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Serbien - NATUR

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Subotica (148.401 Inh.- Vojvodina / Northern Serbia)

*Serbia's 6th city

Alte orthodoxe Kirche im Dorf Matejevac nahe Nis

Kirche ist aus dem 11 Jahrhudnert erbaut vom Byzantischen Reich


Freske aus der Kirche von Konstantin den Großen der im heutigen Nis (Süd-Ost Serbien) geboren wurde, nach ihm wurde später Konstantinopel benannt

Kleiner text in englisch...

Old fresco from Monastery of St. Jovan, above the village Gornji Matejevac near Niš (South-Eastern Serbia).
depicting St. Constantine the Great and his wife, holding the cross.
It is less known that Constantine the Great was born in Niš (Serbia), so many churches around it celebrate him putting these two in fresco paintings, or celebrating their day.

anyway, these frescoes are pretty naive, as this monastery hassn't had much luck to be painted in some 'happier' age than just during Ottoman times.

Zlatibor Umgebung (West Serbien)

This is a view from a place called Vis where Josif Pancic discovered new specimen of trees,Picea Omorika Pancic.It's looking down on a small lake Spajici.

Fluss Tisa (Nord Serbia / Vojvodina)

The Tisa is a river, a tributary of the Danube and one of the major rivers of Central Europe. It originates in Ukraine and passes through Hungary, Romania, Slovakia and Serbia.

It forms the boundary between the regions of Bačka and Banat and flows into the Danube in central Vojvodina in Serbia.

Tisa drains an area of about 157,186 km2.

The river was known as Tisia in antiqe times, and Latin names for it included Tissus, Tisia, Pathissus (Pliny, Naturalis historia, 4.25).The length of the Tisza in Hungary used to be 1419 km. It flowed through the Great Hungarian Plain, which is one of the largest flat areas in central Europe, and since plains can cause a river to flow very slowly the Tisa used to follow a path with lots of curves and turns. Mainly for this reason, many large floods occurred in the area.
Latest flood vawe in 2006 reached over 10m, the highest river level ever measured on this river, it caused very grave damage in several countries.

Carska Bara

Carska Bara is the largest individual bog and one of the major nature reserves in Serbia. Many rare and autochthonous plants live in the wetland. Carska Bara is the best known for its abundant bird life, as 240 bird species live in it.

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