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Serbian prosecutor probes claims that Serbs were killed for organs in Albania

Mengele thanks to you for your retarded comment......

Da du gerade Kinder ansprichst...das Mädchen das dein albanischer Freund hier vergewaltigt hat, war gerade erst 15 Jahre alt.........

Kosovo : massacre 1998, serb civillians brutally killed

YouTube - Kosovo : massacre 1998, serb civillians brutally killed


Christopher Hill
Special US Envoy to Yugoslavia

"I condemn the horrible massacre of Serb civilians commited by Albanian terrorists. The United States are shocked by the brutalities in the village of Klecka. Whoever did this must be punished. The United States do not support the armed battles of the KLA and condemn every kind of aggression, as well as the kidnapping of civilians."
Jay Carter
Spokesman for the UN Office in Belgrade

"The persons who massacred Serbs in the village of Klecka must be found and punished, because the fight for an independent Kosovo must be through dialogue, not this way. The International Community will send a team of experts to Kosovo, under the jurisdiction of the Tribunal in Hague, who will investigate this recent massacre as well as other crimes."
Herman Main
President of the Association of German Journalists

"Certain German journalists usually subjectively report from Kosovo. The majority of newspapers and media try to present an objective picture of the Kosovo situation using sources from both the Serb and Albanian side. However, many journalists try with their reports to leave an impression that they are very well-informed, which suggests that they were witnesses on the spot, and that isn't true. The most drastic example of such reporting was done by "Di Presse" correspondent, Erih Ruthfelder, who wrote about something that he did not see. He only heard about it, and it was not confirmed."
Mary Robinson
High Commissioner UN for Human Rights

"I am haunted and horrified by this weekend's images of charred remains in a makeshift crematorium."
Six mass graves and execution grounds near the village of Glodjane.
On September 8, 1998, the first of the six discovered mass graves, and the execution grounds where Albanian terrorists murdered Serbian civilians, were found near the village of Glodjane.
According to the testimonies given by the apprehended Albanian terrorists, members of the KLA brought kidnapped Serbian civilians to the banks of the channel connecting Bistrica River and Radonjic Lake, shot them and dumped their bodies into the channel. Two female and two male bodies were found on the banks, while an additional 16 were fished out of the channel in various stages of decomposition. One female body was missing half of the scull, and another was riddled with 17 bullet wounds. An additional four bodies were found in a shallow grave 100 meters away. Some bodies floated all the way to the lake, and were recovered there.
Examining Magistrate, Rajko Gojkovic, described the scene as monstrous, since many of the victims were mutilated and tortured before being executed. Several other shallow graves were discovered near Glodjane, with mutilated, beheaded or castrated bodies.
By September 13, 1998, the bodies of 37 Serb civilians were discovered. The remains of other bodies were found nearby and it is assumed that they were dragged there by dogs, birds and wild animals. The count of killed Serbs is not final.
The KLA, which had a base camp nearby, started executions in the spring of 1998 when, in April, they abducted eight elderly men from the villages of Upper Ratis and Lower Ratis. It is assumed that they were shot to death and buried in the mass graves in Glodjane.
On September 10, 1998, another killing ground was discovered in Upper Ratis with seven bodies.
Lime Factory Ovens
How Albanian terrorists kidnapped, killed and burned Serbian civilians in the village of Klecka
On August 27, 1998 Serbian police discovered a cremation oven in the lime factory in the village of Klecka, used to dispose of murdered Serbian civilians.
Captured KLA terrorists from Malisevo, Lyan Mazreku and Bekim Mazreku, told the police that in July, 1998 the KLA captured, killed and burned 22 Serbian civilians in the village of Klecka, some 45km Southwest of Pristina. Civilians were put before a firing squad and executed. The lime factory ovens were used in hope that the high temperatures would destroy the evidence. However, several partially burned bodies remained.
Lyan Mazreku admitted that the KLA rounded up about 100 civilians in the village of Orahovac, under the command of Fatmir Lima, Gani Krasnici and Hismi Kilya. They transferred them to Klecka where they proceeded to rape, in front of everyone, all the females, regardless of age, including little children. Also, Lyan Mazreku admitted to raping and cutting off a little boy's ear. He described how people's limbs were amputated, eyes gouged, heads cut off, and various organs removed before they were finally shot.
Bekim Mazreku admitted to having personally killed 5 men, 3 women and 2 children ages 7 and 11 years. He confirmed that a KLA firing squad executed 22 civilians under the directive of Fatmir Lima, Gani Krasnici and Hismi Kilya.
Klecka contained a KLA base including a training camp and a munitions depot. A large amount of weaponry and ammunition was recovered by the police, including anti-tank rocket propelled grenades,as well as humanitarian aid packets provided by the United States. In the village of Klecka, the bodies of 22 Serb civilians were found.

soso in serbien befragt man die täter gleich vor der kamera was?
und hinter der kamera was war da ein panzer oder ein erschiessungs kommando?
so lächerlich seid ihr,kommt mit miloservic propaganda und wollt euch hier rein waschen.

