Serbia Scolds Albania Over Organ Trafficking Probe
Serbia Denounces Albania Over Refusal To Probe Organ Trafficking Claims
BELGRADE, Serbia, Oct. 29, 2008
(AP) Serbian officials denounced Albania on Wednesday for refusing to investigate claims that Kosovo Albanian guerillas killed Serb prisoners for their organs during the 1998-99 Kosovo war.
Albania's top prosecutor said Monday she would not help a visiting Serbian war crimes prosecutor who is investigating claims of organ-trafficking that surfaced in a book earlier this year by the former chief U.N. war crimes prosecutor, Carla Del Ponte.
In "The Hunt: War Criminals and Me," Del Ponte wrote that, according to her sources, about 300 people were kidnapped during the Kosovo war and transported across the border to Albania where they disappeared. There are reports that some ended as victims of an organ harvesting operation, Del Ponte wrote.
The spokesman for Serbia's war crimes prosecution, Bruno Vekaric, called the Albanian decision politically motivated and said Serbia will hand over its evidence of organ trafficking to the Council of Europe, the European Union's top human rights body.
"The Albanian prosecutors made a hasty decision not to take our evidence into consideration, obviously under intense political pressure," Vekaric told The Associated Press.
Thousands of people were killed as Serb security troops cracked down on Kosovo Albanian separatists in the war. The conflict ended after NATO bombed Serbia in 1999.
Albania had supported the ethnic Albanian rebellion in Kosovo.
Kosovo declared independence from Serbia in February, a situation Serbia still has not accepted.
Albanian Prosecutor-General Ina Rama said the country would only assist prosecutors from the U.N. War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague on the case _ if they want to reopen it. Rama said the tribunal had investigated in 2005 and concluded the organ trafficking claims were not true.
Serbia Scolds Albania Over Organ Trafficking Probe, Serbia Denounces Albania Over Refusal To Probe Organ Trafficking Claims - CBS News
Serbien wirft Albanien Verheimlichung von Organhandel vor
20:28 |
10/ 2008
BELGRAD, 29. Oktober (RIA Novosti). Die albanische Führung soll laut serbischen Behörden bewusst verhemlicht haben, dass Serben aus dem Kosovo von Organhändlern verschleppt wurden.
Der albanische Ministerpräsident Sali Berisha habe seinen Sicherheitsbehörden befohlen, Hinweise auf illegalen Handel mit Organen vermisster Kosovo-Serben zu vernichten, sagte der für Kriegsverbrechen zuständige serbische Staatsanwalt Vladimir Vukcevic in einem Interview für die Belgrader Zeitung „Pres" vom Mittwoch.
Rund 300 Menschen seien aus dem Kosovo nach Albanien verschleppt worden, dort habe man ihnen innere Organe entnommen. Der serbischen Staatsanwaltschaft lägen Informationen über einige Massengräber vor, für weitere Ermittlungen sei aber die Zustimmung der albanischen Führung bzw. ein internationales Mandat erforderlich.
Serbien wolle nun den Europarat und den UN-Sicherheitsrat über diese Verbrechen informieren: „Die Welt muss erfahren, was sich im Norden Albaniens abspielte".
„Wir kamen zu dem Schluss, dass der politische Faktor eine wesentliche Rolle spielte, als Kriegsverbrechen gegen Serben und Nichtalbaner im Kosovo und Metohia verheimlicht wurden", so Vukcevic.
RIA Novosti - Politik - International - Serbien wirft Albanien Verheimlichung von Organhandel vor
Serbia seeks Europe help in Albania organs probe
Ivana Sekularac and Benet Koleka
Reuters North American News Service
Oct 29, 2008 12:26 EST
BELGRADE/TIRANA, Oct 29 (Reuters) - Serbia said on Wednesday it will ask the Council of Europe to persuade Albania to agree to an investigation into allegations of trafficking of human organs taken from Kosovo Serbs during the 1999 conflict.
Serbia's War Crimes Prosecutor Vladimir Vukcevic said Albania's Prosecutor General Ina Rama had rejected a request to allow an investigation into the allegations made by former U.N. war crimes prosecutor despite evidence presented on Monday.
"We are going to address the issue to the Council of Europe," said Bruno Vekaric, a spokesman for Serbia's war crimes prosecutor. "We'll present them with all the evidence we have."
Vukcevic had planned on Monday to visit a house in northern Albania believed to be a makeshift clinic but Albanian authorities denied him access, an Albanian judiciary source said. Serbia says it has evidence suggesting mass graves in the area.
Albanian prosecutors said in a statement that the issue had already been investigated by local authorities as well as by an investigator of the United Nations war crimes tribunal.
"The allegations did not prove to be true," it said.
Albanian Prime Minister Sali Berisha also rejected comments, attributed to Vukcevic, that he had asked the secret service "to destroy important documents under the influence of Ramush Haradinaj", a former Kosovo guerrilla leader who later become a Kosovo prime minister.
"This is a concoction of a sick and hallucinatory imagination, a fantasy of fiction," his office told Reuters.
