spend 30m euros modernising military aircraft


BELGRADE, Serbia -- Serbia is expected to allocate about 30m euros from the 2006-2007 budget to repair and modernise military aircraft and helicopters, Serbian Finance Minister Mladjan Dinkic said on Friday (1 September). The purchase of new fighter jets and helicopters is not planned. According to Dinkic, the government is determined to set up a fully professional army by 2010. (RTS, B92, Beta, Tanjug - 01/09/06)