ihr wart immer zuerst täter seid es euch serben gibt.
At family farm, grim claims of organ culling from captured Serb soldiers

Investigator to re-examine allegations of war crime by Kosovan Albanian guerrillas

Seven members of the Katuci family sat silently in their living room, hands on knees, as rain tapped at the window. They had been asked if they hosted one of the most macabre war crimes of the 1999 Kosovo war. And they did not want to talk.
It was to their country house in northern Albania's mountain region that Kosovan Albanian guerrillas are believed to have brought hundreds of captive Serbian soldiers to cull their organs in the aftermath of Nato's bombing.
"I did not do it," said Mercim Katuci, the 50-year-old head of the family, breaking the silence with a shot of liquor. "That is why I am angry. Shame has been brought on us. People in the village tell us: 'You killed the Serbs. You are evil people.' We are poor people - how could we kill hundreds of soldiers in this house?"
The spotlight will soon fall on the house again when a fleet of 4x4 vehicles brings Dick Marty - a special investigator mandated by the Council of Europe to re-examine the case - and his team up a crumbling dirt track, seven miles south of the town of Burrel.
There have been calls for an investigation into the Burrel "house clinic" since April, when the ex-chief prosecutor for war crimes in the former Yugoslavia, Carla Del Ponte, said there had been "credible" reports about the fate of Serbian soldiers held there.
Del Ponte said her investigation was shelved because of lack of evidence and resistance from senior UN figures.
However, the Guardian has obtained the report of a UN forensic examination of the Katuci house, commissioned by Del Ponte. The report, by a UN expert, José Pablo Baraybar, was previously believed to be missing. Though not conclusive, it mapped traces of blood that could have been human in two downstairs rooms. Discarded in a nearby stream, the report said, was material "consistent with surgical overalls", syringes, a handgun holster, pill containers and bottles, and four empty drug containers, including one that contained a muscle relaxant.
Asked about the traces of blood found by the UN forensic team, Katuci said it originated from when his wife gave birth. The discarded medical equipment, he added, was used by his family to self-administer drugs because the nearest hospital is several hours' walk away.
But Baraybar, the former director of the UN's missing persons and forensics unit in Kosovo, said his team found "highly indicative evidence" that pointed to organ removal at the Burrel house, and prosecutors received testimony from eight witnesses.
They comprised "foot soldiers" who claimed to be present during the surgery, he said, and a driver who claimed he brought small groups of Serb soldiers to the house from across the Kosovo border. The driver then described taking conspicuous packages to Tirana airport, bound for flights to Turkey. The surgeon conducting the operations was identified as a Kosovan doctor from Pec, Baraybar said.
"What the sources indicated was it was almost like a slaughterhouse," Baraybar said. "People came in alive, then things happened inside the house, and the people ended up dead. But certainly they were not just killed. The reference was of organs of some kind being taken out."
Angry villagers prevented Baraybar and his team from conducting exhumations at a nearby cemetery where the bodies are said to have been buried. At the Katuci house - where Del Ponte is known as "the witch" - the family of subsistence farmers show letters requesting compensation for the UN investigation, which they complained was intrusive. "They wanted to get under the floor with pick axes," said Katuci. "What I want is for light to be shed on this case so my family's innocence can be recognised."
Marty's investigation could gain additional impetus from the recent discovery of an illegal organ transplant clinic in neighbouring Kosovo. Police there raided a clinic in the suburbs of Pristina three weeks ago, arresting two doctors and the country's acting permanent secretary at the ministry of health, Ilir Rexhaj. Interpol is helping to search for a third doctor, Yusuf Ercin Sonmez, a notorious Turkish surgeon who they believe was behind the operation.
The investigation was opened after a 23-year-old Turkish man was found at Pristina airport with scars from an operation to remove his kidney.
At the clinic police found a 74-year-old Israeli man who had just received a kidney transplant. Although there is no evidence any of the individuals connected with the Pristina clinic worked in Albania, Marty is now expected to travel to Kosovo amid claims that the two cases could be linked.
Serbian war crimes prosecutors, who were denied access to the Katuci home last month, said they handed over evidence about organ trafficking networks in Kosovo to Marty's investigation.
Speaking at the weekend for the first time about his organ harvesting investigation, Marty said: "I have started gathering data from all quarters for my inquiry, and hope to visit Belgrade, Pristina and Tirana soon for further leads, including information from the Serbian prosecutor's office."
Baraybar said information gleaned from the Pristina clinic could be crucial. "If police have cracked a network of organ harvesting linking Kosovan Albanian doctors with individuals in Turkey, that is a potentially huge development for solving the Burrel mystery," he said.
For Marty, though, the focus is likely to remain on the Katuci house, where there are no obvious signs of the alleged horror story. Young children chase chickens around the same yard where, according to Del Ponte, Kosovo Liberation Army guerrillas herded their prisoners. The shed where Serb soldiers were allegedly held captive is now filled with cows. Thick Albanian coffee simmers on a stove in the room where Baraybar discovered blood stains.
"Do we look like a family that would do this stuff?" said Katuci's nephew, Defrim Kadiu, 32.
"Does this house look as if it's been treated as a hospital for 300 people? If it's true, then my family needs to be hanged in front of everyone."