Former U.N. war crimes prosecutor Carla Del Ponte wrote in a book entitled "The Hunt" that her team had investigated reports that around 300 Serbians held in Albania had had organs removed, apparently for trafficking. Albanian Prime Minister Sali Berisha had dismissed Del Ponte's charges as fiction.
In 2004, U.N. investigators searched a house belonging to an Albanian family for evidence that ethnic Albanian guerrillas in Kosovo had removed body organs from Serbs seized during NATO's 1999 air campaign against Serbia to stop ethnic killings.
The investigators had found blood stains, a gauze in the garbage area and syringes they dug out from an area near the river flowing below the meadow.
They returned the next day with axes to open graves in a local cemetery but villagers protested they were the graves of their dead and stopped them from exhuming them. An Albanian prosecutor also took the villagers' side. (Editing by Adam Tanner and Richard Balmforth)
Reuters North American News Service
Vukčević: Beriša, kriv si
Sreda, 29. oktobar 2008. 22:07
Srpski tužilac za ratne zločine Vladimir Vukčević izjavio je u sredu uveče da je, prema informacijama iz obaveštajnih izvora, lider bivše OVK Ramuš Haradinaj u septembru ove godine boravio u Tirani, i od albanskog premijera Sali Beriše tražio da ukloni dokaze koji se odnose na trgovinu ljudskim organima.
Komentarišući reagovanje Beriše, koji je izmišljotinama nazvao izjave da je učestvovao u uklanjanju dokaza, Vukčević je ocenio da je to indikativno i da je reč o političkim pritiscima iza kojih stoje interesi kosovskog lobija i "isprepletane političke albanske elite koja je od početka davala podršku OVK".
Portparol albanskog premijera Saljija Beriše izjavio je da je "laž i proizvod bolesne fantazije" izjava tužioca za ratne zločine Srbije Vladimira Vukčevića da je Beriša naredio uništavanje dokumenata o nestalim Srbima na Kosovu. "To je halucinantna laž i proizvod bolesne fantazije inspirisane fikcijom", izjavio je Grid Roji na molbu agencije Beta da prokomentarise izjavu Vukčevića.
Govoreći o objektima za koje se pretpostavlja da su u njima vršene operacije i uzimani organi, Vukčević je za B92 kazao da se to nije dešavalo u "žutoj kući", već su u njoj samo vršene pripreme za operacije i tu su dovođeni ljudi nakon operacija prilikom kojih su im uzimani organi.
"Morbidno zvuči, ali ljudsko telo, kada ga rasklopite, vredi više od dva miliona evra na crnom tržištu", kazao je Vukčević u emisiji "Poligraf" B92, procenjujući da su operacije vršene u neuropsihijatrijskoj bolnici, u kojoj je bilo oko 40 bolesnika koji su nestali.
Vukčević je rekao da će sledeći korak tužilaštva biti obraćanje relevantnim međunarodnim faktorima kako bi pomogli da se istraga sprovede.
Tužilac za ratne zločine je, posle posete Albaniji, u intervjuu za "Press" kazao da je tamošnje tužilaštvo odbilo da otvori istragu o zločinima koje su na severu te zemlje organizovale vođe OVK i najavio da će slučaj poslati Savetu bezbednosti UN i Savetu Evrope.
"Mi smo došli do zaključka da je politika imala veliki uticaj na prikrivanje ratnih zločina počinjenih nad Srbima i nealbancima na Kosovu i Metohiji. Knjiga Karle del Ponte je za Albaniju, očigledno, neprijatno svedočanstvo", rekao je Vukčević.
Prema njegovim rečima, albanska tužiteljka Ina Rama je delegaciji iz Beograda prenela da istraga albanskog i haškog tima nije potvrdila navode Karle del Ponte o trgovini organima kidnapovanih Srba.
"Mi ćemo sada, preko Ministarstva pravde, o svim dokazima i našoj poseti Albaniji obavestiti Dika Martija, specijalnog izvestioca za trgovinu ljudskim organima Parlamentarne skupštine Saveta Evrope...Naše navode ćemo poslati i nadležnima u Savetu bezbednosti UN. Svet mora da sazna šta se dešavalo na severu Albanije", rekao je tužilac.
Vukčević je rekao da je na sever Albanije odvedeno oko 300 ljudi i da ima saznanja o nekoliko mogućih masovnih grobnica, ali da to moraju da istraže albanske vlasti ili međunarodne institucije.
Bivša haška tužiteljka Karle del Ponte je, u knjizi "Lov, ja i ratni zločinci", navela da je tuzilaštvo došlo do saznanja da su Srbima koji su 1999. godine nestali na Kosovu i Metohiji vađeni bubrezi i drugi organi, a zatim krijumčareni i prodavani stranim klinikama radi transplatacije.
Srpsko tužilaštvo je 21. marta pokrenulo istragu povodom pisanja Del Ponteove.
Vuk?evi?: Beri?a, kriv si! :: Mondo