Of all the many atrocities that human rights groups want investigated from the 1998-99 Kosovo conflict, the alleged harvesting of organs from Serbian soldiers by ethnic Albanians is one of the most gruesome. Hundreds of Serbian families have for a decade been demanding what happened to those who disappeared during and after the war. In April, Carla Del Ponte the former UN war crimes prosecutor, gave greater credence to suggestions of a macabre operation, in which as many as 300 Serbs were allegedly abducted and transported to Albania to have their organs removed. In a memoir, she wrote: "Victims deprived of only their first kidney were sewn up and confined again inside the shack until they were killed for their vital organs."

At family farm, grim claims of organ culling from captured Serb soldiers | World news | The Guardian

'Does this look like a hospital?'
Paul Lewis travels to a house in Albania at the centre of allegations of organ harvesting during the Kosovan war and gets accused of being a Serbian spy

Video: 'Does this look like a hospital?' | World news | guardian.co.uk
Nun sagen wir das stimmt , weiter ? wird das dann nicht überall in der Welt gemacht ? nun ich glaubs eher nicht dafür gibts auch keine beweise , aber wieso stellt es einer rein der selber zugibt cetnik zu sein ( durch seine signatur ) und er weiss genau das albaner getötet worden sind und im Fluß geschmissen worden , noch dazu wissen wir alle das Serben keine Unschuld lämmer sind , seht euch nur das gesicht eines cetniks an , man merkt kaum menschlichkeit ... sorry aber ist so !

@Mastakilla am besten dich töten , für was hälst du dich um das zu entscheiden , wer hier gesperrt wird wer nicht , geh lieber schlafen und träum von einem gemeinsamen Yugoslawien das niemals exestieren wird:birdman:

Serb Crimes:
Illyrians.org - Evidence of Serb Crimes , page 1

YouTube - Serbian Crimes in Kosova 2/6
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Nun sagen wir das stimmt , weiter ? wird das dann nicht überall in der Welt gemacht ? nun ich glaubs eher nicht dafür gibts auch keine beweise , aber wieso stellt es einer rein der selber zugibt cetnik zu sein ( durch seine signatur ) und er weiss genau das albaner getötet worden sind und im Fluß geschmissen worden , noch dazu wissen wir alle das Serben keine Unschuld lämmer sind , seht euch nur das gesicht eines cetniks an , man merkt kaum menschlichkeit ... sorry aber ist so !

Natürlich gibt es Beweise, und die gibt es zu genüge....Vukcevic macht seine Sache schon richtig....und dieses Verbrechen muss aufgeklärt werden, denn es ist ein grausames Verbrechen...Krank wie auch das Albanische Krematorium im Dorf Klecka im Kosovo im Jahre 98'
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Natürlich gibt es Beweise, und die gibt es zu genüge....Vukcevic macht seine Sache schon richtig....und dieses Verbrechen muss aufgeklärt werden, denn es ist ein grausames Verbrechen...Krank wie auch das Albanische Krematorium im Dorf Klecka im Kosovo im Jahre 98'
Kannst du Englisch? dann schau mal das video an und hör dir was die Frau so meint , und les doch mal in der illyrians seite was da über die Kriminalität von Serbien steht , ahja ich habe Kriminalität von Serbien genug gehört , nicht vom Fernseher , sondern von leuten die keine beine haben , leute die ihre Frau verloren haben , leute die immer noch psychichen schaden tragen , alles das mit allen den habe ich Privat gesprochen und alles mitbekommen , kein fernseher würde das alles zeigen , private aufgenommene videos das ist wiederrum was anderes , und wenn man mit leuten redet die 3 jahre Lang sogar im Sommer sich nicht trauten das Fenster auf zu machen weil sie angst hatten obwohl der krieg vorbei war , das habt ihr Serben vollbracht also erzähl mir sowas nicht geh in Kosovo und erzähl es den , und lass dich fotografieren wenn dein kopf irgendwo hängt puu jebote cetnike.
Kannst du Englisch? dann schau mal das video an und hör dir was die Frau so meint , und les doch mal in der illyrians seite was da über die Kriminalität von Serbien steht , ahja ich habe Kriminalität von Serbien genug gehört , nicht vom Fernseher , sondern von leuten die keine beine haben , leute die ihre Frau verloren haben , leute die immer noch psychichen schaden tragen , alles das mit allen den habe ich Privat gesprochen und alles mitbekommen , kein fernseher würde das alles zeigen , private aufgenommene videos das ist wiederrum was anderes , und wenn man mit leuten redet die 3 jahre Lang sogar im Sommer sich nicht trauten das Fenster auf zu machen weil sie angst hatten obwohl der krieg vorbei war , das habt ihr Serben vollbracht also erzähl mir sowas nicht geh in Kosovo und erzähl es den , und lass dich fotografieren wenn dein kopf irgendwo hängt puu jebote cetnike.

Illyrians . org = Grossalbanische Faschowebsite..